oauth2_httr_login: Helper function to use httr's OAuth2.0 functions...

View source: R/oauth.R

oauth2_httr_loginR Documentation

Helper function to use httr's OAuth2.0 functions non-interactively, e.g. in test cases


To perform an automatic acknowledgement and log in for a local OAuth2.0 app, run by httr, wrap the expression that obtains the OAuth2.0 token in oauth2_httr_login().





Expression that calls httr::oauth2.0_token(), either directly, or indirectly.


In interactive sessions, oauth2_httr_login() overrides the browser option, and when httr opens a browser page, it calls oauth2_login() in a subprocess.

In non-interactive sessions, httr does not open a browser page, only messages the user to do it manually. oauth2_httr_login() listens for these messages, and calls oauth2_login() in a subprocess.


The return value of expr.

See Also

See ?vignette("oauth", package = "webfakes") for a case study that uses this function.

Other OAuth2.0 functions: oauth2_login(), oauth2_resource_app(), oauth2_third_party_app()

webfakes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:24 a.m.