webfakes_request: A webfakes request object

webfakes_requestR Documentation

A webfakes request object


webfakes creates a webfakes_request object for every incoming HTTP request. This object is passed to every matched route and middleware, until the response is sent. It has reference semantics, so handlers can modify it.


Fields and methods:

  • app: The webfakes_app object itself.

  • headers: Named list of HTTP request headers.

  • hostname: The Host header, the server hostname and maybe port.

  • method: HTTP method.

  • path: Server path.

  • protocol: "http" or "https".

  • query_string: The raw query string, without the starting ⁠?⁠.

  • query: Parsed query parameters in a named list.

  • remote_addr: String, the domain name or IP address of the client. webfakes runs on the localhost, so this is ⁠⁠.

  • url: The full URL of the request.

  • get_header(field): Function to query a request header. Returns NULL if the header is not present.

Body parsing middleware adds additional fields to the request object. See mw_raw(), mw_text(), mw_json(), mw_multipart() and mw_urlencoded().

See Also

webfakes_response for the webfakes response object.


# This is how you can see the request and response objects:
app <- new_app()
app$get("/", function(req, res) {

# Now start this app on a port:
# app$listen(3000)
# and connect to it from a web browser:
# You can also use another R session to connect:
# httr::GET("")
# or the command line curl tool:
# curl -v
# The app will stop while processing the request.

webfakes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:24 a.m.