oauth2_third_party_app: App representing the third-party app

View source: R/oauth.R

oauth2_third_party_appR Documentation

App representing the third-party app


The webfakes package comes with two fake apps that allow to imitate the OAuth2.0 flow in your test cases. (See Aaron Parecki’s tutorial for a good introduction to OAuth2.0.) One app (oauth2_resource_app()) is the API server that serves both as the resource and provides authorization. oauth2_third_party_app() plays the role of the third-party app. They are useful when testing or demonstrating code handling OAuth2.0 authorization, token caching, etc. in a package. The apps can be used in your tests directly, or you could adapt one or both of them to better mimic a particular OAuth2.0 flow.


oauth2_third_party_app(name = "Third-Party app")



Name of the third-party app



  • POST /login/config Use this endpoint to configure the client ID and the client secret of the app, received from oauth2_resource_app() (or another resource app). You need to send in a JSON or URL encoded body:

    • auth_url, the authorization URL of the resource app.

    • token_url, the token URL of the resource app.

    • client_id, the client ID, received from the resource app.

    • client_secret the client secret, received from the resource app.

  • GET /login Use this endpoint to start the login process. It will redirect to the resource app for authorization and after the OAuth2.0 dance to ⁠/login/redirect⁠.

  • GET /login/redirect, POST /login/redirect This is the redirect URI of the third party app. (Some HTTP clients redirect a POST to a GET, others don't, so it has both.) This endpoint is used by the resource app, and it received the code that can be exchanged to an access token and the state which was generated in ⁠/login⁠. It contacts the resource app to get an access token, and then stores the token in its app$locals local variables. It fails with HTTP code 500 if it cannot obtain an access token. On success it returns a JSON dictionary with access_token, expiry and refresh_token (optionally) by default. This behavior can be changed by redefining the app$redirect_hook() function.

  • GET /locals returns the tokens that were obtained from the resource app.

  • GET /data is an endpoint that uses the obtained token(s) to connect to the ⁠/data⁠ endpoint of the resource app. The ⁠/data⁠ endpoint of the resource app needs authorization. It responds with the response of the resource app. It tries to refresh the access token of the app if needed.

For more details see vignette("oauth", package = "webfakes").


webfakes app

See Also

Other OAuth2.0 functions: oauth2_httr_login(), oauth2_login(), oauth2_resource_app()

webfakes documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:24 a.m.