
Defines functions stub_request

Documented in stub_request

#' Stub an http request
#' @export
#' @param method (character) HTTP method, one of "get", "post", "put", "patch",
#' "head", "delete", "options" - or the special "any" (for any method)
#' @param uri (character) The request uri. Can be a full or partial uri.
#' \pkg{webmockr} can match uri's without the "http" scheme, but does
#' not match if the scheme is "https". required, unless `uri_regex` given.
#' See [UriPattern] for more. See the "uri vs. uri_regex" section
#' @param uri_regex (character) A URI represented as regex. required, if `uri`
#' not given. See examples and the "uri vs. uri_regex" section
#' @return an object of class `StubbedRequest`, with print method describing
#' the stub.
#' @details Internally, this calls [StubbedRequest] which handles the logic
#' See [stub_registry()] for listing stubs, [stub_registry_clear()]
#' for removing all stubs and [remove_request_stub()] for removing specific
#' stubs
#' If multiple stubs match the same request, we use the first stub. So if you
#' want to use a stub that was created after an earlier one that matches,
#' remove the earlier one(s).
#' Note on `wi_th()`: If you pass `query` values are coerced to character
#' class in the recorded stub. You can pass numeric, integer, etc., but
#' all will be coerced to character.
#' See [wi_th()] for details on request body/query/headers and
#' [to_return()] for details on how response status/body/headers
#' are handled
#' @note Trailing slashes are dropped from stub URIs before matching
#' @section uri vs. uri_regex:
#' When you use `uri`, we compare the URIs without query params AND
#' also the query params themselves without the URIs. 
#' When you use `uri_regex` we don't compare URIs and query params;
#' we just use your regex string defined in `uri_regex` as the pattern
#' for a call to [grepl]
#' @section Mocking writing to disk:
#' See [mocking-disk-writing]
#' @seealso [wi_th()], [to_return()], [to_timeout()], [to_raise()],
#' [mock_file()]
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # basic stubbing
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get")
#' stub_request("post", "https://httpbin.org/post")
#' # any method, use "any"
#' stub_request("any", "https://httpbin.org/get")
#' # list stubs
#' stub_registry()
#' # request headers
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>%
#'    wi_th(headers = list('User-Agent' = 'R'))
#' # request body
#' stub_request("post", "https://httpbin.org/post") %>%
#'    wi_th(body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' stub_registry()
#' library(crul)
#' x <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
#' crul::mock()
#' x$post('post', body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' # add expectation with to_return
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>%
#'   wi_th(
#'     query = list(hello = "world"),
#'     headers = list('User-Agent' = 'R')) %>%
#'   to_return(status = 200, body = "stuff", headers = list(a = 5))
#' # list stubs again
#' stub_registry()
#' # regex
#' stub_request("get", uri_regex = ".+ample\\..")
#' # set stub an expectation to timeout
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>% to_timeout()
#' x <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
#' res <- x$get('get')
#' # raise exception
#' library(fauxpas)
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>% to_raise(HTTPAccepted)
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>% to_raise(HTTPAccepted, HTTPGone)
#' x <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>% to_raise(HTTPBadGateway)
#' crul::mock()
#' x$get('get')
#' # pass a list to .list
#' z <- stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get")
#' wi_th(z, .list = list(query = list(foo = "bar")))
#' # just body
#' stub_request("any", uri_regex = ".+") %>%
#'    wi_th(body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' ## with crul
#' library(crul)
#' x <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
#' crul::mock()
#' x$post('post', body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' x$put('put', body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' ## with httr
#' library(httr)
#' httr_mock()
#' POST('https://example.com', body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' PUT('https://google.com', body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' # just headers
#' headers <- list(
#'   'Accept-Encoding' = 'gzip, deflate', 
#'   'Accept' = 'application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*')
#' stub_request("any", uri_regex = ".+") %>% wi_th(headers = headers)
#' library(crul)
#' x <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org", headers = headers)
#' crul::mock()
#' x$post('post')
#' x$put('put', body = list(foo = 'bar'))
#' x$get('put', query = list(stuff = 3423234L))
#' # many responses
#' ## the first response matches the first to_return call, and so on
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>% 
#'   to_return(status = 200, body = "foobar", headers = list(a = 5)) %>% 
#'   to_return(status = 200, body = "bears", headers = list(b = 6))
#' con <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
#' con$get("get")$parse("UTF-8")
#' con$get("get")$parse("UTF-8")
#' ## OR, use times with to_return() to repeat the same response many times
#' library(fauxpas)
#' stub_request("get", "https://httpbin.org/get") %>% 
#'   to_return(status = 200, body = "apple-pie", times = 2) %>% 
#'   to_raise(HTTPUnauthorized)
#' con <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = "https://httpbin.org")
#' con$get("get")$parse("UTF-8")
#' con$get("get")$parse("UTF-8")
#' con$get("get")$parse("UTF-8")
#' # clear all stubs
#' stub_registry()
#' stub_registry_clear()
#' }
stub_request <- function(method = "get", uri = NULL, uri_regex = NULL) {
  if (is.null(uri) && is.null(uri_regex)) {
    stop("one of uri or uri_regex is required", call. = FALSE)
  tmp <- StubbedRequest$new(method = method, uri = uri, uri_regex = uri_regex)

Try the webmockr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

webmockr documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:25 p.m.