
Defines functions md.data.frame md.default md whisker.markdownToHTML

# Utility for markdown files

whisker.markdownToHTML <- function( template
                        , data = parent.frame()
                        , partials = list()
                        , debug = FALSE
  if (!requireNamespace("markdown", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("This function needs the package 'markdown', which can be installed from CRAN.")
  if (is.null(template) || identical(template, "")){
  md.tmpl <- parseTemplate(template, partials=as.environment(partials), debug=debug)

md <- function(x, ...){

md.default <- function(x, ...){

md.data.frame <- function(x, ...){
  header <- paste(names(x), collapse="|")
  line <- paste("---", collapse="|")
  rows <- lapply(1:nrow(x), function(r){
    paste(x[r,], collapse="|")
  rows <- paste(rows, collapse="\n")
  paste(header, line, rows, sep="\n")

# md.list <- function(x, indent=0, ...){
#   ID <- paste(rep(" ", indent), collapse="")
#   l <- sapply(x, md, indent=indent+1, ...)
#   paste(ID, "*", l, collapse="\n")
# }
# md(head(cars))
# a <- list(a=1, b=list(b1=23, b2=34))
# md(a)

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whisker documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 5:22 p.m.