
Defines functions getDEM getISO3 interpol_view plot_viewshed viewshed viewTo cansee rasterprofile

Documented in cansee getDEM getISO3 interpol_view plot_viewshed rasterprofile viewshed viewTo

#' @title Sample values from a raster
#' @name rasterprofile
#' @description Sample a raster along a straight line between 2 points
#' @export
#' @param r A DEM raster
#' @param xy1 A matrix with X and Y coordinates for Point 1
#' @param xy2 A matrix with X and Y coordinates for Points 2
#' @param reso The minimal resolution of the DEM raster. It is 
#'   calculated in \code{viewshed} and passed along.
#' @param plot Plot the process? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @family Viewshed Analysis
#' @return A boolean vector, indicating if Point 1 (xy1) is visible from all
#'   elements of Points 2 (xy2)
rasterprofile <- function(r, xy1, xy2, reso, plot=FALSE){
  if (plot) {
    points(x = xy2[1], y = xy2[2], col = "blue", pch = 20, cex = 1.4)
    points(x = xy1[1], y = xy1[2], col = "red", pch = 20, cex = 2)
  ### sample a raster along a straight line between two points
  ### try to match the sampling size to the raster resolution
  dx = sqrt( (xy1[1] - xy2[1])^2 + (xy1[2] - xy2[2])^2 )
  nsteps = 1 + round(dx / reso)
  xc = xy1[1] + (0:nsteps) * (xy2[1] - xy1[1]) / nsteps
  yc = xy1[2] + (0:nsteps) * (xy2[2] - xy1[2]) / nsteps

  if (plot) {
    points(x = xc, y = yc, col = "red", pch = 20, cex = 1.4)
  # rasterVals <- r[raster::cellFromXY(r, cbind(xc,yc))]
  rasterVals <- raster::extract(x = r, y = cbind(xc,yc))
  pointsZ <- cbind("x" = xc, "y" = yc, "z" = rasterVals)
  if (plot) {
    points(pointsZ[,"x"], pointsZ[,"y"], pch = 20, col = "black")
    text(pointsZ[,"x"], pointsZ[,"y"], pos = 1, round(pointsZ[,"z"], 3), cex = 0.8)
  if (anyNA(pointsZ)) {
    pointsZ <- pointsZ[stats::complete.cases(pointsZ),,drop = FALSE]

#' @title Calculate Visibility between 2 locations
#' @name cansee
#' @description Check if point 1 is visible from point 2 given
#'   a certain elevation model
#' @export
#' @param r A DEM raster
#' @param xy1 A vector/matrix with X and Y coordinates for Point 1
#' @param xy2 A vector/matrix with X and Y coordinates for Point 2
#' @param h1 A numeric giving the extra height offset for Point 1
#' @param h2 A numeric giving the extra height offset for Point 2
#' @param reso The minimal resolution of the DEM raster. It is 
#'   calculated in \code{viewshed} and passed along.
#' @param plot Plot the process? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the raster plot
#' @family Viewshed Analysis
#' @return A boolean value, indicating if the point (xy2) is visible
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(raster)
#' library(sf)
#' matrix <- matrix(abs(sin(1:100))*10, nrow=10, byrow = TRUE)
#' r1 <- raster(matrix)
#' shape <- st_as_sf(as(extent(r1), "SpatialPolygons"))
#' locs = st_sample(shape, 10, type = "random");
#' mw <- methods::as(methods::as(r1, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"), "SpatialPolygons")
#' sample_xy <- st_coordinates(st_centroid(st_as_sf(mw)))
#' Pt1 <- 3
#' for (i in 1:nrow(sample_xy)) {
#'   cansee(r1, 
#'          xy1 = st_coordinates(locs)[Pt1,], 
#'          xy2 = sample_xy[i,], 
#'          h1 = 3, 
#'          h2 = 1.5, 
#'          reso = min(res(r1)), 
#'          plot=TRUE)
#'   invisible(readline(prompt="Press [enter] to continue"))
#' }
#' }
cansee <- function(r, xy1, xy2, h1=0, h2=0, reso, plot=FALSE, ...){
  ### can xy1 see xy2 on DEM r?
  ### r is a DEM in same x,y, z units
  ### xy1 and xy2 are 2-length vectors of x,y coords
  ### h1 and h2 are extra height offsets
  xyz = rasterprofile(r, xy1, xy2, reso, plot=FALSE)
  np = length(xyz[, 1])
  if (is.null(h1) || is.na(h1)) h1 <- 0
  if (is.null(h2) || is.na(h2)) h2 <- 0
  h1_off = xyz[, "z"][1] + h1
  h2_off = xyz[, "z"][np] + h2
  hpath = h1_off + (0:(np-1))*(h2_off - h1_off)/(np-1)
  if (plot) {
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
    par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=rep(2,4), oma=rep(1,4))
    plot(r, ...)
    points(xy1[1], xy1[2], pch=20, cex=2, col="blue")
    points(xy2[1], xy2[2], pch=20, col="black", cex=2)
    points(xyz[,1], xyz[,2], pch=20, col="red")
    text(xyz[,1], xyz[,2], round(xyz[, "z"],1), cex = 0.6, pos = 3, col="red")
    text(xyz[,1], xyz[,2], round(hpath,1), cex = 0.6, pos = 1)
    title(main="Visibility of Pt1 to Pt2")
    legend(x = "bottomleft", bty="n",
           col = c("blue", "black", "red","black"),pch=rep(20,4), 
           pt.cex =  c(1.5,1.5,1,1),
           legend = c("Pt1", "Pt2", "Elevation","Line of Sight Height"))
    inc <- abs(min(c(hpath, xyz[,"z"]))/6)
    if (inc < 1){inc <- 1}
    titattr <- ifelse(!any(hpath < xyz[, "z"], na.rm = TRUE), " ", " not ")
    plot(xyz[, "z"], type="b", main=paste0("Pt2 is", titattr, "visible from Pt1"), 
         ylab = "Height", col="darkgreen", ylim = c(min(c(hpath, xyz[,"z"]))-inc,
                                                    max(c(hpath, xyz[,"z"]))+inc))
    lines(hpath, col="blue")
    points(x= 1, h1_off, pch=20, col="blue", cex=2)
    text(x= 1, round(h1_off, 1), labels="Pt1", pos=3, col="blue")
    lines(x = c(1,1), c(xyz[, "z"][1], h1_off))
    lines(x = rep(np,2), c(xyz[, "z"][np], h2_off))
    points(x = np, h2_off, pch=20, cex=2)
    text(x = np, round(h2_off, 1), labels="Pt2", pos=3)
    legend(x = "bottomleft", bty="n", cex = 0.8,
           legend = c(paste0("Pt1 Height: ", round(h1_off), " - (h1 Offset: ", round(h1,1), ")"), 
                      paste0("Pt2 Height: ", round(h2_off), " - (h2 Offset: ", round(h2,1), ")")))
  invisible(!any(hpath < xyz[, "z"], na.rm = TRUE))

#' @title Calculate Visibility between multiple locations
#' @name viewTo
#' @description Check if a location is visible from multiple locations
#' @export
#' @inheritParams cansee
#' @family Viewshed Analysis
#' @return A boolean vector, indicating if \code{xy1} is visible from all
#'   elements of \code{xy2}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(raster)
#' library(sf)
#' matrix <- matrix(abs(rnorm(20, mean = 10, sd = 5)), nrow=5)
#' r1 <- raster(matrix)
#' shape <- st_as_sf(as(extent(r1), "SpatialPolygons"))
#' locs = st_sample(shape, 10, type = "random");
#' mw <- methods::as(methods::as(r1, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"), "SpatialPolygons")
#' sample_xy <- st_coordinates(st_centroid(st_as_sf(mw)))
#' viewTo(r1, sample_xy[4,], sample_xy, h1=1.8, h2=3, min(raster::res(r1)),
#'        plot=TRUE, interpolate=TRUE, asp=0.5)
#' }
viewTo <- function(r, xy1, xy2, h1=0, h2=0, reso, plot=FALSE, ...) {
  a <- t(apply(xy2, 1, function(d){
    cansee(r[[1]], xy1 = xy1, xy2 = d, h1, h2, reso, plot, ...)}))
  a[is.na(a)] <- FALSE

#' @title Calculate visibility
#' @name viewshed
#' @description Calculate visibility for given points in a given area.
#' @export
#' @param shape A Simpüle Feature Polygon of the windfarm area
#' @param turbine_locs Coordinates or SpatialPoint representing the wind
#'   turbines
#' @param h1 A numeric or numeric vector giving the extra height offsets for Point 1
#' @inheritParams cansee
#' @family Viewshed Analysis
#' @return A list of 5, containing the boolean result for every cell, the raster
#'   cell points, a SimpleFeature Polygon of the given area and the DEM raster
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4496482, 4496482, 4499991, 4499991, 4496482),
#'     c(2666272, 2669343, 2669343, 2666272, 2666272)))),
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' DEM_meter <- getDEM(Polygon1)
#' turbloc = st_sample(DEM_meter[[2]], 10, type = "random");
#' res <- viewshed(r = DEM_meter[[1]], shape=DEM_meter[[2]], 
#'                 turbine_locs = turbloc[1:3,],
#'                 h1 = sample(c(20:40), 3, TRUE),
#'                 h2 = 50, plot = TRUE)
#' }
viewshed <- function(r, shape, turbine_locs, h1=0, h2=0, plot=FALSE, ...){
  # r = DEM_meter[[1]]; shape = sf_shape; turbine_locs = turbloc
  if (inherits(shape, "Spatial")) {
    shape <- sf::st_as_sf(shape)  
  if (inherits(turbine_locs, "Spatial")) {
    turbine_locs <- sf::st_as_sf(turbine_locs)
  if (inherits(turbine_locs, "sf") || inherits(turbine_locs, "sfc")) {
    turbine_locs <- sf::st_coordinates(turbine_locs)
  mw <- methods::as(r, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
  mw <- methods::as(mw, "SpatialPolygons")
  sample_xy <- sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_centroid(sf::st_as_sf(mw)))
  rownames(sample_xy) <- NULL
  ## Get minimal Raster Resolution
  reso <- min(raster::res(r))
  ## Run `viewTo` function for every turbine with its offest height `h1`
  ## Repeat `h1` to nrow turbines.
  h1 <- rep(h1, length.out = nrow(turbine_locs))
  res <- lapply(1:nrow(turbine_locs), function(i) {
    viewTo(r, xy1 = turbine_locs[i,], 
           xy2 = sample_xy, 
           reso, plot, ...)
  res <- do.call(rbind, res)
  return(list("Result" = res, 
              "Raster_POI" = sample_xy, 
              "Area" = shape, 
              "DEM" = r, 
              "Turbines" = turbine_locs))

#' @title Plot viewshed results
#' @name plot_viewshed
#' @description Plot the result of \code{\link{viewshed}}
#' @export
#' @param res The resulting list from viewshed
#' @param legend Plot a legend? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param ... Is passed along to \code{\link[raster]{plot}}
#' @family Viewshed Analysis
#' @family Plotting Functions
#' @return NULL
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(raster)
#' library(sf)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4496482, 4496482, 4499991, 4499991, 4496482),
#'     c(2666272, 2669343, 2669343, 2666272, 2666272)))),
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' DEM_meter <- getDEM(Polygon1)
#' turbloc = st_sample(DEM_meter[[2]], 10, type = "random");
#' res <- viewshed(r = DEM_meter[[1]], shape = DEM_meter[[2]], turbine_locs = turbloc,  
#'                 h1 = 1.8, h2 = 50)
#' plot_viewshed(res)
#' ## ... Arguments are past on to raster::plot
#' plot_viewshed(res, legend = TRUE, interpolate=TRUE, colNA="black", 
#'               col = topo.colors(15))
#' }
plot_viewshed <- function(res, legend = FALSE, ...) {
  raster::plot(res[[4]], ...)
  plot(sf::st_geometry(res[[3]]), add = TRUE)
  points(res[[2]], col="green", pch=20)
  points(res[[5]], cex=1.5, col="black", pch=20)
  if (is.matrix(res[[1]])) {
    points(res[[2]][apply(res[[1]], 2, any),], col="red", pch=20)
  } else {
    points(res[[2]][res[[1]],], col="red", pch=20)
  if (legend) {
    legend(x = "bottomright", y = "topleft", yjust=0, title="Visibility", 
           col = c("black", "green", "red"), 
           legend = c("Turbines", "Not visible","Visible"), pch=20)    

#' @title Plot an interpolated viewshed 
#' @name interpol_view
#' @description Plot an interpolated view of the viewshed analysis
#' @export
#' @param res The resulting list from \code{\link{viewshed}}
#' @param plot Should the result be plotted? Default is \code{TRUE}
#' @param breakseq The breaks for value plotting. By default, 5 equal intervals
#'   are generated.
#' @param breakform If \code{breakseq} is missing, a sampling function to calculate
#'   the breaks, like \code{\link{quantile}}, fivenum, etc.
#' @param plotDEM Plot the DEM? Default is \code{FALSE}
#' @param fun Function used for rasterize. Default is \code{mean}
#' @param pal A color palette
#' @param ... Arguments passed on to \code{\link[raster]{plot}}.
#' @family Viewshed Analysis
#' @family Plotting Functions
#' @return An interpolated raster
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(raster)
#' library(sf)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4496482, 4496482, 4499991, 4499991, 4496482),
#'     c(2666272, 2669343, 2669343, 2666272, 2666272)))),
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' DEM_meter <- getDEM(Polygon1)
#' turbloc = st_sample(DEM_meter[[2]], 10, type = "random");
#' res <- viewshed(r = DEM_meter[[1]], shape=DEM_meter[[2]], 
#'                 turbine_locs = turbloc,  h1=1.8, h2=50)
#' interpol_view(res, plotDEM = TRUE)
#' interpol_view(res, breakseq = seq(0,max(colSums(res$Result)),1))
#' interpol_view(res, plotDEM = FALSE, breakform = quantile)
#' interpol_view(res, breakform = factor)
#' ## Different color palettes
#' interpol_view(res, plotDEM = TRUE, pal=topo.colors)
#' interpol_view(res, plotDEM = TRUE, pal=colorRampPalette(c("white","purple")))
#' ## ... Arguments are past on to the raster plot method
#' interpol_view(res, plotDEM = TRUE, alpha=0.5)
#' interpol_view(res, plotDEM = FALSE, breakseq = seq(0,10,1), colNA="black")
#' }
interpol_view <- function(res, plot=TRUE, breakseq, breakform = NULL, 
                          plotDEM=FALSE, fun = mean, pal = NULL, ...) {
  if (nrow(res$Result) > 1) {
    res$Result <- apply(res$Result, 2, function(d) {
  visible = raster::rasterize(res$Raster_POI, res$DEM, 
                              field = res$Result, fun = fun)
  rasterpois <- cbind(res$Raster_POI, "z" = res$Result)
  if (plot) {
    if (is.null(pal)) {
      pal <- colorRampPalette(c("green","orange","red"))
    maxR = max(rasterpois[,3])

    if (missing(breakseq)) {
      a <- range(rasterpois[,3])
      breakseq <- seq(from = a[1], to = a[2], length.out = 5)
      if (!is.null(breakform)) {
        breakseq <- as.numeric(breakform(rasterpois[,3]))
      breakseq <- breakseq[!duplicated(breakseq)]

    if (!any(breakseq == maxR)) {
      breakseq <- c(breakseq, maxR)
    if (plotDEM) {
      raster::plot(res$DEM, legend = FALSE)
      raster::plot(visible, breaks=breakseq, add = TRUE, col=pal(length(breakseq)), ...)
    } else {
      raster::plot(visible, breaks=breakseq, col=pal(length(breakseq)), ...)
    points(res$Turbines, pch=20, col="black", cex=1.5)

#' @title getISO3
#' @name getISO3
#' @description Get point values from the \code{\link[rworldmap]{getMap}}
#' @export
#' @param pp Simple Feature Points or coordinate matrix/data.frame
#' @param crs_pp The CRS of the points
#' @param col Which column/s should be returned
#' @param resol The search resolution. The options are "coarse","low",
#'   "less islands","li","high". For "high" you need to install the 
#'   package \code{rworldxtra}
#' @param coords The column names of the point matrix
#' @param ask A boolean, to ask which columns can be returned
#' @family Helper Functions
#' @return A character vector
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' points = cbind(c(4488182.26267016, 4488852.91748256), 
#'                c(2667398.93118627, 2667398.93118627))
#' getISO3(pp = points, ask = TRUE, crs_pp = 3035)
#' points <- as.data.frame(points)
#' colnames(points) <- c("x","y")
#' points <- st_as_sf(points, coords = c("x","y"))
#' st_crs(points) <- 3035
#' getISO3(pp = points, crs_pp = 3035)
#' }
getISO3 <- function(pp, crs_pp = 4326, col = "ISO3", resol = "low", 
                    coords = c("LONG", "LAT"), ask = FALSE) {
  # pp= points; col = "ISO3"; crs_pp = 3035; resol = "low"; coords = c("LONG", "LAT")
  if ("?" %in% col) {ask <- TRUE}
  if (requireNamespace("rworldmap", quietly = TRUE)) {
    countriesSP <- rworldmap::getMap(resolution = resol)
  } else {
    stop("The package 'rworldmap' is required for this function, but it is not installed.\n",
         "Please install it with `install.packages('rworldmap')`")
  if (ask == TRUE) {
    cat("Enter an ISO3 code: ")
    col <- readLines(n = 1, con = getOption("windfarmGA.connection"))
    if (!col %in% sort(names(countriesSP))) {
      stop("Column not found")
  ## if sf
  if (class(pp)[1] %in% c("sf")) { 
    pp <- sf::st_coordinates(pp)
  pp <- as.data.frame(pp, stringsAsFactor = FALSE)
  colnames(pp) <- coords
  pp <- st_as_sf(pp, coords = coords, crs = crs_pp)
  pp <- st_transform(pp, crs = st_crs(countriesSP))
  # use 'st_intersection' to get the Polygons intersecting each point 
  worldmap_values <- suppressWarnings(st_intersection(pp, st_as_sf(countriesSP)))
  # return desired column of each country
  worldmap_values[, col]

#' @title Get DEM raster
#' @name getDEM
#' @description Get a DEM raster for a country based on ISO3 code
#' @export
#' @param ISO3 The ISO3 code of the country
#' @param clip boolean, indicating if polygon should be cropped. Default is TRUE
#' @param polygon A Spatial / SimpleFeature Polygon to crop the DEM
#' @family Helper Functions
#' @return A list with the DEM raster, and a Simple Feature Polygon or NULL if
#'   no polygon is given
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' library(sf)
#' library(raster)
#' Polygon1 <- sf::st_as_sf(sf::st_sfc(
#'   sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(
#'     c(4496482, 4496482, 4499991, 4499991, 4496482),
#'     c(2666272, 2669343, 2669343, 2666272, 2666272)))),
#'   crs = 3035
#' ))
#' DEM_meter <- getDEM(Polygon1)
#' plot(DEM_meter[[1]])
#' plot(DEM_meter[[2]], add=TRUE)
#' }
getDEM <- function(polygon, ISO3 = "AUT", clip = TRUE) {
  # polygon = shape; ISO3 = "AUT"
  PROJ <- "+init=epsg:3035"
  DEM <- raster::getData("alt", country = ISO3)
  if (clip) {
    ## if data.frame / sp object -----------------
    if ( inherits(polygon, "SpatialPolygons") || inherits(polygon, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") ) {
      polygon <- sf::st_as_sf(polygon)
    shape <- sf::st_transform(polygon, crs = raster::projection(DEM))
    DEM <- raster::crop(x = DEM, raster::extent(as(shape, "Spatial")))
    shape <- sf::st_transform(shape, PROJ)

  DEM_meter <- raster::projectRaster(DEM, crs = PROJ)

  if (clip) {
    return(list(DEM_meter, shape))
  } else {
    return(list(DEM_meter, NULL))

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windfarmGA documentation built on May 5, 2021, 5:08 p.m.