
Defines functions distWhittaker distSorensen distSimRatio distRogersTanimoto distPreston distOchiai distMorisitaHorn distMatching distJaccard distChord distChaoSorNaive distChaoSorCorr distChaoJaccNaive distChaoJaccCorr distBrayCurtis

Documented in distBrayCurtis distChaoJaccCorr distChaoJaccNaive distChaoSorCorr distChaoSorNaive distChord distJaccard distMatching distMorisitaHorn distOchiai distPreston distRogersTanimoto distSimRatio distSorensen distWhittaker

# Functions for a range of distance measures

distBrayCurtis <-
function(d1, d2)
  1 - 2*sum(pmin(d1, d2)) / (sum(d1)+sum(d2))

distChaoJaccCorr <-
function(d1, d2) {
  n <- sum(d1) ; m <- sum(d2)
  f1. <- sum(d1==1 & d2>0)
  f2. <- max(1, sum(d1==2 & d2>0))
  f.1 <- sum(d2==1 & d1>0)
  f.2 <- max(1, sum(d2==2 & d1>0))
  U <- min(1, sum(d1[d2>0])/n + ((m-1)/m)*(f.1/(2*f.2))*sum(d1[d2==1]/n))
  V <- min(1, sum(d2[d1>0])/m + ((n-1)/n)*(f1./(2*f2.))*sum(d2[d1==1]/m))
  1 - U*V / (U+V-U*V)

distChaoJaccNaive <-
function(d1, d2) {
  shared <- d1 & d2   # which sps are shared
  U <- sum(d1[shared])/sum(d1) ; V <- sum(d2[shared])/sum(d2)
  1 - U*V / (U+V-U*V)

distChaoSorCorr <-
function(d1, d2) {
  n <- sum(d1) ; m <- sum(d2)
  f1. <- sum(d1==1 & d2>0)
  f2. <- max(1, sum(d1==2 & d2>0))
  f.1 <- sum(d2==1 & d1>0)
  f.2 <- max(1, sum(d2==2 & d1>0))
  U <- min(1, sum(d1[d2>0])/n + ((m-1)/m)*(f.1/(2*f.2))*sum(d1[d2==1]/n))
  V <- min(1, sum(d2[d1>0])/m + ((n-1)/n)*(f1./(2*f2.))*sum(d2[d1==1]/m))
  1 - 2*U*V / (U+V)

distChaoSorNaive <-
function(d1, d2) {
  shared <- d1 & d2   # which sps are shared
  U <- sum(d1[shared])/sum(d1) ; V <- sum(d2[shared])/sum(d2)
  1 - 2*U*V / (U+V)

distChord <-
function(d1, d2) {
  s1 <- d1/sqrt(sum(d1^2))
  s2 <- d2/sqrt(sum(d2^2))
  sqrt(sum((s1 - s2)^2))

distJaccard <-
function(d1, d2) {
  shared <- sum(d1 & d2)
  1 - shared / (sum(d1>0)+sum(d2>0)-shared)

distMatching <-
function(d1, d2) {
  same <- sum((d1 > 0) == (d2 > 0))
  1 - same / length(d1)

distMorisitaHorn <-
function(d1, d2) {
  p1 <- d1 / sum(d1)
  p2 <- d2 / sum(d2)
  1 - 2 * sum(p1*p2) / ( sum(p1^2)+sum(p2^2) )

distOchiai <-
function(d1, d2) {
  shared <- sum(d1 & d2)
  1 - shared / sqrt(sum(d1 > 0) * sum(d2 > 0))

distPreston <-
function(d1, d2) {
  total <- sum(d1 | d2)
  f <- function(n, x, y) abs(x^n+y^n-1)
  1/nlm(f, 2, x=sum(d1 > 0) / total, y=sum(d2 > 0) / total)$estimate

distRogersTanimoto <-
function(d1, d2) {
  same <- sum((d1 > 0) == (d2 > 0))
  different <- sum((d1 > 0) != (d2 > 0))
  1 - same / (length(d1) + different)

distSimRatio <-
function(d1, d2) {
  1 - sum(d1 * d2) / 
   (sum(d1^2) + sum(d2^2) - sum(d1 * d2))

distSorensen <-
function(d1, d2) {
  shared <- sum(d1 & d2)
  1 - 2*shared / (sum(d1>0)+sum(d2>0))

distWhittaker <-
function(d1, d2)  {
  p1 <- d1 / sum(d1)
  p2 <- d2 / sum(d2)
  sum(abs(p1 - p2))/2

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