
Defines functions is_workflow_variables new_workflow_variables workflow_variables is_xy_blueprint new_action_variables check_conflicts.action_variables fit.action_variables update_variables remove_variables add_variables

Documented in add_variables remove_variables update_variables workflow_variables

#' Add variables to a workflow
#' @description
#' - `add_variables()` specifies the terms of the model through the usage of
#'   [tidyselect::select_helpers] for the `outcomes` and `predictors`.
#' - `remove_variables()` removes the variables. Additionally, if the model
#'   has already been fit, then the fit is removed.
#' - `update_variables()` first removes the variables, then replaces the
#'   previous variables with the new ones. Any model that has already been
#'   fit based on the original variables will need to be refit.
#' - `workflow_variables()` bundles `outcomes` and `predictors` into a single
#'   variables object, which can be supplied to `add_variables()`.
#' @details
#' To fit a workflow, exactly one of [add_formula()], [add_recipe()], or
#' [add_variables()] _must_ be specified.
#' @param x A workflow
#' @param outcomes,predictors Tidyselect expressions specifying the terms
#'   of the model. `outcomes` is evaluated first, and then all outcome columns
#'   are removed from the data before `predictors` is evaluated.
#'   See [tidyselect::select_helpers] for the full range of possible ways to
#'   specify terms.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @param blueprint A hardhat blueprint used for fine tuning the preprocessing.
#'   If `NULL`, [hardhat::default_xy_blueprint()] is used.
#'   Note that preprocessing done here is separate from preprocessing that
#'   might be done by the underlying model.
#' @param variables An alternative specification of `outcomes` and `predictors`,
#'   useful for supplying variables programmatically.
#'   - If `NULL`, this argument is unused, and `outcomes` and `predictors` are
#'     used to specify the variables.
#'   - Otherwise, this must be the result of calling `workflow_variables()` to
#'     create a standalone variables object. In this case, `outcomes` and
#'     `predictors` are completely ignored.
#' @return
#' - `add_variables()` returns `x` with a new variables preprocessor.
#' - `remove_variables()` returns `x` after resetting any model fit and
#'   removing the variables preprocessor.
#' - `update_variables()` returns `x` after removing the variables preprocessor,
#'   and then re-specifying it with new variables.
#' - `workflow_variables()` returns a 'workflow_variables' object containing
#'   both the `outcomes` and `predictors`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(parsnip)
#' spec_lm <- linear_reg()
#' spec_lm <- set_engine(spec_lm, "lm")
#' workflow <- workflow()
#' workflow <- add_model(workflow, spec_lm)
#' # Add terms with tidyselect expressions.
#' # Outcomes are specified before predictors.
#' workflow1 <- add_variables(
#'   workflow,
#'   outcomes = mpg,
#'   predictors = c(cyl, disp)
#' )
#' workflow1 <- fit(workflow1, mtcars)
#' workflow1
#' # Removing the variables of a fit workflow will also remove the model
#' remove_variables(workflow1)
#' # Variables can also be updated
#' update_variables(workflow1, mpg, starts_with("d"))
#' # The `outcomes` are removed before the `predictors` expression
#' # is evaluated. This allows you to easily specify the predictors
#' # as "everything except the outcomes".
#' workflow2 <- add_variables(workflow, mpg, everything())
#' workflow2 <- fit(workflow2, mtcars)
#' extract_mold(workflow2)$predictors
#' # Variables can also be added from the result of a call to
#' # `workflow_variables()`, which creates a standalone variables object
#' variables <- workflow_variables(mpg, c(cyl, disp))
#' workflow3 <- add_variables(workflow, variables = variables)
#' fit(workflow3, mtcars)
add_variables <- function(x,
                          blueprint = NULL,
                          variables = NULL) {

  if (is_null(variables)) {
    variables <- workflow_variables({{ outcomes }}, {{ predictors }})

  if (!is_workflow_variables(variables)) {
      "`variables` must be a 'workflow_variables' object ",
      "created from `workflow_variables()`."

  action <- new_action_variables(variables, blueprint)

  add_action(x, action, "variables")

#' @rdname add_variables
#' @export
remove_variables <- function(x) {

  if (!has_preprocessor_variables(x)) {
    rlang::warn("The workflow has no variables preprocessor to remove.")

  actions <- x$pre$actions
  actions[["variables"]] <- NULL

    pre = new_stage_pre(actions = actions),
    fit = new_stage_fit(actions = x$fit$actions),
    post = new_stage_post(actions = x$post$actions),
    trained = FALSE

#' @rdname add_variables
#' @export
update_variables <- function(x,
                             blueprint = NULL,
                             variables = NULL) {

  x <- remove_variables(x)

  if (is_null(variables)) {
    variables <- workflow_variables({{ outcomes }}, {{ predictors }})

    x = x,
    blueprint = blueprint,
    variables = variables

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

fit.action_variables <- function(object, workflow, data, ...) {
  variables <- object$variables
  outcomes <- variables$outcomes
  predictors <- variables$predictors
  blueprint <- object$blueprint

  # `outcomes` and `predictors` should both be quosures,
  # meaning they carry along their own environments to evaluate in.
  env <- empty_env()

  outcomes <- tidyselect::eval_select(
    expr = outcomes,
    data = data,
    env = env

  # Evaluate `predictors` without access to `outcomes`
  not_outcomes <- vec_index_invert(outcomes)
  data_potential_predictors <- data[not_outcomes]

  predictors <- tidyselect::eval_select(
    expr = predictors,
    data = data_potential_predictors,
    env = env

  data_outcomes <- data[outcomes]
  data_predictors <- data_potential_predictors[predictors]

  mold <- hardhat::mold(
    x = data_predictors,
    y = data_outcomes,
    blueprint = blueprint

  workflow$pre <- new_stage_pre(
    actions = workflow$pre$actions,
    mold = mold,
    case_weights = workflow$pre$case_weights

  # All pre steps return the `workflow` and `data`
  list(workflow = workflow, data = data)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

check_conflicts.action_variables <- function(action, x, ..., call = caller_env()) {
  pre <- x$pre

  if (has_action(pre, "recipe")) {
    abort("Variables cannot be added when a recipe already exists.", call = call)
  if (has_action(pre, "formula")) {
    abort("Variables cannot be added when a formula already exists.", call = call)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

new_action_variables <- function(variables, blueprint, ..., call = caller_env()) {

  # `NULL` blueprints are finalized at fit time
  if (!is_null(blueprint) && !is_xy_blueprint(blueprint)) {
    abort("`blueprint` must be a hardhat 'xy_blueprint'.", call = call)

    variables = variables,
    blueprint = blueprint,
    subclass = "action_variables"

is_xy_blueprint <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "xy_blueprint")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname add_variables
#' @export
workflow_variables <- function(outcomes, predictors) {
  # TODO: Use partial evaluation with `eval_resolve()`
  # to only capture expressions
  # https://github.com/r-lib/tidyselect/issues/207
    outcomes = enquo(outcomes),
    predictors = enquo(predictors)

new_workflow_variables <- function(outcomes,
                                   call = caller_env()) {

  if (!is_quosure(outcomes)) {
    abort("`outcomes` must be a quosure.", .internal = TRUE)
  if (!is_quosure(predictors)) {
    abort("`predictors` must be a quosure.", .internal = TRUE)
  if (quo_is_missing(outcomes)) {
    abort("`outcomes` can't be missing.", call = call)
  if (quo_is_missing(predictors)) {
    abort("`predictors` can't be missing.", call = call)

  data <- list(
    outcomes = outcomes,
    predictors = predictors

  structure(data, class = "workflow_variables")

is_workflow_variables <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "workflow_variables")

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workflows documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:57 a.m.