
Defines functions update_workflow_recipe update_workflow_model

Documented in update_workflow_model update_workflow_recipe

#' Update components of a workflow within a workflow set
#' @description
#' Workflows can take special arguments for the recipe (e.g. a blueprint) or a
#' model (e.g. a special formula). However, when creating a workflow set, there
#' is no way to specify these extra components.
#' `update_workflow_model()` and `update_workflow_recipe()` allow users to set
#' these values _after_ the workflow set is initially created. They are
#' analogous to [workflows::add_model()] or [workflows::add_recipe()].
#' @inheritParams comment_add
#' @param id A single character string from the `wflow_id` column indicating
#' which workflow to update.
#' @inheritParams workflows::add_recipe
#' @inheritParams workflows::add_model
#' @includeRmd man-roxygen/example_data.Rmd note
#' @examples
#' library(parsnip)
#' new_mod <-
#'   decision_tree() %>%
#'   set_engine("rpart", method = "anova") %>%
#'   set_mode("classification")
#' new_set <- update_workflow_model(two_class_res, "none_cart", spec = new_mod)
#' new_set
#' extract_workflow(new_set, id = "none_cart")
#' @export
update_workflow_model <- function(x, id, spec, formula = NULL) {
   check_formula(formula, allow_null = TRUE)

   wflow <- extract_workflow(x, id = id)
   wflow <- workflows::update_model(wflow, spec = spec, formula = formula)
   id_ind <- which(x$wflow_id == id)
   x$info[[id_ind]]$workflow[[1]] <- wflow
   # Remove any existing results since they are now inconsistent
   if (!identical(x$result[[id_ind]], list())) {
      x$result[[id_ind]] <- list()

#' @rdname update_workflow_model
#' @export
update_workflow_recipe <- function(x, id, recipe, blueprint = NULL) {

   wflow <- extract_workflow(x, id = id)
   wflow <- workflows::update_recipe(wflow, recipe = recipe, blueprint = blueprint)
   id_ind <- which(x$wflow_id == id)
   x$info[[id_ind]]$workflow[[1]] <- wflow
   # Remove any existing results since they are now inconsistent
   if (!identical(x$result[[id_ind]], list())) {
      x$result[[id_ind]] <- list()

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

workflowsets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:12 a.m.