
Defines functions flag_extreme

Documented in flag_extreme

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Warn for extreme values by checking against a threshold
#' @description
#' This is used as part of data validation to check if there are extreme values
#' in the dataset.
#' @param data A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.
#' @param metric A character string specifying the metric to test.
#' @param person A logical value to specify whether to calculate
#'   person-averages. Defaults to `TRUE` (person-averages calculated).
#' @param threshold Numeric value specifying the threshold for flagging.
#' @param mode String determining mode to use for identifying extreme values.
#'   - `"above"`: checks whether value is great than the threshold (default)
#'   - `"equal"`: checks whether value is equal to the threshold
#'   - `"below"`: checks whether value is below the threshold
#' @param return String specifying what to return. This must be one of the
#'   following strings:
#'   - `"text"`
#'   - `"message"`
#'   - `"table"`
#' See `Value` for more information.
#' @return
#' A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the `return`
#' argument:
#'   - `"text"`: string. A diagnostic message.
#'   - `"message"`: message on console. A diagnostic message.
#'   - `"table"`: data frame. A person-level table with `PersonId` and the
#'   extreme values of the selected metric.
#' @family Data Validation
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' # The threshold values are intentionally set low to trigger messages.
#' flag_extreme(sq_data, "Email_hours", threshold = 15)
#' # Return a summary table
#' flag_extreme(sq_data, "Email_hours", threshold = 15, return = "table")
#' # Person-week level
#' flag_extreme(sq_data, "Email_hours", person = FALSE, threshold = 15)
#' # Check for values equal to threshold
#' flag_extreme(sq_data, "Email_hours", person = TRUE, mode = "equal", threshold = 0)
#' # Check for values below threshold
#' flag_extreme(sq_data, "Email_hours", person = TRUE, mode = "below", threshold = 5)
#' @export
flag_extreme <- function(data,
                         person = TRUE,
                         mode = "above",
                         return = "message"){

  ## Define relational term/string and input checks

  if(mode == "above"){

    rel_str <- " exceeds "

  } else if(mode == "equal"){

    rel_str <- " are equal to "

  } else if(mode == "below"){

    rel_str <- " are less than "

  } else {

    stop("invalid input to `mode`")


  ## Data frame containing the extreme values
  if(person == TRUE){

    extreme_df <-
      data %>%
      rename(metric = !!sym(metric)) %>%
      group_by(PersonId) %>%
      summarise_at(vars(metric), ~mean(.)) %>%

      # Begin mode chunk
        if(mode == "above"){

          filter(., metric > threshold)

        } else if(mode == "equal"){

          filter(., metric == threshold)

        } else if(mode == "below"){

          filter(., metric < threshold)


      } %>%
      rename(!!sym(metric) := "metric")

  } else if(person == FALSE){

    extreme_df <-
      data %>%
      rename(metric = !!sym(metric)) %>%
      # Begin mode chunk
        if(mode == "above"){

          filter(., metric > threshold)

        } else if(mode == "equal"){

          filter(., metric == threshold)

        } else if(mode == "below"){

          filter(., metric < threshold)


      } %>%
      rename(!!sym(metric) := "metric")


  ## Clean names for pretty printing
  metric_nm <- metric %>% us_to_space() %>% camel_clean()

  ## Define MessageLevel
  if(person == TRUE){

    MessageLevel <- " persons where their average "

  } else if(person == FALSE){

    MessageLevel <- " rows where their value of "


  ## Define FlagMessage

  if(nrow(extreme_df) == 0){
    FlagMessage <-
      paste0("[Pass] There are no",
             threshold, ".")
  } else {
    FlagMessage <-
      paste0("[Warning] There are ",
             threshold, ".")

  if(return == "text"){


  } else if(return == "message"){


  } else if(return == "table"){



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wpa documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:59 a.m.