
#' @title read_xes
#' @description Extracts eventlog from a xes-file.
#' @param xesfile Reference to a .xes file, conforming to the xes-standard.
#' @param validate When 'TRUE' some basic checks are run on the contents of the event log such as that activity instances are not connected to more than one case or activity.
#'  Using 'FALSE' improves the performance by skipping those checks and allows to import  XES files that do not conform to bupaR requirements.
#' @seealso \url{http://www.xes-standard.org/}
#' @export read_xes

read_xes <- function(xesfile = file.choose(), validate = TRUE){

	n_attributes <- NULL
	attr_id <- NULL
	type <- NULL
	value <- NULL
	key <- NULL
	case_id <- NULL
	n_attr <- NULL
	`concept:name` <- NULL
	org_resource <- NULL
	time_timestamp <- NULL
	lifecycle_transition <- NULL
	concept_instance <- NULL

	xml2::read_xml(xesfile) %>%
		xml_children() %>%
		.[xml_name(.) == "trace"] %>%
		map(xml_children) -> t

	t %>%
		map(~.x[xml_name(.x) == "event"]) %>%
		map(map, xml_children) -> all_events

	t %>%
		map(~.x[xml_name(.x) != "event"]) -> all_cases

	all_events %>%
		map(map, xml_attrs) -> all_attrs

	n_attributes_per_event = map(all_attrs, lengths)

	data_frame(CASE_ID = 1:length(all_events)) %>%
		mutate(EVENT_ID = map2(lengths(all_events), n_attributes_per_event, ~data.frame(EVENT_ID = 1:.x,
																						n_attributes = .y))) %>%
		unnest(EVENT_ID) %>%
		mutate(attr_id = map(n_attributes, ~data.frame(attr_id = 1:.x))) %>%
		unnest(attr_id) -> eventlog

	all_attrs %>%
		unlist() %>%
		as_data_frame() %>%
		mutate(type = rep(c("key","value"), length = nrow(.)),
			   attr_id = rep(1:(nrow(.)/2),each = 2)) %>%
		spread(type, value) %>%
		select(-attr_id) %>%
		bind_cols(eventlog) %>%
		select(-n_attributes, -attr_id) %>%
		spread(key, value) -> eventlog

	n_attributes_per_case = lengths(all_cases)

	data_frame(CASE_ID = 1:length(all_cases),
			   n_attr = n_attributes_per_case) %>%
		mutate(attr_id = map(n_attr,  ~data.frame(attr_id = seq_len(.x)))) %>%
		unnest(attr_id) -> cases

	if(nrow(cases) > 0) {
		all_cases %>%
			map(xml_attrs) %>%
			unlist() %>%
			as_data_frame() %>%
			mutate(type = rep(c("key","value"), length = nrow(.)),
				   attr_id = rep(1:(nrow(.)/2),each = 2)) %>%
			spread(type, value) %>%
			select(-attr_id) %>%
			bind_cols(cases) %>%
			select(-n_attr, -attr_id) %>%
			spread(key, value) -> cases

		cases <- cases %>% select(CASE_ID, concept_name = `concept:name`, everything()) %>%
			set_names(paste0("CASE_",names(.))) %>%
			rename(CASE_ID = CASE_CASE_ID)

		case_classifier <- "CASE_concept_name"
		eventlog %>%
			inner_join(cases, ., by = "CASE_ID") -> eventlog

	} else {
		case_classifier <- "CASE_ID"

	if(!("concept:name" %in% names(eventlog))) {
		stop("XES-file does not contain event")

	eventlog %>%
		rename(activity_id =  `concept:name`) %>%
		set_names(str_replace_all(names(.),":", "_")) %>%
		select(-EVENT_ID) -> eventlog

	if(nrow(cases) > 0) {
		eventlog %>%
			select(-CASE_ID) -> eventlog

	if("org_resource" %in% names(eventlog)) {
		eventlog %>%
			rename(resource_id = org_resource) -> eventlog
	} else {
		warning("No resource_id specified in xes-file")
		eventlog %>%
			mutate(resource_id = NA) -> eventlog
	if("time_timestamp" %in% names(eventlog)) {
		eventlog %>%
			rename(timestamp = time_timestamp) %>%
			mutate(timestamp = ymd_hms(timestamp)) -> eventlog
	} else {
		stop("XES-file does not contain timestamp")
	if("lifecycle_transition" %in% names(eventlog)) {
		eventlog %>%
			rename(lifecycle_id = lifecycle_transition) -> eventlog
	} else {
		warning("No lifecycle transition id specified in xes-file")
		eventlog %>%
			mutate(lifecycle_id = NA) -> eventlog
	if("concept_instance" %in% names(eventlog)) {
		eventlog %>%
			rename(activity_instance_id = concept_instance) -> eventlog
	} else {
		warning("No activity instance identifier specified in xes-file. By default considered each event as a different activity instance. Please check!")
		eventlog %>%
			mutate(activity_instance_id = 1:nrow(.)) -> eventlog

	eventlog %>%
		eventlog(case_id = case_classifier,
				 activity_id = "activity_id",
				 activity_instance_id = "activity_instance_id",
				 timestamp = "timestamp",
				 lifecycle_id = "lifecycle_id",
				 resource_id = "resource_id",
				 validate = validate) -> eventlog



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xesreadR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:02 a.m.