download_cache: Download a file from a URL and cache it on disk

download_cacheR Documentation

Download a file from a URL and cache it on disk


This object provides methods to download files and cache them on disk.




A list of methods:

  • ⁠$get(url, type, handler)⁠ downloads a URL, caches it, and returns the file content according to the value of type (possible values: "text" means the text content; "base64" means the base64 encoded data; "raw" means the raw binary content; "auto" is the default and means the type is determined by the content type in the URL headers). Optionally a handler function can be applied to the content.

  • ⁠$list()⁠ gives the list of cache files.

  • ⁠$summary()⁠ gives a summary of existing cache files.

  • ⁠$remove(url, type)⁠ removes a single cache file.

  • ⁠$purge()⁠ deletes all cache files.


# the first time it may take a few seconds
x1 = xfun::download_cache$get("")

# now you can get the cached content
x2 = xfun::download_cache$get("")
identical(x1, x2)  # TRUE

# a binary file
x3 = xfun::download_cache$get("", "raw")

# show a summary
# remove a specific cache file
xfun::download_cache$remove("", "raw")
# remove all cache files

xfun documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:41 a.m.