

    # update variable selection for bar plots
        updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x', choices = names(data()))
        updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y', choices = names(data()))

    observeEvent(input$finalok, {

        f_data <- final_split$train[, sapply(final_split$train, is.factor)]
        # validate(need(!is.null(dim(f_data)), 'Please select two factor variables.'))
        if (is.null(dim(f_data))) {
            k <- final_split$train %>% map(is.factor) %>% unlist()
            j <- names(which(k == TRUE))
            fdata <- tibble::as_data_frame(f_data)
            colnames(fdata) <- j
            updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x',
              choices = names(fdata), selected = names(fdata))
            updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y',
              choices = names(fdata), selected = names(fdata))
        } else if (ncol(f_data) < 1) {
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x',
              choices = '', selected = '')
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y',
              choices = '', selected = '')             
        } else {
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x', choices = names(f_data))
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y', choices = names(f_data))

    observeEvent(input$submit_part_train_per, {

        f_data <- final_split$train[, sapply(final_split$train, is.factor)]
        # validate(need(!is.null(dim(f_data)), 'Please select two factor variables.'))
        if (is.null(dim(f_data))) {
            k <- final_split$train %>% map(is.factor) %>% unlist()
            j <- names(which(k == TRUE))
            fdata <- tibble::as_data_frame(f_data)
            colnames(fdata) <- j
            updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x',
              choices = names(fdata), selected = names(fdata))
            updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y',
              choices = names(fdata), selected = names(fdata))
        } else if (ncol(f_data) < 1) {
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x',
              choices = '', selected = '')
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y',
              choices = '', selected = '')             
        } else {
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_x', choices = names(f_data))
             updateSelectInput(session, 'bar2_select_y', choices = names(f_data))

    # selected data
    selected_x_bar2 <- reactive({
      bar_data <- final_split$train[, input$bar2_select_x]

    selected_y_bar2 <- reactive({
      bar_data <- final_split$train[, input$bar2_select_y]

    counts_bar2 <- reactive({
        table(selected_x_bar2(), selected_y_bar2())

    # dynamic UI for bar colors
    output$ui_ncolbar2 <- renderUI({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$ncolbar2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
        } else {
          lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              textInput(paste("n_bar2col_", i),
                        label = paste0("Bar ", i, " Color"),
                        value = 'blue')

    colours_bar2 <- reactive({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$ncolbar2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
          colors <- NULL
        } else {
          collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
                          input[[paste("n_bar2col_", i)]]
          colors <- unlist(collect)

    # dynamic UI for bar border colors
    output$ui_nborbar2 <- renderUI({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$nborbar2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
        } else {
          lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              textInput(paste("n_bor2_", i),
                        label = paste0("Bar ", i, " Border Color"),
                        value = 'black')

    borders_bar2 <- reactive({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$nborbar2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
          colors <- NULL
        } else {
          collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
                          input[[paste("n_bor2_", i)]]
          colors <- unlist(collect)

    # dynamic UI for bar labels
    output$ui_nbarlabel2 <- renderUI({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarlabel2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
        } else {
          lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              textInput(paste("n_bar2label_", i),
                        label = paste0("Bar ", i, " Label"))

    labels_bar2 <- reactive({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarlabel2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
          colors <- NULL
        } else {
          collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
                          input[[paste("n_bar2label_", i)]]
          colors <- unlist(collect)

    # dynamic UI for bar width
    output$ui_nbarwidth2 <- renderUI({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarwidth2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
        } else {
          lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              numericInput(paste("n_bar2width_", i),
                        label = paste0("Bar ", i, " Width"),
                        value = 1, min = 1)

    widths_bar2 <- reactive({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarwidth2)
        if (ncol < 1) {
          colors <- NULL
        } else {
          collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
                          input[[paste("n_bar2width_", i)]]
          colors <- unlist(collect)

    # dynamic UI for bar space
    # output$ui_nbarspace2 <- renderUI({
    #     ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarspace2)
    #     lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
    #         numericInput(paste("n_bar2space_", i),
    #                   label = paste0("n_bar2space_", i),
    #                   value = 0, min = 0, max = 2, step = 1)
    #     })
    # })
    # spaces_bar2 <- reactive({
    #     ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarspace2)
    #     collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
    #                     input[[paste("n_bar2space_", i)]]
    #                 }))
    #     colors <- unlist(collect)
    # })

    # # dynamic UI for shading density
    # output$ui_nbardensity2 <- renderUI({
    #     ncol <- as.integer(input$nbardensity2)

    #     lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
    #         numericInput(paste("n_bar2density_", i),
    #                   label = paste0("Bar ", i, " Density"),
    #                   value = 1, min = 1)
    #     })
    # })

    # density_bar2 <- reactive({
    #     ncol <- as.integer(input$nbardensity2)

    #     collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
    #                     input[[paste("n_bar2density_", i)]]
    #                 }))

    #     colors <- unlist(collect)

    # })

    # # dynamic UI for shading angle
    # output$ui_nbarangle2 <- renderUI({
    #     ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarangle2)

    #     lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
    #         numericInput(paste("n_bar2angle_", i),
    #                   label = paste0("Bar ", i, " Shading Angle"),
    #                   value = 1, min = 1)
    #     })
    # })

    # angle_bar2 <- reactive({
    #     ncol <- as.integer(input$nbarangle2)

    #     collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
    #                     input[[paste("n_bar2angle_", i)]]
    #                 }))

    #     colors <- unlist(collect)

    # })

    # dynamic UI for legend names
    output$ui_bar2_legnames <- renderUI({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$bar2_legnames)
        if (ncol < 1) {
        } else {
          lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              textInput(paste("n_namesbar2_", i),
                        label = paste0("Legend Name ", i))

    # dynamic UI for legend border
    output$ui_bar2_legpoint <- renderUI({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$bar2_leg_point)
        if (ncol < 1) {
        } else {
          lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              numericInput(paste("n_pointbar2_", i),
                        label = paste0("Legend Point ", i), value = 15)

    # vector of legend names
    name_bar2 <- reactive({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$bar2_legnames)
        if (ncol < 1) {
          names <- NULL
        } else {
          collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              input[[paste("n_namesbar2_", i)]]
          names <- unlist(collect)

    # vector of point types
    point_bar2 <- reactive({
        ncol <- as.integer(input$bar2_leg_point)
        if (ncol < 1) {
          names <- NULL
        } else {
          collect <- list(lapply(1:ncol, function(i) {
              input[[paste("n_pointbar2_", i)]]
          names <- unlist(collect)

    output$bbar_plot_1 <- renderPlot({
      barplot(height = counts_bar2(), horiz = as.logical(input$bar2_horiz),
        beside = as.logical(input$bar2_beside), main = input$bar2_title,
        xlab = input$bar2_xlabel, ylab =  input$bar2_ylabel)

    output$bbar_plot_2 <- renderPlot({
      barplot(height = counts_bar2(), horiz = as.logical(input$bar2_horiz),
        beside = as.logical(input$bar2_beside), main = input$bar2_title,
        xlab = input$bar2_xlabel, ylab =  input$bar2_ylabel,
        col = colours_bar2(), border = borders_bar2(), width = widths_bar2(),
        names.arg = labels_bar2())

    output$bbar_plot_3 <- renderPlot({
      barplot(height = counts_bar2(), horiz = as.logical(input$bar2_horiz),
        beside = as.logical(input$bar2_beside), main = input$bar2_title,
        xlab = input$bar2_xlabel, ylab =  input$bar2_ylabel,
        col = colours_bar2(), border = borders_bar2(), width = widths_bar2(),
        names.arg = labels_bar2(), axes = input$bar2_axes, axis.lty = input$bar2_axislty,
        offset = input$bar2_offset)

    output$bbar_plot_4 <- renderPlot({
                counts_bar2(), as.logical(input$bar2_horiz), colours_bar2(),
                borders_bar2(), besides = as.logical(input$bar2_beside),
                title = input$bar2_title, xlab = input$bar2_xlabel,
                labels_bar2(), width = widths_bar2(), axes = input$bar2_axes, axislty = input$bar2_axislty,
                offset = input$bar2_offset, ylab =  input$bar2_ylabel,
                leg = as.logical(input$bar2_leg_yn), leg_x = input$bar2_leg_x,
                leg_y = input$bar2_leg_y, legend = name_bar2(),
                leg_point = point_bar2(), leg_colour = colours_bar2(),
                leg_boxtype = input$bar2_leg_boxtype,
                leg_boxcol = input$bar2_leg_boxcol,
                leg_boxlty = input$bar2_leg_boxlty,
                leg_boxlwd = input$bar2_leg_boxlwd,
                leg_boxborcol = input$bar2_leg_boxborcol,
                leg_boxxjust = input$bar2_leg_boxxjust,
                leg_boxyjust = input$bar2_leg_boxyjust,
                leg_textcol = input$bar2_leg_textcol,
                leg_textfont = input$bar2_leg_textfont,
                leg_textcolumns = input$bar2_leg_textcolumns,
                leg_texthoriz = input$bar2_leg_texthoriz,
                leg_title = input$bar2_leg_title,
                leg_titlecol = input$bar2_leg_titlecol,
                leg_textadj = input$bar2_leg_textadj)

    output$bbar_plot_5 <- renderPlot({

              counts_bar2(), as.logical(input$bar2_horiz), colours_bar2(),
              borders_bar2(), besides = as.logical(input$bar2_beside),
              title = input$bar2_title, xlab = input$bar2_xlabel,
              labels_bar2(), width = widths_bar2(), axes = input$bar2_axes, axislty = input$bar2_axislty,
                offset = input$bar2_offset, ylab =  input$bar2_ylabel,
              leg = as.logical(input$bar2_leg_yn), leg_x = input$bar2_leg_x,
              leg_y = input$bar2_leg_y, legend = name_bar2(),
              leg_point = point_bar2(), leg_colour = colours_bar2(),
              leg_boxtype = input$bar2_leg_boxtype,
              leg_boxcol = input$bar2_leg_boxcol,
              leg_boxlty = input$bar2_leg_boxlty,
              leg_boxlwd = input$bar2_leg_boxlwd,
              leg_boxborcol = input$bar2_leg_boxborcol,
              leg_boxxjust = input$bar2_leg_boxxjust,
              leg_boxyjust = input$bar2_leg_boxyjust,
              leg_textcol = input$bar2_leg_textcol,
              leg_textfont = input$bar2_leg_textfont,
              leg_textcolumns = input$bar2_leg_textcolumns,
              leg_texthoriz = input$bar2_leg_texthoriz,
              leg_title = input$bar2_leg_title,
              leg_titlecol = input$bar2_leg_titlecol,
              leg_textadj = input$bar2_leg_textadj,
              colmain = input$bar2_coltitle,
              colaxis = input$bar2_colaxis, collab = input$bar2_collabel,
              cexmain = input$bar2_cexmain,
              cexaxis = input$bar2_cexaxis, cexlab = input$bar2_cexlab,
              fontmain = input$bar2_fontmain,
              fontaxis = input$bar2_fontaxis, fontlab = input$bar2_fontlab,
              text_p = input$bar2_plottext, text_x_loc = input$bar2_text_x_loc, 
              text_y_loc = input$bar2_text_y_loc,
              text_col = input$bar2_textcolor, text_font = input$bar2_textfont, 
              text_size = input$bar2_textsize,
              m_text = input$bar2_mtextplot, m_side = input$bar2_mtext_side, 
              m_line = input$bar2_mtext_line,
              m_adj = input$bar2_mtextadj, m_col = input$bar2_mtextcolor, 
              m_font = input$bar2_mtextfont, m_cex = input$bar2_mtextsize

    output$bbar_plot_final <- renderPlot({
        counts_bar2(), as.logical(input$bar2_horiz), colours_bar2(),
        borders_bar2(), besides = as.logical(input$bar2_beside),
        title = input$bar2_title, xlab = input$bar2_xlabel,
        labels_bar2(), width = widths_bar2(), axes = input$bar2_axes, axislty = input$bar2_axislty,
                offset = input$bar2_offset, ylab =  input$bar2_ylabel,
        leg = as.logical(input$bar2_leg_yn), leg_x = input$bar2_leg_x,
        leg_y = input$bar2_leg_y, legend = name_bar2(),
        leg_point = point_bar2(), leg_colour = colours_bar2(),
        leg_boxtype = input$bar2_leg_boxtype,
        leg_boxcol = input$bar2_leg_boxcol,
        leg_boxlty = input$bar2_leg_boxlty,
        leg_boxlwd = input$bar2_leg_boxlwd,
        leg_boxborcol = input$bar2_leg_boxborcol,
        leg_boxxjust = input$bar2_leg_boxxjust,
        leg_boxyjust = input$bar2_leg_boxyjust,
        leg_textcol = input$bar2_leg_textcol,
        leg_textfont = input$bar2_leg_textfont,
        leg_textcolumns = input$bar2_leg_textcolumns,
        leg_texthoriz = input$bar2_leg_texthoriz,
        leg_title = input$bar2_leg_title,
        leg_titlecol = input$bar2_leg_titlecol,
        leg_textadj = input$bar2_leg_textadj,
        colmain = input$bar2_coltitle,
        colaxis = input$bar2_colaxis, collab = input$bar2_collabel,
        cexmain = input$bar2_cexmain,
        cexaxis = input$bar2_cexaxis, cexlab = input$bar2_cexlab,
        fontmain = input$bar2_fontmain,
        fontaxis = input$bar2_fontaxis, fontlab = input$bar2_fontlab,
        text_p = input$bar2_plottext, text_x_loc = input$bar2_text_x_loc, 
              text_y_loc = input$bar2_text_y_loc,
              text_col = input$bar2_textcolor, text_font = input$bar2_textfont, 
              text_size = input$bar2_textsize,
              m_text = input$bar2_mtextplot, m_side = input$bar2_mtext_side, 
              m_line = input$bar2_mtext_line,
              m_adj = input$bar2_mtextadj, m_col = input$bar2_mtextcolor, 
              m_font = input$bar2_mtextfont, m_cex = input$bar2_mtextsize

Try the xplorerr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

xplorerr documentation built on May 21, 2021, 9:08 a.m.