
meta_example <- data.frame(
  dataset = "df",
  variable = c("Subj", "Param", "Val", "NotUsed"),
  type = c("numeric", "character", "numeric", "character"),
  format = NA

df <- data.frame(
  Subj = as.character(123, 456, 789),
  Different = c("a", "b", "c"),
  Val = c("1", "2", "3"),
  Param = c("param1", "param2", "param3")

# xportr_type ----
## Test 1: xportr_type: NAs are handled as expected ----
test_that("type Test 1: xportr_type: NAs are handled as expected", {
  # Namely that "" isn't converted to NA or vice versa
  # Numeric columns will become NA but that is the nature of as.numeric
  df <- data.frame(
    Subj = as.character(c(123, 456, 789, "", NA, NA_integer_)),
    Different = c("a", "b", "c", "", NA, NA_character_),
    Val = c("1", "2", "3", "", NA, NA_character_),
    Param = c("param1", "param2", "param3", "", NA, NA_character_)
  meta_example <- data.frame(
    dataset = "df",
    variable = c("Subj", "Param", "Val", "NotUsed"),
    type = c("numeric", "character", "numeric", "character"),
    format = NA

  df2 <- suppressMessages(
    xportr_type(df, meta_example, domain = "df")

        Subj = c(123, 456, 789, NA, NA, NA),
        Different = c("a", "b", "c", "", NA, NA),
        Val = c(1, 2, 3, NA, NA, NA),
        Param = c("param1", "param2", "param3", "", NA, NA)
      row.names = c(NA, -6L),
      `_xportr.df_arg_` = "df",
      class = "data.frame"

## Test 2: xportr_type: Variable types are coerced as expected and can raise messages ----
test_that("type Test 2: Variable types are coerced as expected and can raise messages", {
  # Remove empty lines in cli theme

  (df2 <- xportr_type(df, meta_example, domain = "df")) %>%
    expect_message("Variable type mismatches found.") %>%
    expect_message("[0-9+] variables coerced")

  expect_equal(purrr::map_chr(df2, class), c(
    Subj = "numeric", Different = "character",
    Val = "numeric", Param = "character"

  expect_error(xportr_type(df, meta_example, verbose = "stop", domain = "df"))

  (df3 <- suppressMessages(xportr_type(df, meta_example, verbose = "warn", domain = "df"))) %>%

  expect_equal(purrr::map_chr(df3, class), c(
    Subj = "numeric", Different = "character",
    Val = "numeric", Param = "character"

  # Ignore other messages
    (df4 <- xportr_type(df, meta_example, verbose = "message", domain = "df")) %>%
      expect_message("Variable type\\(s\\) in dataframe don't match metadata")

  expect_equal(purrr::map_chr(df4, class), c(
    Subj = "numeric", Different = "character",
    Val = "numeric", Param = "character"

## Test 3: xportr_type: Variables retain column attributes, besides class ----
test_that("type Test 3: Variables retain column attributes, besides class", {
  adsl <- dplyr::tibble(
    USUBJID = c(1001, 1002, 1003),
    SITEID = c(001, 002, 003),
    ADATE = readr::parse_date(c("2023-04-11", "2023-04-12", "2023-04-13")),
    AGE = c(63, 35, 27),
    SEX = c("M", "F", "M")

  metadata <- dplyr::tibble(
    dataset = "adsl",
    variable = c("USUBJID", "SITEID", "ADATE", "AGE", "SEX"),
    label = c("Unique Subject Identifier", "Study Site Identifier", "Study Dates", "Age", "Sex"),
    type = c("character", "character", "character", "numeric", "character"),
    length = c(10, 10, 10, 8, 10),
    format = c(NA, NA, "DATE9.", NA, NA)

  # Remove empty lines in cli theme

  # Divert all messages to tempfile, instead of printing them
  #  note: be aware as this should only be used in tests that don't track
  #        messages
  if (requireNamespace("withr", quietly = TRUE)) {

  df_type_label <- adsl %>%
    xportr_metadata(domain = "adsl") %>%
    xportr_type(metadata) %>%
    xportr_label(metadata) %>%
    xportr_length(metadata) %>%

  df_label_type <- adsl %>%
    xportr_metadata(domain = "adsl") %>%
    xportr_label(metadata) %>%
    xportr_length(metadata) %>%
    xportr_format(metadata) %>%

  expect_equal(df_type_label, df_label_type)

## Test 4: xportr_type: expect error when domain is not a character ----
test_that("type Test 4: expect error when domain is not a character", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2)
  df_meta <- data.frame(
    variable = c("x", "y"),
    type = "text",
    label = c("X Label", "Y Label"),
    length = c(1, 2),
    common = NA_character_,
    format = c("date9.", "datetime20.")
  expect_error(xportr_type(df, df_meta, domain = 1))
  expect_error(xportr_type(df, df_meta, domain = NA))

## Test 5: xportr_type: works fine from metacore spec ----
test_that("type Test 5: xportr_type: works fine from metacore spec", {

  df <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2)
  metacore_meta <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
      var_spec = data.frame(
        variable = c("x", "y"),
        type = "text",
        label = c("X Label", "Y Label"),
        length = c(1, 2),
        common = NA_character_,
        format = c("date9.", "datetime20.")
  processed_df <- suppressMessages(
    xportr_type(df, metacore_meta, domain = "df")
  expect_equal(processed_df$x, "1")

## Test 6: xportr_type: error when metadata is not set ----
test_that("type Test 6: error when metadata is not set", {
    regexp = "Must be of type 'data.frame', 'Metacore' or set via 'xportr_metadata\\(\\)'"

## Test 7: xportr_type: date variables are not converted to numeric ----
test_that("type Test 7: xportr_type: date variables are not converted to numeric", {

  df <- data.frame(RFICDT = as.Date("2017-03-30"), RFICDTM = as.POSIXct("2017-03-30"))
  metacore_meta <- suppressWarnings(
      var_spec = data.frame(
        variable = c("RFICDT", "RFICDTM"),
        type = "integer",
        label = c("RFICDT Label", "RFICDTM Label"),
        length = c(1, 2),
        common = NA_character_,
        format = c("date9.", "datetime20.")
      processed_df <- xportr_type(df, metacore_meta, domain = "df")
  expect_equal(lapply(df, class), lapply(processed_df, class))
  expect_equal(df$RFICDT, processed_df$RFICDT)
  expect_equal(df$RFICDTM, processed_df$RFICDTM)

  xportr_write(processed_df, file.path(tempdir(), "dfdates.xpt"))
  df_xpt <- read_xpt(file.path(tempdir(), "dfdates.xpt"))

  expect_equal(lapply(df, class), lapply(df_xpt, class))
  expect_equal(df$RFICDT, df_xpt$RFICDT, ignore_attr = TRUE)
  expect_equal(as.character(df$RFICDTM), as.character(df_xpt$RFICDTM), ignore_attr = TRUE)

  metadata <- data.frame(
    dataset = c("adsl", "adsl", "adsl", "adsl"),
    variable = c("USUBJID", "DMDTC", "RFICDT", "RFICDTM"),
    type = c("text", "date", "integer", "integer"),
    format = c(NA, NA, "date9.", "datetime15.")

  adsl_original <- data.frame(
    USUBJID = c("test1", "test2"),
    DMDTC = c("2017-03-30", "2017-01-08"),
    RFICDT = c("2017-03-30", "2017-01-08"),
    RFICDTM = c("2017-03-30", "2017-01-08")

  adsl_original$RFICDT <- as.Date(adsl_original$RFICDT)
  adsl_original$RFICDTM <- as.POSIXct(adsl_original$RFICDTM)

    adsl_xpt2 <- adsl_original %>% xportr_type(metadata, domain = "adsl_original"),

  attr(adsl_original, "_xportr.df_arg_") <- "adsl_original"

  expect_equal(adsl_original, adsl_xpt2)

## Test 8: xportr_type: Gets warning when metadata has multiple rows with same variable ----
test_that("type Test 8: Gets warning when metadata has multiple rows with same variable", {
  # This test uses the (2) functions below to reduce code duplication
  # All `expect_*` are being called inside the functions
  # Checks that message appears when xportr.domain_name is invalid
  # Checks that message doesn't appear when xportr.domain_name is valid

## Test 9: xportr_type: Drops factor levels ----
test_that("type Test 9: xportr_type: Drops factor levels", {
  metadata <- data.frame(
    dataset = "test",
    variable = c("Subj", "Param", "Val", "NotUsed"),
    type = c("numeric", "character", "numeric", "character"),
    format = NA

  .df <- data.frame(
    Subj = as.character(123, 456, 789),
    Different = c("a", "b", "c"),
    Val = factor(c("1", "2", "3")),
    Param = c("param1", "param2", "param3")

  df2 <- xportr_type(.df, metadata, "test")


df <- data.frame(
  STUDYID = c("PILOT01", "PILOT01", "PILOT01"),
  USUBJID = c("01-1130", "01-1133", "01-1133"),
  TRTEDT = c("2014-08-16", "2013-04-28", "2013-01-12")
) %>%
    TRTEDT = as.Date(TRTEDT),

metadata <- data.frame(
  dataset = c("df", "df", "df", "df"),
  variable = c("STUDYID", "USUBJID", "TRTEDT", "EXSTDTC"),
  type = c("character", "character", "numeric", "date"),
  format = c(NA, NA, "DATE9.", NA)

# xportr_metadata ----
## Test 10: xportr_metadata: Var date types (--DTC) coerced as expected and raise messages ----
test_that("type Test 10: Var date types (--DTC) coerced as expected and raise messages", {
  # Remove empty lines in cli theme

    df2 <- xportr_metadata(df, metadata) %>%
  ) %>%
    expect_message("Variable type mismatches found.") %>%
    expect_message("[0-9+] variables coerced")

  expect_equal(purrr::map_chr(df2, class), c(
    STUDYID = "character", USUBJID = "character",
    TRTEDT = "Date", EXSTDTC = "character"

# xportr_type ----
## Test 11: xportr_type: Works as expected with only one domain in metadata ----
test_that("type Test 11: Works as expected with only one domain in metadata", {
  adsl <- data.frame(
    USUBJID = c(1001, 1002, 1003),
    BRTHDT = c(1, 1, 2)

  metadata <- data.frame(
    dataset = c("adsl", "adsl"),
    variable = c("USUBJID", "BRTHDT"),
    type = c("numeric", "numeric"),
    format = c(NA, "DATE9.")

  expect_equal(xportr_type(adsl, metadata), adsl)

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xportr documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 1:08 a.m.