
Defines functions plot.tune_xrnet

Documented in plot.tune_xrnet

#' Plot k-fold cross-validation error grid
#' @description Generates plots to visualize the mean cross-validation error. If no external
#' data was used in the model fit, a plot of the cross-validated error with standard error
#' bars is generated for all penalty values. If external data was used in the model fit, a
#' contour plot of the cross-validated errors is created. Error curves can also be
#' generated for a fixed value of the primary penalty on x (p) or the external penalty (pext) when
#' external data is used.
#' @param x A tune_xrnet class object
#' @param p (optional) penalty value for x (for generating an error curve across external penalties).
#' Use value "opt" to use the optimal penalty value.
#' @param pext (optional) penalty value for external (for generating an error curve across primary penalties)
#' Use value "opt" to use the optimal penalty value.
#' @param ... Additional graphics parameters
#' @return None
#' @details The parameter values p and pext can be used to generate profiled error curves by fixing either
#' the penalty on x or the penalty on external to a fixed value. You cannot specify
#' both at the same time as this would only return a single point.
#' @examples
#' ## load example data
#' data(GaussianExample)
#' ## 5-fold cross validation
#' cv_xrnet <- tune_xrnet(
#'     x = x_linear,
#'     y = y_linear,
#'     external = ext_linear,
#'     family = "gaussian",
#'     control = xrnet.control(tolerance = 1e-6)
#'  )
#'  ## contour plot of cross-validated error
#'  plot(cv_xrnet)
#'  ## error curve of external penalties at optimal penalty value
#'  plot(cv_xrnet, p = "opt")

#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics filled.contour axis points
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette

plot.tune_xrnet <- function(x, p = NULL, pext = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.null(x$fitted_model$alphas) || !is.null(p) || !is.null(pext)) {
        if (is.null(x$fitted_model$alphas)) {
            xval <- log(as.numeric(rownames(x$cv_mean)))
            cverr <- x$cv_mean[, 1]
            cvsd <- x$cv_sd[, 1]
            xlab <- "log(Penalty)"
            xopt_val <- log(x$opt_penalty)
        } else {
            if (!is.null(p) && !is.null(pext)) {
                stop("Please only specify either penalty or penalty_ext, cannot specify both at the same time")
            } else if (!is.null(p)) {
                if (p == "opt") {
                    p <- x$opt_penalty
                p_idx <- match(p, x$fitted_model$penalty)
                if (is.na(p_idx)) {
                    stop("The penalty value 'p' is not in the fitted model")
                xval <- log(as.numeric(colnames(x$cv_mean)))
                cverr <- x$cv_mean[p_idx, ]
                cvsd <- x$cv_sd[p_idx, ]
                xlab <- "log(External Penalty)"
                xopt_val <- log(x$opt_penalty_ext)
            } else {
                if (pext == "opt") {
                    pext <- x$opt_penalty_ext
                pext_idx <- match(pext, x$fitted_model$penalty_ext)
                if (is.na(pext_idx)) {
                    stop("The penalty value 'p' is not in the fitted model")
                xval <- log(as.numeric(rownames(x$cv_mean)))
                cverr <- x$cv_mean[, pext_idx]
                cvsd <- x$cv_sd[, pext_idx]
                xlab <- "log(Penalty)"
                xopt_val <- log(x$opt_penalty)
            x = xval,
            y = cverr,
            ylab = paste0("Mean CV Error (", x$loss, ")"),
            xlab = xlab,
            ylim=range(c(cverr - cvsd, cverr + cvsd)),
            type = "n"
            cverr - cvsd,
            cverr + cvsd,
            length = 0.025,
            angle = 90,
            code = 3,
            col = "lightgray"
            x = xval,
            y = cverr,
            col = "dodgerblue4",
            pch = 16,
        graphics::abline(v = xopt_val, col = "firebrick")
    } else {
        cvgrid <- x$cv_mean
        cvgrid <- cvgrid[rev(seq_len(nrow(cvgrid))), ]
        cvgrid <- cvgrid[ , rev(seq_len(ncol(cvgrid)))]
        minx <- log(x$opt_penalty_ext)
        miny <- log(x$opt_penalty)

        contour_colors <- c("#014636", "#016C59", "#02818A", "#3690C0",
                            "#67A9CF", "#A6BDDB", "#D0D1E6", "#ECE2F0", "#FFF7FB")

            x = log(as.numeric(colnames(cvgrid))),
            y = log(as.numeric(rownames(cvgrid))),
            z = t(cvgrid),
            col = colorRampPalette(contour_colors)(25),
            xlab = "log(External Penalty)",
            ylab = "log(Penalty)",
            plot.axes = {axis(1); axis(2); points(minx, miny, col = "red", pch = 16)}

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xrnet documentation built on March 26, 2020, 9:13 p.m.