Man pages for yardstick
Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance

average_precisionArea under the precision recall curve
bal_accuracyBalanced accuracy
brier_classBrier score for classification models
brier_survivalTime-Dependent Brier score for right censored data
brier_survival_integratedIntegrated Brier score for right censored data
cccConcordance correlation coefficient
check_metricDeveloper function for checking inputs in new metrics
classification_costCosts function for poor classification
concordance_survivalConcordance index for right-censored data
conf_matConfusion Matrix for Categorical Data
demographic_parityDemographic parity
detection_prevalenceDetection prevalence
developer-helpersDeveloper helpers
equalized_oddsEqualized odds
equal_opportunityEqual opportunity
f_measF Measure
gain_captureGain capture
gain_curveGain curve
hpc_cvMulticlass Probability Predictions
huber_lossHuber loss
huber_loss_pseudoPsuedo-Huber Loss
iicIndex of ideality of correlation
lift_curveLift curve
lung_survSurvival Analysis Results
maeMean absolute error
mapeMean absolute percent error
maseMean absolute scaled error
mccMatthews correlation coefficient
metricsGeneral Function to Estimate Performance
metric_setCombine metric functions
metric_summarizerDeveloper function for summarizing new metrics
metric-summarizersDeveloper function for summarizing new metrics
metric_tweakTweak a metric function
metric_vec_templateDeveloper function for calling new metrics
mn_log_lossMean log loss for multinomial data
mpeMean percentage error
msdMean signed deviation
new_groupwise_metricCreate groupwise metrics
new-metricConstruct a new metric function
npvNegative predictive value
pathologyLiver Pathology Data
poisson_log_lossMean log loss for Poisson data
ppvPositive predictive value
pr_aucArea under the precision recall curve
pr_curvePrecision recall curve
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rmseRoot mean squared error
roc_aucArea under the receiver operator curve
roc_auc_survivalTime-Dependent ROC AUC for Censored Data
roc_aunpArea under the ROC curve of each class against the rest,...
roc_aunuArea under the ROC curve of each class against the rest,...
roc_curveReceiver operator curve
roc_curve_survivalTime-Dependent ROC surve for Censored Data
rpdRatio of performance to deviation
rpiqRatio of performance to inter-quartile
rsqR squared
rsq_tradR squared - traditional
smapeSymmetric mean absolute percentage error
solubility_testSolubility Predictions from MARS Model
summary.conf_matSummary Statistics for Confusion Matrices
two_class_exampleTwo Class Predictions
yardstick-packageyardstick: Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance
yardstick_remove_missingDeveloper function for handling missing values in new metrics
yardstick documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:07 p.m.