
Defines functions msd_impl msd_vec msd.data.frame msd

Documented in msd msd.data.frame msd_vec

#' Mean signed deviation
#' @description
#' Mean signed deviation (also known as mean signed difference, or mean signed
#' error) computes the average differences between `truth` and `estimate`. A
#' related metric is the mean absolute error ([mae()]).
#' @details
#' Mean signed deviation is rarely used, since positive and negative errors
#' cancel each other out. For example, `msd_vec(c(100, -100), c(0, 0))` would
#' return a seemingly "perfect" value of `0`, even though `estimate` is wildly
#' different from `truth`. [mae()] attempts to remedy this by taking the
#' absolute value of the differences before computing the mean.
#' This metric is computed as `mean(truth - estimate)`, following the convention
#' that an "error" is computed as `observed - predicted`. If you expected this
#' metric to be computed as `mean(estimate - truth)`, reverse the sign of the
#' result.
#' @family numeric metrics
#' @family accuracy metrics
#' @templateVar fn msd
#' @template return
#' @inheritParams rmse
#' @author Thomas Bierhance
#' @template examples-numeric
#' @export
msd <- function(data, ...) {
msd <- new_numeric_metric(
  direction = "zero"

#' @rdname msd
#' @export
msd.data.frame <- function(data,
                           na_rm = TRUE,
                           case_weights = NULL,
                           ...) {
    name = "msd",
    fn = msd_vec,
    data = data,
    truth = !!enquo(truth),
    estimate = !!enquo(estimate),
    na_rm = na_rm,
    case_weights = !!enquo(case_weights)

#' @export
#' @rdname msd
msd_vec <- function(truth,
                    na_rm = TRUE,
                    case_weights = NULL,
                    ...) {
  check_numeric_metric(truth, estimate, case_weights)

  if (na_rm) {
    result <- yardstick_remove_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)

    truth <- result$truth
    estimate <- result$estimate
    case_weights <- result$case_weights
  } else if (yardstick_any_missing(truth, estimate, case_weights)) {

  msd_impl(truth, estimate, case_weights)

msd_impl <- function(truth, estimate, case_weights) {
  yardstick_mean(truth - estimate, case_weights = case_weights)

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yardstick documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:07 p.m.