
Defines functions yearn FindClosestPackage

Documented in FindClosestPackage yearn

#' Do yearn on a single package
#' @param pkg The package name (bare text, NOT in quotes)
#' @param maxdist The maximum distance that counts as a match
#' @param username.pref In case of matches, user names in order of preference.
#' @return NULL if success, a string describing the problem otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yearn(laser) # A package that was on CRAN but has been removed.
#' }
#' @details
#' See the readme file. Basically, this tries to load an installed package. If that fails, it then looks (in order) on Bioconductor, CRAN, GitHub's CRAN mirror, and other GitHub repositories for the package and installs it if it can find it.
yearn <- function(pkg, maxdist=0, username.pref = c("cran", "ropensci", "rstudio", "tidyverse", "hadley", "yihui", "RcppCore", "eddelbuettel", "ropenscilabs", "hrbrmstr", "thej022214", "bomeara")) {
  original.repos <- options("repos")
  if(original.repos=='@CRAN@') {
    options(repos = 'https://cloud.r-project.org/')
  pkg <- deparse(substitute(pkg))
  failure.type <- NULL
  if(!suppressWarnings(require(pkg, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))) {
    everything.installed <- utils::installed.packages()
    matching.installed <- everything.installed[grepl(paste0('^', pkg, '$'),everything.installed,ignore.case=TRUE)] #based on answer from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39996324/case-insensitive-package-installation-ignore-case-while-installing-packages/39996637
    if(length(matching.installed)==1) {
      if(suppressWarnings(require(matching.installed, character.only=TRUE, quietly=FALSE))) {
        print(paste("You asked for", pkg, "but it's actually", matching.installed, "-- package names are case-sensitive. Loaded, but fix this in the future."))
    } else {
      print(paste(pkg, "not installed, now going to try to find it on CRAN or Bioconductor"))
      on.repo <- utils::available.packages(repos=BiocInstaller::biocinstallRepos())[,"Package"]
      to.install <- on.repo[grepl(paste0('^', pkg, '$'),on.repo,ignore.case=TRUE)] #based on answer from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39996324/case-insensitive-package-installation-ignore-case-while-installing-packages/39996637
      if(length(to.install)==1 && pkg != to.install) {
        print(paste("You asked for", pkg, "but it's actually", matching.installed, "on CRAN. Package names are case-sensitive. Will try to load anyway, but fix this in the future."))
        pkg <- to.install

      suppressWarnings(utils::install.packages(pkg, quiet=FALSE, verbose=FALSE))
      if(!suppressWarnings(require(pkg, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))) {
        print(paste("Installing", pkg, "from CRAN failed, now trying to install from github. First trying from CRAN mirror (which includes packages formerly on CRAN). Note this is case-sensitive."))
        try(suppressWarnings(devtools::install_github(paste0("cran/",pkg), quiet=FALSE)))
        if(!suppressWarnings(require(pkg, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))) {
          potential.packages <- FindClosestPackage(pkg, maxdist=maxdist, username.pref=username.pref)
          print(paste("Now trying to install", potential.packages, "from github"))
          if(length(potential.packages)==1) {
            suppressWarnings(githubinstall::githubinstall(potential.packages, ask=FALSE, quiet=FALSE))
            new.pkg.name <- strsplit(potential.packages, '/')[[1]][2]
            if(!suppressWarnings(require(new.pkg.name, character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE))) {
              failure.type <- paste(pkg, ": installed", potential.packages, "for", pkg, "but", pkg, "not loaded")
            } else {
              print(paste("Successfully installed", pkg, "from", potential.packages, "on github"))
          if(length(potential.packages)==0) {
            failure.type <- paste(pkg, ": no matches for", pkg)
            print(paste("Did not successfully install", pkg))
        } else {
          print(paste("Successfully installed", pkg, "from cran mirror on github"))
      } else {
        print(paste("Successfully installed", pkg, "from CRAN"))
  if(original.repos=='@CRAN@') {
    options(repos = original.repos) #make no permanent changes

#' Find closest matching package
#' @param pkg A single package
#' @param maxdist The maximum distance that counts as a match
#' @param auto.select If TRUE, make a best guess in case of multiple equally good
#' @param username.pref In case of matches, user names in order of preference.
#' @return pkgs that match the constraints
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yearn(TreEvo) # A package on github, not CRAN (yet)
#' }
#' @details
#' Inspired by githubinstall::gh_suggest() but allows being pickier about match. The username.pref is based on my guesses on priority: "cran" is a mirror for packages that have been on CRAN at some point, but could have been taken off; "ropensci" and "rstudio" produce really useful packages, etc.
FindClosestPackage <- function(pkg, maxdist=2, auto.select=TRUE, username.pref = c("cran", "ropensci", "rstudio", "tidyverse", "hadley", "yihui", "RcppCore", "eddelbuettel", "ropenscilabs", "hrbrmstr", "thej022214", "bomeara")) {
  all.packages <- githubinstall::gh_list_packages()
  distances <- utils::adist(pkg, all.packages$package_name, ignore.case=TRUE)
  min.dist <- min(distances)
  closest <- which(distances==min.dist)
  if(min(distances)>maxdist) {
    closest <- NULL
  best.matches <- all.packages[closest,]
  if(length(closest)>0 & auto.select) {
    matching.names <- which(username.pref %in% best.matches$username)
    if(length(matching.names)>=1) {
      best.matches <- subset(best.matches, best.matches$username == username.pref[matching.names[1]])[1,]
  final.names <- paste(best.matches$username, best.matches$package_name, sep="/")

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yearn documentation built on Jan. 13, 2018, 1:02 a.m.