
Defines functions yesno

Documented in yesno

#' Yes No with Variable Responses
#' Asks a custom yes-no question with randomly varying responses.
#' Returns a flag indicating whether the user answered yes or no.
#' It is designed to be used in situations where the users needs to confirm
#' an affirmative action.
#' The objects are first pasted without separators
#' and collapsed using `[paste0](..., collapse = "")`
#' before being output using [cat()].
#' The order and phrasing of the possible responses varies randomly to ensure
#' the user consciously chooses
#' (as opposed to automatically types their response).
#' A total of three responses are offered - two of which correspond to No and
#' one of which corresponds to Yes.
#' The possible responses are skewed to No to reduce the chances that
#' a blindly-typing
#' user mistakenly chooses an affirmative action.
#' For the same reason, selection of uncertain responses such as
#' 'Uhhh... Maybe?'
#' is considered to be a No.
#' Selection of a 0 (to exit) is also considered to be No.
#' Questions should be phrased accordingly.
#' @param ... Objects to paste and then output to produce the question.
#' @return A flag indicating whether the user answered yes or no.
#' @seealso [yesno2()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' yesno("Do you like ", R.Version()$nickname, "?")
#' }
yesno <- function(...) {
  yeses <- c(
    "Yes", "Definitely", "For sure", "Yup", "Yeah",
    "I agree", "Absolutely"
  nos <- c("No way", "Not yet", "I forget", "No", "Nope", "Uhhhh... Maybe?")

  qs <- c(sample(yeses, 1), sample(nos, 2))
  rand <- sample(length(qs))

  cat(paste0(..., collapse = ""))
  utils::menu(qs[rand]) == which(rand == 1)

Try the yesno package in your browser

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yesno documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:23 p.m.