The YAML Fieldguide

  echo = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "", 
  warning = FALSE
if (!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
  cat("pandoc is required to use ymlthis. Please visit for more information.")
if (!requireNamespace("roxygen2")) {
  cat("roxygen2 is required to render this vignette: `install.packages('roxygen2'`")
oldoption <- options( = "Malcolm Barrett", crayon.enabled = FALSE)

function_name <- function(x) {
  function_call <- x$call
  ifelse(rlang::has_length(function_call), as.character(function_call[[2]]), NA)

block_names <- function(x) x$tags %>% purrr::map_chr(~.x$tag)

get_doc_name <- function(x) {
  tags <- block_names(x)
  rdname_index <- which(tags == "rdname")
  if (purrr::is_empty(rdname_index)) return(function_name(x))


get_params <- function(x) {
  param_lists <- which(block_names(x) == "param")
  f <- get_doc_name(x)
  if (!rlang::has_length(param_lists) || return(data.frame())

  params_desc <- x$tags[param_lists] %>% 
    purrr::map($val, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) %>%, .)

  params_desc$description <- stringr::str_replace_all(
    " "

  params_desc$name <- params_desc$name %>% 
    stringr::str_split(",") %>% 
      ~paste0("`", .x, "`") %>% paste(collapse = ", ")

  cbind(func = f, params_desc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

link_help_page <- function(x) {
  url <- ""
  glue::glue("<a href='{url}/reference/{x}.html'>{x}</a>")

filter_kable <- function(.tbl, .pattern = NULL, caption = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(.pattern)) {
    index <- stringr::str_detect(.tbl$func, .pattern)
    .tbl <- .tbl[index, ]
  .tbl$func <- link_help_page(.tbl$func)

    col.names = c("Help Page", "Argument", "Description"), 
    row.names = FALSE, 
    caption = caption

fields_df <- roxygen2::parse_package("../") %>% 
  purrr::map(get_params) %>%, .)

ymlthis attempts to write common YAML for you in the right way and to document the many YAML field options in one place. The fieldguide is a collection of all the fields documented in the ymlthis help pages, organized by source. Note that some argument names do not match the YAML field name exactly in order because not all field names are valid R names (e.g. the link-citations YAML field needs to be link_citations in R); these differences are noted in the argument description. Additionally, not all of these arguments are top-level YAML; see the linked help pages for more details.

Basic YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("yml_author|yml_runtime|yml_clean|yml_toc", caption = "Basic YAML")

The nested fields for the output field are based on the arguments of the output function. See the help page for the function you are using, e.g., ?rmarkdown::pdf_document.

LaTeX/PDF Options

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("latex", caption = "LaTeX/PDF Options")

R Markdown Websites

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("site|navbar|vignette", caption = "R Markdown Websites")


fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("citations", caption = "Citations")

blogdown YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("yml_blogdown_opts", caption = "blogdown YAML")

bookdown YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("bookdown", caption = "bookdown YAML")

pkgdown YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("yml_pkgdown", caption = "pkgdown YAML")

pagedown YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("pagedown", caption = "pagedown YAML")

distill YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("distill", caption = "distill YAML")

rticles YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("rticles", caption = "rticles YAML")

RStudio Connect Scheduled Email YAML

fields_df %>% 
  filter_kable("rsconnect", caption = "RStudio Connect Scheduled Email YAML")

Try the ymlthis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ymlthis documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 5:23 p.m.