
Defines functions get_cache_element update_cache_item rm_cache_item get_cache_item initial_cache_item rm_cache get_cache initial_cache

Documented in get_cache get_cache_element get_cache_item initial_cache initial_cache_item rm_cache rm_cache_item update_cache_item

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
initial_cache <- function() {
    pos <- 1
    envir <- as.environment(pos)
    assign(".yulabCache", new.env(), envir = envir)

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
get_cache <- function() {
    if (!exists(".yulabCache", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
    get(".yulabCache", envir = .GlobalEnv)

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
rm_cache <- function() {
    if (exists(".yulabCache", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
        rm(".yulabCache", envir = .GlobalEnv)

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
initial_cache_item <- function(item) {
    env <- get_cache()
    assign(item, list(), envir = env)    

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
get_cache_item <- function(item) {
    env <- get_cache()
    if (!exists(item, envir = env)) {

    get(item, envir = env, inherits = FALSE)

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
rm_cache_item <- function(item) {
    env <- get_cache()
    if (exists(item, envir = env)) {
        rm(list = item, envir = env)

##' cache intermediate data
##' Yulab provides a set of utilities to cache intermediate data, 
##' including initialize the cached item, update cached item and rmove the cached item, etc.
##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @param item the name of the cached item
##' @param elements elements to be cached in the item
##' @return return the cache environment, item or selected elements, depends on the functions.
##' @importFrom utils modifyList
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'  slow_fib <- function(x) {
##'      if (x < 2) return(1)
##'      slow_fib(x-2) + slow_fib(x-1)
##'  }
##'  fast_fib <- function(x) {
##'      if (x < 2) return(1)
##'      res <- get_cache_element('fibonacci', as.character(x))
##'      if (!is.null(res)) { 
##'          return(res)
##'      }
##'      res <- fast_fib(x-2) + fast_fib(x-1)
##'      e <- list()
##'      e[[as.character(x)]] <- res
##'      update_cache_item('fibonacci', e)
##'      return(res)
##'  }
##'  system.time(slow_fib(30))
##'  system.time(fast_fib(30)) 
##'  }
update_cache_item <- function(item, elements) {

    msg <- "new elements should be stored as a named list"
    if (!inherits(elements, 'list')) {

    if (is.null(names(elements))) {
    if(any(names(elements) == "")) {

    env <- get_cache()
    res <- get_cache_item(item)
    res <- modifyList(res, elements)
    assign(item, res, envir = env)

##' @rdname yulab-cache
##' @export
get_cache_element <- function(item, elements) {
    x <- get_cache_item(item)
    n <- length(elements)
    if (n == 1) return(x[[elements]])


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yulab.utils documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:25 p.m.