
#' Read Energy Plus Outputs
#' This function reads the EnergyPlus output file(s) into R and munges them for use in the autocalibration alogorithms.
#' @param fileName The name of the file containing billing data to be read in. Must be .csv format.
#' @keywords EnergyPlus,Model Data, Calibration
#' @export
#' @examples
#' read_EP_Output("parametricModel1_Outputs.csv")
read_EP_Output <- function(fileName){
  out <- read_csv(fileName)
  out <- out[49:nrow(out),]                                                 #' Delete design days
  #out <- out[289:nrow(out),]                                                 #' Delete design days
  names(out)[1] = "date"
  fixDate <- function(df, year){                                            #' Add year to the date, format
    dateTime <- ldply(strsplit(as.character(df$date), split = " ")) %>%
      rename(dayMonth = V1, time = V3) %>%
    dateTime <- within(dateTime,{
      dayMonth <- paste(dayMonth,"/",year, sep="")
      fin <- mdy_hms(paste(dayMonth,time, sep=" "))
    df$date <- dateTime$fin
  out <- fixDate(out, "2014")
  out <- JtoKW(out) 
  #  mutate(EUI = `ElectricityNet:Facility`)
07engineer/FCZ12.Residential documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:40 p.m.