
Defines functions .parseGDAReferencedElement .parseGDAMember parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse .sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0 .getDataAvailability_1.0.0

Documented in parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse

############################################################################## #
# Copyright (C) 2019 by 52 North                                               #
# Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH                          #
#                                                                              #
# Contact: Andreas Wytzisk                                                     #
# 52 North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH                 #
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# info@52north.org                                                             #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under   #
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# This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; even without the implied   #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with #
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# Author: Eike Hinderk Jürrens (e.h.juerrens@52north.org)                      #
# Created: 2018-11-23                                                          #
# Project: sos4R - visit project web page https://52north.org/geostatistics    #
#                                                                              #
############################################################################## #

# helper functions ----
.getDataAvailability_1.0.0 <- function(sos,
                                       ...) {
  filename <- NULL
  if (!is.null(saveOriginal)) {
    if (is.character(saveOriginal)) {
      filename <- saveOriginal
      if (verbose) cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Using saveOriginal parameter for file name: '", filename, "'\n", sep = "")
    else if (is.logical(saveOriginal)) {
      if (saveOriginal) {
        filename <- tempfile(pattern = format(Sys.time(), sosDefaultFilenameTimeFormat), fileext = ".xml")
      if (verbose) cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Generated file name:", filename, "\n")
  gda <- SosGetDataAvailability_1.0.0(service = sosService,
                                      version = sos@version,
                                      observedProperties = observedProperties,
                                      procedures = procedures,
                                      featuresOfInterest = featuresOfInterest,
                                      offerings = offerings)

  if (verbose) cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] REQUEST:\n", toString(gda), "\n")

  response <- sosRequest(sos = sos,
                         request = gda,
                         verbose = verbose,
                         inspect = inspect)

  if (verbose) cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Received response (size:", utils::object.size(response),
                   "bytes), parsing ...\n")

  if (inspect) {
    cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Response XML document:\n")

  if (!is.null(filename)) {
    xml2::write_xml(x = response, file = filename)
    if (verbose) cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Saved original document:", filename, "\n")

  if (.isExceptionReport(response)) {
    return(.handleExceptionReport(sos, response))

  parsingFunction <- sosParsers(sos)[[gdaGetDataAvailabilityResponseName]]

  if (verbose) {
    cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Parsing with function ")

  dataAvailability <- parsingFunction(obj = response, sos = sos, verbose = verbose)
  if (verbose) cat("[.getDataAvailability_1.0.0] Received and parsed", length(dataAvailability),
                    "data availability members.\n")
  return (dataAvailability)

# getDataAvailability - Impl. ----
# Implementation of abstract method from Generic-Methods.R
setMethod(f = "getDataAvailability",
          signature = signature(sos = "SOS_2.0.0"),
          definition = function(sos,
                         inspect = FALSE,
                         saveOriginal = NULL,
                         ...) {
            if (verbose) {
              cat("[getDataAvailability] Requesting metadata via procedures: '",
                  paste0(procedures, collapse = ", "),
                  "'; observedProperties: '",
                  paste0(observedProperties, collapse = ", "),
                  "'; featuresOfInterest: '",
                  paste0(featuresOfInterest, collapse = ", "),
                  "'; offerings: '",
                  paste0(offerings, collapse = ", "),
            return(.getDataAvailability_1.0.0(sos = sos,
                                              procedures = procedures,
                                              observedProperties = observedProperties,
                                              featuresOfInterest = featuresOfInterest,
                                              offerings = offerings,
                                              verbose = verbose,
                                              inspect = inspect,
                                              saveOriginal = saveOriginal,

# encodeRequest - KVP - GetDataAvailability ----
setMethod("encodeRequestKVP", "SosGetDataAvailability_1.0.0",
          function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
            if (obj@version == sos200_version) {
              return(.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0(obj, sos, verbose))
            else {
              stop("Version not supported!")
# Encoding helper function for GDA 1.0
# Result must be a valid and url encoded query string without leading "?"
.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0 <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) cat("[.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0] encoding", toString(obj), "\n")

  # mandatory
  .mandatory <- .kvpBuildRequestBase(sos, sosGetDataAvailabilityName)
  if (verbose) cat("[.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0] mandatory elements: ",
                   .mandatory, "\n")

  # optional
  .optionals <- ""
  if (sosIsListFieldAvailable(obj@procedures)) {
    if (verbose) cat("[.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0] Adding procedures ",
                     paste0("'", unlist(obj@procedures), "'", collapse = ", "), "\n")
    .optionals <- paste(.optionals,
                        .kvpKeyAndValues(key = sosKVPParamNameProcedure, obj@procedures),
                        sep = "&")
  if (sosIsListFieldAvailable(obj@observedProperties)) {
    if (verbose) cat("[.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0] Adding observed properties: ",
                     paste0("'", unlist(obj@observedProperties), "'", collapse = ", "), "\n")
    .optionals <- paste(.optionals,
                        .kvpKeyAndValues(key = sosKVPParamNameObsProp, obj@observedProperties),
                        sep = "&")
  if (sosIsListFieldAvailable(obj@featuresOfInterest)) {
    if (verbose) cat("[.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0] Adding features of interest ",
                     paste0("'", unlist(obj@featuresOfInterest), "'", collapse = ", "), "\n")
    .optionals <- paste(.optionals,
                        .kvpKeyAndValues(key = sosKVPParamNameFoi, obj@featuresOfInterest),
                        sep = "&")
  if (sosIsListFieldAvailable(obj@offerings)) {
    if (verbose) cat("[.sosEncodeRequestKVPGetDataAvailability_1.0.0] Adding offerings ",
                     paste0("'", unlist(obj@offerings), "'", collapse = ", "), "\n")
    .optionals <- paste(.optionals,
                        .kvpKeyAndValues(key = sosKVPParamNameOffering, obj@offerings),
                        sep = "&")

  # build final querystring
  .kvpString <- paste(.mandatory, .optionals, sep = "")

# sosName(SosGetDataAvailability_1.0.0)
setMethod(f = "sosName", signature = signature(obj = "SosGetDataAvailability_1.0.0"),
          definition = function(obj) {

parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse <- function(obj, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse]")

  if (sos@version != sos200_version) {
    stop(paste0("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] SOS version 2.0 required! Received '",
                sos@version, "'"))
  ns <- sos@namespaces
  ns["gda"] <- xml2::xml_ns(obj)["gda"][[1]]

  gdaMembers <- xml2::xml_find_all(x = obj, xpath = gdaDataAvailabilityMemberName, ns = ns)

  if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] with", length(gdaMembers), "element(s).\n")

  assign("phenTimeCache", list(), envir = get("sos4R_caches"))

  parsedGDAMembers <- lapply(gdaMembers, .parseGDAMember, sos, verbose)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseGetDataAvailabilityResponse] Done. Processed", length(parsedGDAMembers),

  assign("phenTimeCache", list(), envir = get("sos4R_caches"))


.parseGDAMember <- function(gdaMember, sos, verbose = FALSE) {
  ns <- sos@namespaces
  ns["gda"] <- xml2::xml_ns(gdaMember)["gda"][[1]]
  id <- xml2::xml_attr(x = gdaMember, attr = "gml:id", ns = ns)
  if (verbose) cat("[parseGDAMember]", id, "\n")

  procedure <- .parseGDAReferencedElement(gdaMember, sos, gdaProcedureName, verbose)
  observedProperty <- .parseGDAReferencedElement(gdaMember, sos, gdaObservedPropertyName, verbose)
  featureOfInterest <- .parseGDAReferencedElement(gdaMember, sos, gdaFeatureOfInterestName, verbose)

  phenTime <- NULL
  ptNode <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = gdaMember, xpath = gdaPhenomenonTimeName, ns = ns)
  if (is.na(ptNode)) {
    stop(paste0("[parseGDAMember] ", gdaPhenomenonTimeName, " not found!"))

  phenTimeCache <- get(x = "phenTimeCache", envir = get("sos4R_caches"))

  # if href is in <gda:phenomenonTime xlink:href="#tp_2"/> then in-document reference starting with "#" and than the GML:id of the referenced element
  if (gmlIsNodeReferenced(sos, ptNode)) {
    phenTime <- phenTimeCache[[substring(text = xml2::xml_attr(ptNode, "xlink:href", ns = ns), first = 2)]]

    if (is.null(phenTime)) {
      ptNode <- gmlGetReferencedNode(sos, gdaMember, ptNode, verbose = verbose)
      phenTime <- parseTimePeriod(xml2::xml_find_first(x = ptNode,
                                                       xpath = gmlTimePeriodName,
                                                       ns = ns),
                                  sos = sos)

      phenTimeCache[[phenTime@id]] <- phenTime
  } else {
    phenTime <- parseTimePeriod(xml2::xml_find_first(x = ptNode,
                                                     xpath = gmlTimePeriodName,
                                                     ns = ns),
                                sos = sos)
    if (!is.na(phenTime@id)) {
      phenTimeCache[[phenTime@id]] <- phenTime

  assign(x = "phenTimeCache", value = phenTimeCache, envir = get("sos4R_caches"))

  if (is.null(phenTime)) {
    stop("[parseGDAMember] could NOT parse phenomenon time.")

  DataAvailabilityMember(procedure = procedure,
                         observedProperty = observedProperty,
                         featureOfInterest = featureOfInterest,
                         phenomenonTime = phenTime)

.parseGDAReferencedElement <- function(gdaMember, sos, elementName, verbose = FALSE) {
  ns <- sos@namespaces
  ns["gda"] <- xml2::xml_ns(gdaMember)["gda"][[1]]
  node <- xml2::xml_find_first(x = gdaMember, xpath = elementName, ns = ns)
  if (is.na(node)) {
    stop(paste0("[parseGDAMember] no element found for '", elementName, "'."))
  .element <- xml2::xml_attr(x = node, attr = "href")
  if (is.na(.element) || stringr::str_length(.element) < 1) {
    stop(paste0("[parseGDAMember] element found for '", elementName, "' misses href attribute. Found '",
                .element, "'."))
52North/sos4R documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 11:42 p.m.