

buildRadiologyVae <- function(dataPaths = imagePaths, vaeValidationSplit = 0.2, vaeBatchSize = 200L,
                              vaeLatentDim = 1000L, vaeIntermediateDim = 10000L,
                              vaeEpoch = 500L, vaeEpislonStd = 1.0, dimensionOfTarget = 2,
                              originalDimension = c(128, 128),
                              ROI2D = list(c(10:119), c(10:119)),
                              MaxLimitUnit = 1500,
                              samplingGenerator = FALSE) {
    if(dimensionOfTarget != 2)
        stop("Currently only dimesion of Target = 2 is avaiablbe")
    originalDim <- length(ROI2D[[1]]) * length(ROI2D[[2]])
    K <- keras::backend()
    x <- keras::layer_input(shape = originalDim)
    h <- keras::layer_dense(x, vaeIntermediateDim, activation = "relu")
    z_mean <- keras::layer_dense(h, vaeLatentDim)
    z_log_var <- keras::layer_dense(h, vaeLatentDim)
    sampling <- function(arg) {
        z_mean <- arg[, 1:vaeLatentDim]
        z_log_var <- arg[, (vaeLatentDim + 1):(2 * vaeLatentDim)]
        epsilon <- keras::k_random_normal(
            shape = c(keras::k_shape(z_mean)[[1]]),
            mean = 0.,
            stddev = vaeEpislonStd
        z_mean + keras::k_exp(z_log_var / 2) * epsilon
    z <- keras::layer_concatenate(list(z_mean, z_log_var)) %>%
    # We instantiate these layers separately so as to reuse them later
    decoder_h <- keras::layer_dense(units = vaeIntermediateDim, activation = "relu")
    decoder_mean <- keras::layer_dense(units = originalDim, activation = "sigmoid")
    h_decoded <- decoder_h(z)
    x_decoded_mean <- decoder_mean(h_decoded)
    # end-to-end autoencoder
    vae <- keras::keras_model(x, x_decoded_mean)
    # encoder, from inputs to latent space
    encoder <- keras::keras_model(x, z_mean)
    # generator, from latent space to reconstruted inputs
    decoder_input <- keras::layer_input(shape = vaeLatentDim)
    h_decoded_2 <- decoder_h(decoder_input)
    x_decoded_mean_2 <- decoder_mean(h_decoded_2)
    generator <- keras::keras_model(decoder_input, x_decoded_mean_2)
    vae_loss <- function(x, x_decoded_mean) {
        xent_loss <- (originalDim / 1.0) * keras::loss_binary_crossentropy(x, x_decoded_mean)
        k1_loss <- -0.5 * keras::k_mean(1 + z_log_var - keras::k_square(z_mean) - keras::k_exp(z_log_var), axis = -1L)
        xent_loss + k1_loss
    # if (!is.null(dataValidation)) dataValidation <- list(dataValidation,dataValidation)
    vaeEarlyStopping <- keras::callback_early_stopping(monitor = "val_loss", patience = 10, mode = "auto", min_delta = 1e-1)
    vae %>% keras::compile(optimizer = "rmsprop", loss = vae_loss)
    # Paths for data
    actualPaths <- apply(imagePaths, 1, function(x) file.path(dataFolder, x))
    if(samplingGenerator) {
        # validation data
        valIndex <- sample(seq(actualPaths), length(actualPaths) * vaeValidationSplit)
        valImages <- lapply(as.array(actualPaths[valIndex]), function(x) {
                x <- oro.dicom::dicom2nifti(oro.dicom::readDICOM(x, verbose = FALSE))
                x <- EBImage::resize(x, w = originalDimension[1], h = originalDimension[2])[ROI2D[[1]], ROI2D[[2]] ]
            }, silent = T)
        valImages <- array(unlist(valImages), dim = c(originalDimension, length(valImages)))
        valImages <- valImages %>% apply(3, as.numeric) %>% t()
        ## Regularization the data with the max ##
        valImages[is.na(valImages)] <- 0
        valImages <- ifelse(valImages > MaxLimitUnit, MaxLimitUnit, valImages)
        valImages <- valImages / MaxLimitUnit
        sampling_generator <- function(dataPath, batchSize, MaxLimitUnit) {
            function() {
                # gc()
                index <- sample(length(dataPath), batchSize, replace = FALSE)
                data.mat <- as.array(dataPath[index])
                images <- lapply(data.mat, function(x) {
                        x <- oro.dicom::dicom2nifti(oro.dicom::readDICOM(x, verbose = FALSE))
                        x <- EBImage::resize(x, w = originalDimension[1], h = originalDimension[2]) [ROI2D[[1]], ROI2D[[2]] ]
                    }, silent = T)
                images <- array(unlist(images), dim = c(ROI2D[[1]], ROI2D[[2]], length(images)))
                images <- images %>% apply(3, as.numeric) %>% t() # Error
                images[is.na(images)] <- 0
                images <- ifelse(images > MaxLimitUnit, MaxLimitUnit, images)
                images <- images / MaxLimitUnit
                list(images, images)
        vae %>% keras::fit_generator(
            sampling_generator(actualPaths[-valIndex], vaeBatchSize, MaxLimitUnit),
            steps_per_epoch = length(actualPaths[-valIndex]) / vaeBatchSize
            , epochs = vaeEpoch
            , validation_data = list(valImages, valImages)
            , callbacks = list(vaeEarlyStopping)
    } else {
        data.mat <- as.array(actualPaths)
        images <- lapply(data.mat, function(x) {
                x <- oro.dicom::dicom2nifti(oro.dicom::readDICOM(x, verbose = FALSE))
                x <- EBImage::resize(x, w = originalDimension[1], h = originalDimension[2]) [ROI2D[[1]], ROI2D[[2]] ]
            }, silent = T)
        images <- array(unlist(images), dim = c(length(ROI2D[[1]]), length(ROI2D[[2]]), length(images)))
        images <- images %>% apply(3, as.numeric) %>% t() # error seems vector size upper 2.0 GB
        # saveRDS(images,file.path(dataFolder,"image64.rds"))
        # images<-readRDS(file.path(dataFolder,"image.rds"))
        images[is.na(images)] <- 0
        images <- ifelse(images > MaxLimitUnit, MaxLimitUnit, images)
        images <- images / MaxLimitUnit
        vae %>% keras::fit(
            images, images,
            shuffle = TRUE,
            epochs = vaeEpoch,
            batch_size = vaeBatchSize,
            validation_split = vaeValidationSplit,
            callbacks = list(vaeEarlyStopping)
    return(list(vae = vae, encoder = encoder, MaxLimitUnit = MaxLimitUnit, vaeBatchSize = vaeBatchSize, vaeLatentDim = vaeLatentDim))

testVae <- function(dataPaths = imagePaths, vaeBatchSize = 200L,
                    vaeLatentDim = 1000L, vaeIntermediateDim = 10000L,
                    dimensionOfTarget = 2,
                    originalDimension = c(128, 128),
                    ROI2D = list(c(10:119), c(10:119)),
                    MaxLimitUnit = 1500,
                    samplingN = 10,
                    vae) {
    if(dimensionOfTarget != 2)
        stop("Currently only dimesion of Target = 2 is avaiablbe")
    # Original dimenstion calculator
    originalDim <- length(ROI2D[[1]]) * length(ROI2D[[2]])
    # Paths for data
    actualPaths <- apply(imagePaths, 1, function(x) file.path(dataFolder, x))
    actualPaths <- actualPaths[seq(samplingN)]
    # actualPaths <- actualPaths[732:832]
    data.mat <- as.array(actualPaths)
    images <- lapply(data.mat, function(x) {
            x <- oro.dicom::dicom2nifti(oro.dicom::readDICOM(x, verbose = FALSE))
            x <- EBImage::resize(x, w = originalDimension[1], h = originalDimension[2]) [ROI2D[[1]], ROI2D[[2]] ]
        }, silent = T)
    images <- array(unlist(images), dim = c(length(ROI2D[[1]]), length(ROI2D[[2]]), length(images)))
    images <- images %>% apply(3, as.numeric) %>% t() # error seems vector size upper 2.0 GB
    images[is.na(images)] <- 0
    images <- ifelse(images > MaxLimitUnit, MaxLimitUnit, images)
    images <- images / MaxLimitUnit
    mergeImage <- function(nifs) {
        resList <- NA
        for(i in 1:dim(nifs)[1]) {
            nif <- oro.nifti::as.nifti(nifs[i,,])
                resList <- nif
                resList <- abind::abind(resList, nif, along = 3)
    originalImages <- array(unlist(images), dim = c(samplingN, length(ROI2D[[1]]), length(ROI2D[[2]])))
    # Original image view
    # oro.nifti::image(oro.nifti::as.nifti(mergeImage(originalImages)))
    predicted <- predict(VAE$vae, images, batch_size = vaeBatchSize)
    predictedImages <- array(unlist(predicted), dim = c(samplingN, length(ROI2D[[1]]), length(ROI2D[[2]])))
    # Predicted image view

#' This is the companion code to the post
#' "Discrete Representation Learning with VQ-VAE and TensorFlow Probability"
#' on the TensorFlow for R blog.
#' https://blogs.rstudio.com/tensorflow/posts/2019-01-24-vq-vae/
#' https://github.com/rstudio/keras/pull/642/commits/b3ab58640702d0dd46e6f72b8056c0579bc0f9e2#diff-8f710ecd930d2604fb377340770cab03

# library(keras)
# use_implementation("tensorflow")
# library(tensorflow)
# tfe_enable_eager_execution(device_policy = "silent")
# use_session_with_seed(7778,
#                       disable_gpu = FALSE,
#                       disable_parallel_cpu = FALSE)
# tfp <- import("tensorflow_probability")
# tfd <- tfp$distributions
# library(tfdatasets)
# library(dplyr)
# library(glue)
# library(curry)
# moving_averages <- tf$python$training$moving_averages
# # Utilities --------------------------------------------------------
# visualize_images <-
#     function(dataset,
#              epoch,
#              reconstructed_images,
#              random_images) {
#         write_png(dataset, epoch, "reconstruction", reconstructed_images)
#         write_png(dataset, epoch, "random", random_images)
#     }
# write_png <- function(dataset, epoch, desc, images) {
#     png(paste0(dataset, "_epoch_", epoch, "_", desc, ".png"))
#     par(mfcol = c(8, 8))
#     par(mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
#         xaxs = 'i',
#         yaxs = 'i')
#     for (i in 1:64) {
#         img <- images[i, , , 1]
#         img <- t(apply(img, 2, rev))
#         image(
#             1:28,
#             1:28,
#             img * 127.5 + 127.5,
#             col = gray((0:255) / 255),
#             xaxt = 'n',
#             yaxt = 'n'
#         )
#     }
#     dev.off()
# }
# # Setup and preprocessing -------------------------------------------------
# np <- import("numpy")
# # download from: https://github.com/rois-codh/kmnist
# kuzushiji <- np$load("kmnist-train-imgs.npz")
# kuzushiji <- kuzushiji$get("arr_0")
# train_images <- kuzushiji %>%
#     k_expand_dims() %>%
#     k_cast(dtype = "float32")
# train_images <- train_images %>% `/`(255)
# buffer_size <- 60000
# batch_size <- 64
# num_examples_to_generate <- batch_size
# batches_per_epoch <- buffer_size / batch_size
# train_dataset <- tensor_slices_dataset(train_images) %>%
#     dataset_shuffle(buffer_size) %>%
#     dataset_batch(batch_size, drop_remainder = TRUE)
# # test
# iter <- make_iterator_one_shot(train_dataset)
# batch <-  iterator_get_next(iter)
# batch %>% dim()
# # Params ------------------------------------------------------------------
# learning_rate <- 0.001
# latent_size <- 1
# num_codes <- 64L
# code_size <- 16L
# base_depth <- 32
# activation <- "elu"
# beta <- 0.25
# decay <- 0.99
# input_shape <- c(28, 28, 1)
# # Models -------------------------------------------------------------------
# default_conv <-
#     set_defaults(layer_conv_2d, list(padding = "same", activation = activation))
# default_deconv <-
#     set_defaults(layer_conv_2d_transpose,
#                  list(padding = "same", activation = activation))
# # Encoder ------------------------------------------------------------------
# encoder_model <- function(name = NULL,
#                           code_size) {
#     keras_model_custom(name = name, function(self) {
#         self$conv1 <- default_conv(filters = base_depth, kernel_size = 5)
#         self$conv2 <-
#             default_conv(filters = base_depth,
#                          kernel_size = 5,
#                          strides = 2)
#         self$conv3 <-
#             default_conv(filters = 2 * base_depth, kernel_size = 5)
#         self$conv4 <-
#             default_conv(
#                 filters = 2 * base_depth,
#                 kernel_size = 5,
#                 strides = 2
#             )
#         self$conv5 <-
#             default_conv(
#                 filters = 4 * latent_size,
#                 kernel_size = 7,
#                 padding = "valid"
#             )
#         self$flatten <- layer_flatten()
#         self$dense <- layer_dense(units = latent_size * code_size)
#         self$reshape <-
#             layer_reshape(target_shape = c(latent_size, code_size))
#         function (x, mask = NULL) {
#             x %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 28 28 32
#                 self$conv1() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 14 14 32
#                 self$conv2() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 14 14 64
#                 self$conv3() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 7 7 64
#                 self$conv4() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 1 1 4
#                 self$conv5() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 4
#                 self$flatten() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 16
#                 self$dense() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 1 16
#                 self$reshape()
#         }
#     })
# }
# # Decoder ------------------------------------------------------------------
# decoder_model <- function(name = NULL,
#                           input_size,
#                           output_shape) {
#     keras_model_custom(name = name, function(self) {
#         self$reshape1 <- layer_reshape(target_shape = c(1, 1, input_size))
#         self$deconv1 <-
#             default_deconv(
#                 filters = 2 * base_depth,
#                 kernel_size = 7,
#                 padding = "valid"
#             )
#         self$deconv2 <-
#             default_deconv(filters = 2 * base_depth, kernel_size = 5)
#         self$deconv3 <-
#             default_deconv(
#                 filters = 2 * base_depth,
#                 kernel_size = 5,
#                 strides = 2
#             )
#         self$deconv4 <-
#             default_deconv(filters = base_depth, kernel_size = 5)
#         self$deconv5 <-
#             default_deconv(filters = base_depth,
#                            kernel_size = 5,
#                            strides = 2)
#         self$deconv6 <-
#             default_deconv(filters = base_depth, kernel_size = 5)
#         self$conv1 <-
#             default_conv(filters = output_shape[3],
#                          kernel_size = 5,
#                          activation = "linear")
#         function (x, mask = NULL) {
#             x <- x %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 1 1 16
#                 self$reshape1() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 7 7 64
#                 self$deconv1() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 7 7 64
#                 self$deconv2() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 14 14 64
#                 self$deconv3() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 14 14 32
#                 self$deconv4() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 28 28 32
#                 self$deconv5() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 28 28 32
#                 self$deconv6() %>%
#                 # output shape:  7 28 28 1
#                 self$conv1()
#             tfd$Independent(tfd$Bernoulli(logits = x),
#                             reinterpreted_batch_ndims = length(output_shape))
#         }
#     })
# }
# # Vector quantizer -------------------------------------------------------------------
# vector_quantizer_model <- 
#     function(name = NULL, num_codes, code_size) {
#         keras_model_custom(name = name, function(self) {
#             self$num_codes <- num_codes
#             self$code_size <- code_size
#             self$codebook <- tf$get_variable("codebook",
#                                              shape = c(num_codes, code_size),
#                                              dtype = tf$float32)
#             self$ema_count <- tf$get_variable(
#                 name = "ema_count",
#                 shape = c(num_codes),
#                 initializer = tf$constant_initializer(0),
#                 trainable = FALSE
#             )
#             self$ema_means = tf$get_variable(
#                 name = "ema_means",
#                 initializer = self$codebook$initialized_value(),
#                 trainable = FALSE
#             )
#             function (x, mask = NULL) {
#                 # bs * 1 * num_codes
#                 distances <- tf$norm(tf$expand_dims(x, axis = 2L) -
#                                          tf$reshape(self$codebook,
#                                                     c(
#                                                         1L, 1L, self$num_codes, self$code_size
#                                                     )),
#                                      axis = 3L)
#                 # bs * 1
#                 assignments <- tf$argmin(distances, axis = 2L)
#                 # bs * 1 * num_codes
#                 one_hot_assignments <-
#                     tf$one_hot(assignments, depth = self$num_codes)
#                 # bs * 1 * code_size
#                 nearest_codebook_entries <- tf$reduce_sum(
#                     tf$expand_dims(one_hot_assignments,-1L) * # bs, 1, 64, 1
#                         tf$reshape(self$codebook, c(
#                             1L, 1L, self$num_codes, self$code_size
#                         )),
#                     axis = 2L # 1, 1, 64, 16
#                 )
#                 list(nearest_codebook_entries, one_hot_assignments)
#             }
#         })
#     }
# # Update codebook ------------------------------------------------------
# update_ema <- function(vector_quantizer,
#                        one_hot_assignments,
#                        codes,
#                        decay) {
#     # shape = 64
#     updated_ema_count <- moving_averages$assign_moving_average(
#         vector_quantizer$ema_count,
#         tf$reduce_sum(one_hot_assignments, axis = c(0L, 1L)),
#         decay,
#         zero_debias = FALSE
#     )
#     # 64 * 16
#     updated_ema_means <- moving_averages$assign_moving_average(
#         vector_quantizer$ema_means,
#         # selects all assigned values (masking out the others) and sums them up over the batch
#         # (will be divided by count later)
#         tf$reduce_sum(
#             tf$expand_dims(codes, 2L) *
#                 tf$expand_dims(one_hot_assignments, 3L),
#             axis = c(0L, 1L)
#         ),
#         decay,
#         zero_debias = FALSE
#     )
#     # Add small value to avoid dividing by zero
#     updated_ema_count <- updated_ema_count + 1e-5
#     updated_ema_means <-
#         updated_ema_means / tf$expand_dims(updated_ema_count, axis = -1L)
#     tf$assign(vector_quantizer$codebook, updated_ema_means)
# }
# # Training setup -----------------------------------------------------------
# encoder <- encoder_model(code_size = code_size)
# decoder <- decoder_model(input_size = latent_size * code_size,
#                          output_shape = input_shape)
# vector_quantizer <-
#     vector_quantizer_model(num_codes = num_codes, code_size = code_size)
# optimizer <- tf$train$AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
# checkpoint_dir <- "./vq_vae_checkpoints"
# checkpoint_prefix <- file.path(checkpoint_dir, "ckpt")
# checkpoint <-
#     tf$train$Checkpoint(
#         optimizer = optimizer,
#         encoder = encoder,
#         decoder = decoder,
#         vector_quantizer_model = vector_quantizer
#     )
# checkpoint$save(file_prefix = checkpoint_prefix)
# # Training loop -----------------------------------------------------------
# num_epochs <- 20
# for (epoch in seq_len(num_epochs)) {
#     iter <- make_iterator_one_shot(train_dataset)
#     total_loss <- 0
#     reconstruction_loss_total <- 0
#     commitment_loss_total <- 0
#     prior_loss_total <- 0
#     until_out_of_range({
#         x <-  iterator_get_next(iter)
#         with(tf$GradientTape(persistent = TRUE) %as% tape, {
#             codes <- encoder(x)
#             c(nearest_codebook_entries, one_hot_assignments) %<-% vector_quantizer(codes)
#             codes_straight_through <- codes + tf$stop_gradient(nearest_codebook_entries - codes)
#             decoder_distribution <- decoder(codes_straight_through)
#             reconstruction_loss <-
#                 -tf$reduce_mean(decoder_distribution$log_prob(x))
#             commitment_loss <- tf$reduce_mean(tf$square(codes - tf$stop_gradient(nearest_codebook_entries)))
#             prior_dist <- tfd$Multinomial(total_count = 1,
#                                           logits = tf$zeros(c(latent_size, num_codes)))
#             prior_loss <- -tf$reduce_mean(tf$reduce_sum(prior_dist$log_prob(one_hot_assignments), 1L))
#             loss <-
#                 reconstruction_loss + beta * commitment_loss + prior_loss
#         })
#         encoder_gradients <- tape$gradient(loss, encoder$variables)
#         decoder_gradients <- tape$gradient(loss, decoder$variables)
#         optimizer$apply_gradients(purrr::transpose(list(
#             encoder_gradients, encoder$variables
#         )),
#         global_step = tf$train$get_or_create_global_step())
#         optimizer$apply_gradients(purrr::transpose(list(
#             decoder_gradients, decoder$variables
#         )),
#         global_step = tf$train$get_or_create_global_step())
#         update_ema(vector_quantizer,
#                    one_hot_assignments,
#                    codes,
#                    decay)
#         total_loss <- total_loss + loss
#         reconstruction_loss_total <-
#             reconstruction_loss_total + reconstruction_loss
#         commitment_loss_total <- commitment_loss_total + commitment_loss
#         prior_loss_total <- prior_loss_total + prior_loss
#     })
#     checkpoint$save(file_prefix = checkpoint_prefix)
#     cat(
#         glue(
#             "Loss (epoch): {epoch}:",
#             "  {(as.numeric(total_loss)/trunc(buffer_size/batch_size)) %>% round(4)} loss",
#             "  {(as.numeric(reconstruction_loss_total)/trunc(buffer_size/batch_size)) %>% round(4)} reconstruction_loss",
#             "  {(as.numeric(commitment_loss_total)/trunc(buffer_size/batch_size)) %>% round(4)} commitment_loss",
#             "  {(as.numeric(prior_loss_total)/trunc(buffer_size/batch_size)) %>% round(4)} prior_loss",
#         ),
#         "\n"
#     )
#     # display example images (choose your frequency)
#     if (TRUE) {
#         reconstructed_images <- decoder_distribution$mean()
#         # (64, 1, 16)
#         prior_samples <- tf$reduce_sum(
#             # selects one of the codes (masking out 63 of 64 codes)
#             # (bs, 1, 64, 1)
#             tf$expand_dims(prior_dist$sample(num_examples_to_generate),-1L) *
#                 # (1, 1, 64, 16)
#                 tf$reshape(vector_quantizer$codebook,
#                            c(1L, 1L, num_codes, code_size)),
#             axis = 2L
#         )
#         decoded_distribution_given_random_prior <-
#             decoder(prior_samples)
#         random_images <- decoded_distribution_given_random_prior$mean()
#         visualize_images("k", epoch, reconstructed_images, random_images)
#     }
# }
ABMI/RadiologyFeatureExtraction documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:59 a.m.