
Defines functions plotJT

Documented in plotJT

#' display a plot of the obtained Jacobson-Truax indices
#' This function plotsdata stored in the JTRCIdf dataframe that is outputted by the JTRCI() function. When JTRCI() is run with it's default value 'plot = T', it will call upon either plotRCI() or plotJT() to create a plot. 
#' plotRCI() and plotJT() can also be called directly by the user to output plots after having obtained the JTRCIdf (by running JTRCI())
#' @param data dataframe to use, default is JTRCIdf. 
#' @param addInfoLegend choice of "yes", "classcounts", "JTcrit" or "no": if "yes" (default) both a count of observations within each JT class (or within each class and group) and the type and value of the JT criterion will be added to the plot legends. If "classcounts", only the counts will be added, if "JTcrit" only the criterion-information will be added, and if "no", no additional information will be displayed in the legends. 
#' @param useGroups logical. If 'useGroups = T', dots are given different shapes, and counts are given seperately, for each level of the group variable originally provided in the call to JTRCI()
#' @param facetplot logical. If 'facetplot = T', different groups are plotted in separate facets
#' @param addJitter logical. If 'addJitter = T', a small amount of random jitter is added to each data point in the plot.
#' @param xlab label to use for the x-axis.
#' @param ylab label to use for the y-axis.
#' @param plottitle title to show at the top of the plot.
#' @return a plot showing Jacobson-Truax indices.
#' @examples
#' plotJT(xlab = "score pre", ylab = "score post", plottitle = "my JT plot", useGroups = F)
#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export

plotJT <- function(data = JTRCIdf, 
                   addInfoLegend = c("yes", "classcounts", "JTcrit", "no"),
                     useGroups = F, 
                     facetplot = F, 
                     addJitter = F, 
                     xlab = "pre", 
                     ylab = "post", 
                     plottitle = "Jacobson-Truax plot") {
  # tiny trick to suppress 'the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used' warning when addInfoLegend is not explicitly given
  if(length(addInfoLegend) > 1 ) {
    addInfoLegend <- addInfoLegend[1]
  if(!exists("JTRCIdf")) {
    stop("\nto plot JT indices, first run the JTRCI() function with argument 'indextype = \"JT\"'", call. = F)}
  if(is.null(JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI)) {
    stop("\nto plot JT indices, first run the JTRCI() function with argument 'indextype = \"JT\"'", call. = F)}
  if(facetplot == T) { useGroups = T}
  if(useGroups == T & is.null(JTRCIdf$group)) {
    stop("\nto plot by group, first run the JTRCI() function with argument 'group =' set to the variable indicating group membership", call. = F)}
  JTRCIdf$classPlot <- JTRCIdf$class_JTRCI
  critval <- JTRCIdf$critval[1]
  Sdiff <- JTRCIdf$Sdiff[1]
  # initiate a variable indicating if classcounts shoudl be added to the legend as F, it will be set to T if classcounts are set to be shown by the value of addInfoLegend
  classcountsinlegend <- F
    if(addInfoLegend %in% c("yes", "classcounts")) {
    classcountsinlegend <- T
      classtab <- table(JTRCIdf$classPlot, JTRCIdf$group)
      for (l in 1:nrow(classtab)) {
        levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l] <- paste0(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l], ": ", paste0(classtab[[l, 1]] ))
        if(ncol(classtab) > 1) {
          for (g in 2:ncol(classtab)) {
            levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l] <-
              paste0(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l], " / ", paste0(classtab[[l, g]] ))
    if(!useGroups) {
      classtab <- table(JTRCIdf$classPlot)
      for (l in 1:nrow(classtab)) {
        levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l] <- paste0(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l], ": ", paste0(classtab[[l]] ))
  # created vector of plot colours linked to specific level names:
  cols <- c("recovered" = "orchid3","non reliably recovered" = "palevioletred3","improved" = "olivedrab3","unchanged" = "skyblue3","deteriorated" = "coral1")
  names(cols) <- c(
    levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("^recovered", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))],
    levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("non reliably", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))],
    levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("improved", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))],
    levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("unchanged", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))],
    levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("deteriorated",  levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))]
  datrangelength <- c(max(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post))) - c(min(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post)))
  plotrange <- c( c(min(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post))) - .1*datrangelength, c(max(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post))) + .1*datrangelength)
  plotrangex <- plotrange
  plotrangey <- plotrange
  if(critval < plotrange[1]) {plotrangey[1] <- critval}
  if(critval > plotrange[2]) {plotrangey[2] <- critval}
  if(facetplot == F)  {groupshapes = T
  groupfacets = F}
  if(facetplot == T)  {groupfacets = T
  groupshapes = F} 
  if(!useGroups)      {groupshapes = F 
  groupfacets = F}
  if(addJitter) {
    jitter <- position_jitter(width = 0.005 * (plotrange[2]- plotrange[1]), height = 0.005 * (plotrange[2]- plotrange[1]))}
  else { jitter <- position_jitter(width = 0, height = 0)}
  # a dataframe to define the lines with - this way we can add a legend for the lines to the plot:  
  if(addInfoLegend %in% c("yes", "JTcrit")) {
    labelJTcrit <- paste0("JT ", JTRCIdf$crittype[1], ": ", round(critval,1)) } else {
      labelJTcrit <- "JT criterion" }
  linesdf <- data.frame(lineID = c("no change", "reliable change boundary", "reliable change boundary", labelJTcrit), 
                        intercept = c(0, 1.96 * Sdiff, -1.96 * Sdiff, critval),
                        slope = c(1, 1, 1, 0))
  linesdf$lineID <- factor(linesdf$lineID, levels = c ("no change", "reliable change boundary", labelJTcrit))
  JT_plot <- ggplot(JTRCIdf[!(is.na(JTRCIdf$post > 0)), ], 
                                   aes(x = pre, y = post, colour = classPlot)) +
    geom_abline(data= linesdf, mapping=aes(slope=slope, intercept=intercept, linetype= factor(lineID)), col = "gray45") +
    {if(groupfacets) facet_wrap(.~ group , if(length(unique(JTRCIdf$group)) > 3) {2} else{1}) } +
    geom_point(size = 2.5, position = jitter) +
    {if(!groupshapes)geom_point(size = 2.5, shape = 1, colour = "gray30",  position = jitter) } +
    {if(groupshapes) aes(shape = group)} +
    {if(groupshapes) geom_point(size = 2.5, position = jitter, aes(fill = classPlot))} +
    {if(groupshapes) geom_point(size = 2.5, colour = "gray30",  position = jitter)} +
    theme_classic() +
    theme(plot.background = element_blank(),
          panel.background = element_blank(),
          legend.background = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray95"), 
          strip.background = element_blank()) +        
    scale_colour_manual(values = cols) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
    scale_shape_manual(values=c(21: 25)) +
    scale_linetype_manual(values=c(1,3,2)) +
    guides(colour = guide_legend(order = 1), 
           shape = guide_legend(order = 2), fill = F, 
           alpha = F, linetype = guide_legend(order = 3)) + 
    xlim(plotrangex) + 
    ylim(plotrangey) +
      title = plottitle,
      x = xlab,
      y = ylab,
      colour = if(classcountsinlegend & (useGroups)) { paste0("Jacobson-Truax classification \n ", paste(levels(JTRCIdf$group), collapse = "/ "), ":") } 
      else  { ("Jacobson-Truax  \n classification")},
      linetype = element_blank(),
      shape = element_blank()
AWKruijt/JT-RCI documentation built on July 9, 2019, 3:54 p.m.