#' display a plot of the obtained reliable change indices
#' This function plotsdata stored in the JTRCIdf dataframe that is outputted by the JTRCI() function. When JTRCI() is run with it's default value 'plot = T', it will call upon either plotRCI() or plotJT() to create a plot.
#' plotRCI() and plotJT() can also be called directly by the user to output plots after having obtained the JTRCIdf (by running JTRCI())
#' @param data The data to use, default is JTRCIdf.
#' @param addInfoLegend choice of "yes" or "no": if yes a count of observations within each RCI class (or within each class and group) will be added to the plot legend
#' @param useGroups logical. If 'useGroups = T', dots are shaped and counts are given according seperately for each level of the group variable originally provided in the call to JTRCI()
#' @param facetplot logical. If 'facetplot = T', different groups are plotted in separate facets
#' @param addJitter logical. If 'addJitter = T', a small amount of random jitter is added to the plot
#' @param xlab label to use for the x-axis
#' @param ylab label to use for the y-axis
#' @param plottitle title to show at the top of the plot
#' @return a plot showing reliable change indices
#' @examples
#' plotRCI(xlab = "score pre", ylab = "score post", plottitle = "my reliable change plot", useGroups = F)
#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plotRCI <- function(data = JTRCIdf,
addInfoLegend = c("yes", "no"),
useGroups = F,
facetplot = F,
addJitter = F,
xlab = "pre",
ylab = "post",
plottitle = "reliable change plot") {
# tiny trick to suppress 'the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used' warning when addInfoLegend is not explicitly given
if(length(addInfoLegend) > 1 ) {
addInfoLegend <- addInfoLegend[1]
if(!exists("JTRCIdf")) {
stop("\nto plot RCI indices, first run the JTRCI() function with argument 'indextype = \"RCI\"'", call. = F)}
if(is.null(JTRCIdf$class_RCI)) {
stop("\nto plot RCI indices, first run the JTRCI() function with argument 'indextype = \"RCI\"'", call. = F)}
if(facetplot == T) { useGroups = T}
if(useGroups == T & is.null(JTRCIdf$group)) {
stop("\nto plot by group, first run the JTRCI() function with argument 'group =' set to the variable indicating group membership", call. = F)}
JTRCIdf$classPlot <- JTRCIdf$class_RCI
Sdiff <- JTRCIdf$Sdiff[1]
# initiate a variable indicating if classcounts shoudl be added to the legend as F, it will be set to T if classcounts are set to be shown by the value of addInfoLegend
classcountsinlegend <- F
if(addInfoLegend %in% c("yes", "classcounts") ) {
classcountsinlegend <- T
classtab <- table(JTRCIdf$classPlot, JTRCIdf$group)
for (l in 1:nrow(classtab)) {
levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l] <- paste0(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l], ": ", paste0(classtab[[l, 1]] ))
if(ncol(classtab) > 1) {
for (g in 2:ncol(classtab)) {
levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l] <-
paste0(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l], " / ", paste0(classtab[[l, g]] ))
if(!useGroups) {
classtab <- table(JTRCIdf$classPlot)
for (l in 1:nrow(classtab)) {
levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l] <- paste0(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[l], ": ", paste0(classtab[[l]] ))
# created vector of plot colours linked to specific level names:
cols <- c( "reliably deteriorated" = "coral1", "no reliable change" = "skyblue3", "reliably improved" = "orchid3")
names(cols) <-
c(levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("reliably deteriorated", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))],
levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("no reliable change", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))],
levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot)[grep("reliably improved", levels(JTRCIdf$classPlot))])
datrangelength <- c(max(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post))) - c(min(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post)))
plotrange <- c( c(min(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post))) - .1*datrangelength, c(max(c(JTRCIdf$pre, JTRCIdf$post))) + .1*datrangelength)
if(facetplot == F) {groupshapes = T
groupfacets = F}
if(facetplot == T) {groupshapes = F
groupfacets = T}
if(!useGroups) {groupshapes = F
groupfacets = F}
if(addJitter) {
jitter <- position_jitter(width = 0.005 * (plotrange[2]- plotrange[1]), height = 0.005 * (plotrange[2]- plotrange[1]))} else
{ jitter <- position_jitter(width = 0, height = 0)}
# a dataframe to define the lines with - this way we can add a legend for the lines to the plot:
linesdf <- data.frame(lineID = c("no change", "+/- 1.96 Sdiff", "+/- 1.96 Sdiff"),
intercept = c(0, 1.96 * Sdiff, -1.96 * Sdiff),
slope = c(1, 1, 1))
linesdf$lineID <- factor(linesdf$lineID, levels = c ("no change", "+/- 1.96 Sdiff"))
RCI_plot <- ggplot(JTRCIdf[!(is.na(JTRCIdf$post > 0)), ], aes(x = pre, y = post, colour = classPlot)) +
geom_abline(data= linesdf, mapping=aes(slope=slope, intercept=intercept, linetype= factor(lineID)), col = "gray50") +
{if(groupfacets) facet_wrap(.~ group , if(length(unique(JTRCIdf$group)) > 3) {2} else {1}) } +
geom_point(size = 2.5, position = jitter) +
{if(!groupshapes)geom_point(size = 2.5, shape = 1, colour = "gray30", position = jitter) } +
{if(groupshapes) aes(shape = group)} +
{if(groupshapes) geom_point(size = 2.5, position = jitter, aes(fill = classPlot))} +
{if(groupshapes) geom_point(size = 2.5, colour = "gray30", position = jitter)} +
theme_classic() +
theme(plot.background = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_blank(),
legend.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "gray95"),
strip.background = element_blank()) +
scale_colour_manual(values = cols) +
scale_fill_manual(values = cols) +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(21: 25)) +
scale_linetype_manual(values=c(1,3,3)) +
guides(colour = guide_legend(order = 1), shape = guide_legend(order = 2), fill = F, alpha = F) +
xlim(plotrange) +
ylim(plotrange) +
title = plottitle,
x = xlab,
y = ylab,
colour = if(classcountsinlegend & (useGroups)) { paste0("reliable change classification \n ", paste(levels(JTRCIdf$group), collapse = "/ "), ":") }
else { ("reliable change \n classification")},
linetype = element_blank()
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