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envFunc: an R package of tools to help with other envPackages

The goal of envFunc is to store functions that help across the other envPackages.


envFunc is not on CRAN.

You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Load envFunc


Add time stamp

add_time_stamp adds the creation time of an object as an attribute.

  temp <- cars %>%

  attr(temp, "ctime")
#> [1] "2024-08-15 09:28:10 ACST"

Add a likelihood classification

  x <- tibble::tibble(x = rbeta(10, 1, 1)) %>%
#> Joining with `by = join_by(likelihood)`

#> # A tibble: 10 × 8
#>        x likelihood             maxVal range         loose very  extreme exceptional
#>    <dbl> <fct>                   <dbl> <fct>         <fct> <fct> <fct>   <fct>      
#>  1 0.530 About as likely as not  0.667 (0.333,0.667] 0     0     0       0          
#>  2 0.718 Likely                  0.9   (0.667,0.9]   -     -     -       -          
#>  3 0.946 Very likely             0.95  (0.9,0.95]    -     --    --      --         
#>  4 0.934 Very likely             0.95  (0.9,0.95]    -     --    --      --         
#>  5 0.997 Virtually certain       1     (0.99,1]      -     --    ---     ----       
#>  6 0.159 Unlikely                0.333 (0.1,0.333]   +     +     +       +          
#>  7 0.832 Likely                  0.9   (0.667,0.9]   -     -     -       -          
#>  8 0.433 About as likely as not  0.667 (0.333,0.667] 0     0     0       0          
#>  9 0.116 Unlikely                0.333 (0.1,0.333]   +     +     +       +          
#> 10 0.773 Likely                  0.9   (0.667,0.9]   -     -     -       -

What else is in envFunc

The following functions and data sets are provided in envFunc. See for more examples.

|object |class |description | |:---------------------------|:--------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------| |envFunc::add_freq_class |function |Convert percentages to frequency classes | |envFunc::add_likelihood |function |Add likelihood based on IPCC thresholds | |envFunc::add_time_stamp |function |Add time stamp | |envFunc::clean_dir |function |Empty a directory | |envFunc::filter_test_func |function |Test rows against a function | |envFunc::first_up |function |Change the first letter of a string to capital | |envFunc::get_or_make |function |Make an object if it is not available from provided file | |envFunc::git_commit_env |function |Add, commit and push all current changes to github | |envFunc::last_ctime |function |Object with the latest code{ctime} attribute | |envFunc::lulikelihood |tbl_df, tbl and data.frame |Dataframe of likelihood thresholds and definitions | |envFunc::lulsa |tbl_df, tbl and data.frame |Lookup for Landscapes South Australia regions | |envFunc::make_aoi |function |Make a region (area) of interest | |envFunc::make_epochs |function |Generate a tibble of epochs. | |envFunc::make_metric_df |function |Use a set of (continuous) columns to choose a good set of rows | |envFunc::make_metric_plot |function |Plot the results from code{make_metric_df} | |envFunc::make_package |function |Make package workflow | |envFunc::make_seasons |function |Make a list of data frames for months and seasons | |envFunc::mirror_directory |function |Mirror a directory | |envFunc::monitor_system |function |Monitor system resources | |envFunc::name_env_out |function |Use meta data to name or parse output paths | |envFunc::numbers2words |function |Convert a numeric to its corresponding english character. | |envFunc::prop_cpu |function |Proportion of current CPU usage | |envFunc::prop_mem |function |Proportion of current memory usage | |envFunc::quibble |function |Make a wide, single row, data frame of quantiles (percentiles) | |envFunc::run |function |Run the scrips in a project | |envFunc::sp_transform_df |function |Transform the coordinates in a dataframe | |envFunc::taxa_label |function |Create a label for a species | |envFunc::timer |function |A (rough) timer | |envFunc::vec_to_sentence |function |Vector to phrase |

Acanthiza/envFunc documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 4:50 a.m.