make_seasons: Make a list of data frames for months and seasons

View source: R/make_seasons.R

make_seasonsR Documentation

Make a list of data frames for months and seasons


Make a list of data frames for months and seasons


make_seasons(start_year, end_year, seasons = NULL, dec_adjust = 1)


start_year, end_year

Numeric. Year of first and last season


Dataframe mapping each month to a season. Default (NULL) will use south hemisphere seasons. Needs columns mon (numeric 1:12), month (character name to use for months) and season (character name of season to use for that month)'


Logical. Adjust the year in which December is used? If TRUE (default) December will be included in the following year's first season (i.e. December 1999 will be included in, say, summer 2000)


List with elements itemluseasonsDataframe. Lookup used to translate months to seasons. Equal to seasons if that was provided by seasons argument itemmonthsDataframe for each month from start_year to end_year, including start and end dates itemseasonsDataframe for each season from start_year to end_year, including start and end dates

Acanthiza/envFunc documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 9:30 a.m.