name_env_out: Create and/or parse output directory paths

View source: R/name_env_out.R

name_env_outR Documentation

Create and/or parse output directory paths


Either create directory path for saving outputs or parse the meta data from an output directory path. The first elements in the list will form directories. The second elements in the list form the name of each directory, separated by "__".


  base_dir = NULL,
  show_null = FALSE,
  return_contexts = TRUE,
  dir_with_context = FALSE,
  all_files = FALSE,
  search_dir = if (is.null(base_dir)) here::here() else NULL,
  reg_exp = NULL,
  remove_dots = TRUE,



Nested list, with two levels, of critical settings (only) for use in output path names. The first elements of the list will return directories. Elements within each of the first elements of the list are concatenated to form the name of each directory (see examples).


Character. Directory prefix to the output path.


Logical. Display "NULL" or "NA" in names (or gsub it out with "").


Logical. If TRUE (default) contexts, directories and path are returned, otherwise just directories and path.


Logical. If FALSE (default) the first elements in set_list are used as prefix to each context, otherwise no prefix is added. Set to TRUE if there are contexts repeated across any elements of set_list.


Logical or numeric. Return files within the path column provided in the resulting dataframe? If numeric, passed to the recurse argument of fs::dir_ls().


Character. Path(s) to search for the path in the returned tibble. Ignored unless base_dir is null. Allows for searching several different paths for the same path in the returned tibble.


Character. Combined with path in the returned tibble to search for files.


Logical. Should . be removed from elements within the list? e.g. 0.95 becomes 095


Passed to fs::dir_ls(). Arguments path and regexp are already provided, so providing them here will cause an error.


Tibble containing:

  • all contexts: named as per the second level elements of set_list

  • directories: a directory for each element in the first level of set_list

  • path: the output path, prepended with base_dir


# a list of settings
settings <- list(extent = list(polygons = "sa_ibrasub_xn"
                               , filt_col = NULL
                               , filt_level = NULL
                               , buffer = 0
                               , temp_ext = "P50Y"
                 , grain = list(x = 90
                                , y = 90
                                , z = "P50Y"
                                , taxonomic = "species"
                 , reliability = list(rel_geo = 10000
                                      , rel_temp = "P10Y"
                 , aoi = list(polygons = "lsa"
                              , filt_col = "LSA"
                              , filt_level = "GA"
                              , buffer = 0

# generate an 'out directory' based on those settings
settings$out_dir <- name_env_out(set_list = settings#[1:4]
                                 , base_dir = here::here("inst", "examples")
                                 , dir_with_context = TRUE


# create the 'out directory'

# put some junk files in the 'out directory'
           , \(x) tempfile(tmpdir = settings$out_dir)
           ) %>%

# use name_env_out to return the list of files, based on the settings
files <- name_env_out(set_list = settings[1:4]
                      , base_dir = here::here("inst", "examples")
                      , dir_with_context = TRUE
                      , all_files = TRUE
                      # dots
                      , recurse = TRUE
                      ) %>%
  tidyr::unnest(cols = c(files)
                , keep_empty = TRUE


# clean up
# fs::dir_delete(settings$out_dir) # only run this if you're sure it is safe
rm(settings, files)

Acanthiza/envFunc documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 9:30 a.m.