Man pages for Acanthiza/envFunc
Functions to help with Environmental Science

add_freq_classConvert percentages to frequency classes
add_likelihoodAdd likelihood based on IPCC thresholds
add_time_stampAdd time stamp
clean_dirEmpty a directory
filter_test_funcTest rows against a function
first_upChange the first letter of a string to capital
get_or_makeMake an object if it is not available from provided file
git_commit_envAdd, commit and push all current changes to github
last_ctimeObject with the latest 'ctime' attribute
lulikelihoodDataframe of likelihood thresholds and definitions
lulsaLookup for Landscapes South Australia regions
make_aoiMake a region (area) of interest
make_epochsGenerate a tibble of epochs.
make_metric_dfUse a set of (continuous) columns to choose a good set of...
make_metric_plotPlot the results from 'make_metric_df'
make_packageMake package workflow
make_seasonsMake a list of data frames for months and seasons
mirror_directoryMirror a directory
monitor_systemMonitor system resources
name_env_outUse meta data to name or parse output paths
numbers2wordsConvert a numeric to its corresponding english character.
pipePipe operator
prop_cpuProportion of current CPU usage
prop_memProportion of current memory usage
quibbleMake a wide, single row, data frame of quantiles...
runRun the scrips in a project
sp_transform_dfTransform the coordinates in a dataframe
taxa_labelCreate a label for a species
timerA (rough) timer
vec_to_sentenceVector to phrase
Acanthiza/envFunc documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 4:50 a.m.