Man pages for AdamCottrill/glfishr
Fetch fisheries assessment data from the FN Portal

add_missing_fn012Add FN012 record for missing SPC-GRPs
add_special_filtersAdd special filter options to selected endpoints
api_to_dataframeGiven a url submit the request and return the results as a...
append_dataAppend data-frame to Access table
assign_fn012_sizesamPopulate FN012.SIZSAM based
augment_fn012Augment the FN012 data
build_query_stringGiven a list of filters return a url query string
check_filtersCheck the filters against api filters
download_pt_filesdownload_pt_files - Download reports or associated files from...
fetch_fn012_protocol_dataFetch FN012 data for lake-protocols
fetching_reportReport fetching activity to the console
fetch_pt_associated_filesfetch_pt_associated_files - Project Tracker Reports
fetch_pt_reportsfetch_pt_reports - Project Tracker Reports
fetch_sc012_protocol_dataFetch SC012 data for a lake
fetch_tfat_lookupsFetch the values from the tfat lookup api endpoint
fill_missing_fn012_limitsFill missing FN012 size limits
get_ageprep1Get age preparation 1 options - A list of age preparation 1...
get_ageprep2Get age preparation 2 options - A list of age preparation 2...
get_agestGet aging structure options - A list of aging structure codes...
get_Angler_AnswersGet Angler Answers from Creel Portal API
get_Angler_QuestionsGet Angler Questions from Creel Portal API
get_api_filtersCreate global list of available API filters
get_assessment_dataconnect the api and get data from assessment portal
get_bottom_typesGet bottom types - A list of bottom types used in GLIS
get_clip_codesGet clip code options - A list of clip codes used in GLIS
get_common_portal_rootInternal function to url to the common api.
get_cover_typesGet cover types - A list of cover types used in GLIS
get_credentialsGet GLIS Credentials
get_creel_dataconnect the api and get data from the creel portal
get_domainInternal func to get the domain for the GLIS api's
get_fisheries_officesGet fisheries office options - A list of fisheries office...
get_flen2tlenGet FLEN~TLEN regression coefficients GLIS API
get_FN011Get FN011 - Project meta data from FN_Portal API
get_FN012Get FN012 - Sampling specs (species and group) from FN_Portal...
get_FN012_ProtocolGet FN012_Protocol - Sampling specs (species and group) for a...
get_FN013Get FN013 - Gear Description Data FN_Portal API
get_FN022Get FN022 - Season Strata Data FN_Portal API
get_FN026Get FN026 - Spatial Strata Data FN_Portal API
get_FN026_SubspaceGet FN026_subspace - Spatial Strata Data FN_Portal API
get_FN028Get FN028 - Fishing Modes from FN_Portal API
get_FN121Get FN121 - Net set data from FN_Portal API
get_FN121_ElectrofishingGet FN121_Electrofishing - Electrofishing data from FN_Portal...
get_FN121_GPS_TracksGet FN121_GPS - GPS data from FN_Portal API
get_FN121_LimnoGet FN121_Limno - Net set limnological data from FN_Portal...
get_FN121_TrapnetGet FN121_Trapnet - Trapnet data from FN_Portal API
get_FN121_TrawlGet FN121_Trawl - Trawl data from FN_Portal API
get_FN121_WeatherGet FN121_Weather - Weather data from FN_Portal API
get_FN122Get FN122 - Effort data from FN_Portal API
get_FN123Get FN123 - Catch Counts from FN_Portal API
get_FN123_NonFishGet FN123_NonFish - Catch Counts of Non-Fish species from...
get_FN124Get FN124 - Length Frequency Counts from FN_Portal API
get_FN125Get FN125 - Biological data from FN_Portal API
get_FN125_LampreyGet FN125_Lam - Lamprey Wound data from FN_Portal API
get_FN125_TagsGet FN125_Tags - Tagging data from FN_Portal API
get_FN126Get FN126 - Diet data from FN_Portal API
get_FN127Get FN127 - Age data from FN_Portal API
get_fn_portal_rootInternal function to url to the FN_Portal api.
get_gearGet Gear List from the FN_Portal API
get_gear_process_typesGet Gear Effort Process Types from the FN_Portal API
get_grid5sGet 5-minute grids - A list of 5-minute grids for the Great...
get_grid5s_from_pointsGet 5-minute grids from an array of points
get_gruseGet gear use options - A list of gear use codes used in GLIS
get_lakesGet lakes - A list of lake names and abbreviations used in...
get_management_unitsGet management units - A list of management units in GLIS
get_mu_listGet list of lake management unit types from GLIS API
get_orientationsGet orientation options - A list of orientation codes used in...
get_prj_leadsGet project leads - A list of project leads used in GLIS
get_project_leadsGet project leads - A list of project leads used in GLIS
get_project_typesGet project type options - A list of project type codes used...
get_pt_abstractsget_pt_abstracts - Project Tracker Abstracts
get_pt_associated_filesget_pt_associated_files - Project Tracker Associated Files
get_pt_nr_milestonesget_pt_nr_milestones - Project Tracker Non-report Milestones
get_pt_pointsget_pt_points - Project Tracker Points
get_pt_portal_rootInternal function to url to the PT_Portal api.
get_pt_projectsget_pt_projects - Project Tracker Projects
get_pt_reportsget_pt_reports - Project Tracker Reports
get_SC011Get SC011 - Creel Project Metadata from Creel Portal API
get_SC012Get SC012 - Sampling specs (species and group) from Creel...
get_SC012_LakeGet FN012_Lake - Sampling specs (species and group) for a...
get_SC012_ProtocolGet SC012_Protocol - Creel Sampling specs (species and group)...
get_SC022Get SC022 - Season Strata Data from Creel_Portal API
get_SC023Get SC023 - Day Type Data Creel_Portal API
get_SC024Get SC024 - Period Type Data Creel_Portal API
get_SC025Get SC025 - Exception Dates from Creel_Portal API
get_SC026Get SC026 - Spatial Strata Data Creel_Portal API
get_SC026_SubspaceGet SC026_Subspace - Spatial Strata Data Creel_Portal API
get_SC028Get SC028 - Fishing Modes from Creel_Portal API
get_SC111Get SC111 - Creel Interview Logs from Creel_Portal API
get_SC112Get SC112 - Creel Activity Counts from Creel_Portal API
get_SC121Get SC121 - Angler Interviews from Creel_Portal API
get_SC123Get SC123 - Catch Counts from Creel_Portal API
get_SC124Get SC124 - Length Frequency Counts from Creel_Portal API
get_SC125Get SC125 - Biological data from Creel_Portal API
get_SC125_LampreyGet SC125_Lamprey - Lamprey Wound data from Creel_Portal API
get_SC125_TagsGet SC125_Tags - Tagging data from SC_Portal API
get_SC126Get SC126 - Diet data from Creel_Portal API
get_SC127Get SC127 - Diet data from Creel_Portal API
get_sc_portal_rootInternal function to url to the SC_Portal api.
get_speciesGet Species list data from Common API
get_Stream_DimensionsGet Stream Dimensions data from FN_Portal API
get_swagger_urlBuild the url to fetch the swagger data for a give app
get_tag_agenciesGet tagging agency options - A list of tagging agency codes...
get_tag_attr_valuesGet the list of values for tag attributes from the TFAT api
get_tag_coloursGet tag colour options - A list of tag colour codes used in...
get_tag_positionsGet tag position options - A list of tag position codes used...
get_tag_typesGet tag types - A list of tag types used in GLIS
get_taxon_tableGet taxon table - A list of fish and non-fish species and...
get_tfat_encountersGet TFAT Tag Encounters
get_tfat_projectsGet TFAT Tagging Projects
get_tfat_recoveriesGet TFAT Tag Recoveries
get_tfat_reportersGet TFAT Tag Reporters
get_tfat_reportsGet TFAT Tag Recovery Reports
get_tfat_rootInternal function to url to the tfat api.
get_tissuesGet tissues - A list of tissue types used in GLIS
get_tokenGet GLIS API token
get_trg_table_namesGet field names for target table
get_vesselsGet vessels - A list of vessel names used in GLIS
join_fn_fieldsPerform transformations to api payload before return data...
parse_swagger_payloadConvert swagger response into named list
pluck_dataframePluck a data-frame from a named list of key-value pairs
populate_dbPopulate target database
populate_fn012Populate the FN012-Sampling Specs Table
populate_geptPopulate Gear-Effort-Process-Type from FN028 and FN121 tables
populate_templatePopulate a GLIS template using the GLIS API
prepare_payloadPerform transformations to api payload before return data...
prune_unused_fn012Remove FN012 records without matching FN123 records
refresh_filtersRefresh the global api filter list
show_filtersShow filters available on the provided api endpoint
sync_fldsSynchornize fields in dataframe to match a database table
uncount_tallyUncount Tallies
validate_glis_dataCheck data returned from api before inserting into template
AdamCottrill/glfishr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2024, 5:47 p.m.