
### =========================================================================
### Set operations
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### The methods below are endomorphisms with respect to their first argument
### 'x'. They propagate the names and metadata columns.

setMethod("union", c("Hits", "Hits"),
    function(x, y)
        ## callNextMethod() is broken in R <= 3.4 if there is another "union"
        ## generic in the cache (which is the case e.g. if the user loads the
        ## lubridate package). So we avoid its use for now.
        #as(callNextMethod(as(x, "Hits"), as(y, "Hits")), class(x))
        as(union.Vector(as(x, "Hits"), as(y, "Hits")), class(x))
AdamLeckenby/S4Vectors_Fix documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:42 p.m.