estimateDataDomain: Estimates the calendar date domain of a 14C dataset

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estimateDataDomainR Documentation

Estimates the calendar date domain of a 14C dataset


Estimates the approximate date range of a 14C dataset, in calendar time


estimateDataDomain(data, calcurve)



A dataframe of 14C dates. Requires 'age' and 'sd', and at least one of 'site' and 'phase'. Optional 'datingType' to include '14C' and anything else.


A calibration curve object. Choose from intcal20 (default), shcal20, intcal13 or shcal13.


Since dates are derived from normal (or log normal) distributions, they have no absolute cut off point. However, in practice the tail of a PDF rapidly becomes vanishingly small, so a date range can be estimated using an arbitrarily large interval of the cumulative distribution.


Returns a vector of two calendar dates BP.


# a single date within the 14C range 5000 to 10000
data <- data.frame(
		age = round(runif(1,5000,10000)), 
		sd = 3,
		datingType = '14C'
estimateDataDomain(data, calcurve=intcal20)

# 50 dates within the 14C range 5000 to 10000
data <- data.frame(
		age = round(runif(50,5000,10000)), 
		sd = rep(50,50),
		datingType = rep('14C',50)
estimateDataDomain(data, calcurve=intcal20)

AdrianTimpson/ADMUR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 8:39 p.m.