getPhaseModelChoices: Lists currently available models for the PDF of a phase.

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getPhaseModelChoicesR Documentation

Lists currently available models for the PDF of a phase.


Lists currently available models for the PDF of an archaeological phase, the number of parameters, and a brief description \loadmathjax




All the following models models are suitable for modelling individual archaeological phases, or other temporal entities that by their very nature have a start and end (or at least wax and wane into and out of existance), such as an archaeological culture, or archaeological period.

  • 'uniform' is a uniform model requiring two parameters \mjseqnx_max and \mjseqnx_min, with the pdf defined as: \mjsdeqn\frac1x_max - x_min

  • 'norm' is a Gaussian model requiring two parameters \mjseqn\mu and \mjseqn\sigma, with the pdf defined as: ??

  • 'cauchy' is a Cauchy model requiring two parameters \mjseqnl (location) and \mjseqns (scale), with the pdf defined as: \mjsdeqn\frac1\pis\left(1+\Bigl(\fracx-ls\Bigr)^2\right) ^-1

  • 'ellipse' is a semi-ellipse (top arch) requiring two parameters \mjseqnx_max and \mjseqnx_min, with the pdf defined as:



AdrianTimpson/ADMUR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 8:39 p.m.