phaseModel: Posterior parameter estimation of a phase model

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phaseModelR Documentation

Posterior parameter estimation of a phase model


Calibrates 14C dates in a phase and calculates joint posterior parameter probabilities and point estimates (weighted mean) of a simple parameteric phase model


phaseModel(data, calcurve, prior.matrix, model, plot = FALSE)



A dataframe of 14C dates. Requires 'age' and 'sd'.


A calibration curve object. Choose from intcal20 (default), shcal20, intcal13 or shcal13.


A matrix of prior probabilities of the two model parameters. Row names and col names are the parameter values.


Specify the model used for the phase distribution. Choose from 'norm', 'ellipse'


By default (TRUE) will plot the calibrated 14C dates, the posterior probability surface of the parameters, and the model using the (weighted) mean posterior point esimates.


Function to combine the prior probabilities of the phase model parameters, with the evidence of the 14C dates at that phase.


Returns a list of various objects, including: PD (the Probability Densities of each calibrated 14C date); posterior (the posterior probabilites of the model parameters); and the weighted mean posterior parameter estimates.


	calcurve <- intcal20

	# 10 random 14C dates
	N <- 10
	age <- uncalibrateCalendarDates(rnorm(N,6350,350), calcurve)
	sd <- rep(25,N)
	data <- data.frame(age,sd)

	# specify the prior probabilities of the parameter values of a gaussian model in a matrix
	mu.range <- c(5500,7000)
	sigma.range <- c(5,700)
	prior.matrix <- matrix(1,150,150); prior.matrix <- prior.matrix/sum(prior.matrix)
	row.names(prior.matrix) <- seq(min(mu.range),max(mu.range),length.out=nrow(prior.matrix))
	colnames(prior.matrix) <- seq(min(sigma.range),max(sigma.range),length.out=ncol(prior.matrix))

	# generate the posterior parameter probabilities
	pm <- phaseModel(data, calcurve, prior.matrix, model='norm', plot=TRUE)

AdrianTimpson/ADMUR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 8:39 p.m.