
Defines functions EEcollectionToMultiband

Documented in EEcollectionToMultiband

#' Convert a GEE collection to multiband image
#' @param collection Either a character string with the name of the collection
#' we want to use or a GEE collection produced with \code{ee$ImageCollection()}.
#' See \href{https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/datasets/catalog}{GEE catalog}.
#' @param dates A character vector with two elements c(start, end). Format must be
#' "yyyy-mm-dd".
#' @param band Select a specific band from the collection. Only one band from
#' the collection can be processed at a time.
#' @param group_type The type of grouping we want to perform. This has to be a
#' temporal grouping, either: 'day', 'week', 'month', or 'year'.
#' @param groups An integer vector with values for the group. e.g.
#' \code{2008:2019} will group data into years from 2008 to 2019.
#' @param reducer The summarizing function applied to each group. If reducer is
#' NULL, then the collection is transformed into a multiband image without
#' applying any reduction (each image goes to a band).
#' @param unmask GEE masks missing values, which means they are not used for
#' computing means, counts, etc. Sometimes we might want to avoid this behaviour
#' and use 0 instead of NA. If so, set unmask to TRUE.
#' @return This function transforms an image collection made of a number of images,
#' each representing a variable at different times (e.g. NDVI measures in different
#' months) into a multiband image. Each band in the new image represent a different
#' time. The advantage of a multiband image over an image collection is that we can
#' annotate data with all the bands of an image on a single function call, saving
#' time and data traffic between our machine and GEE servers.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a multi-band image with mean NDVI for each year
#' multiband <- EEcollectionToMultiband(collection = "MODIS/006/MOD13A2",
#'                                      dates = c("2008-01-01", "2020-01-01"),
#'                                      band = "NDVI",                       # You can find what bands are available from GEE catalog
#'                                      group_type = "year",
#'                                      groups = 2008:2019,
#'                                      reducer = "mean",
#'                                      unmask = FALSE)
#' Find mean (mean) NDVI for each pentad and year
#' ee_data <- ee$FeatureCollection(assetId)  # assetId must correspond to an asset in your GEE account
#' pentads_ndvi <- addVarEEimage(ee_data, multiband, "mean")
#' }
EEcollectionToMultiband <- function(collection, dates, band,
                                    group_type, groups,
                                    reducer = NULL,
                                    unmask = FALSE){

        when = "0.3.0",
        what = "ABAP::EEcollectionToMultiband()",
        with = "ABDtools::EEcollectionToMultiband()",
        details = "A new version of EEcollectionToMultiband() is now on package ABDtools (https://github.com/AfricaBirdData/ABDtools).
        The ABAP function has been discontinued",
        id = NULL,
        always = FALSE,
        env = rlang::caller_env(),
        user_env = rlang::caller_env(2)

    message("This function has been discontinued. Please, use ABDtools::EEcollectionToMultiband() instead")

AfricaBirdData/ABAP documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 4:41 p.m.