
Defines functions uniqueNodePositions

# ' @export
# ' @import igraph
# ' @param rank This is the Rank of the maze.
# ' @param satPercent Percentage of saturation.
# ' @param seed Returns a unique node distribution specific to the local computer.
# ' @description The function returns a black nodes distribution with a single unique solution and seed number
# ' @details The function returns a black nodes distribution with a single unique solution and seed number
# ' @author Aiden Loe and Maria Sanchez
# ' @title Unique Node Positions
# '  @examples \dontrun{
# '
# ' rank <- 5
# ' satPercent <- 0.5
# '
# ' #Searches for just one unique solution
# ' justOne <- genUniqueSolution(rank,satPercent,11)
# '
# ' #Black nodes distribution for single unique solution + seed number
# ' uniqueNodePositions(rank,satPercent,justOne)
# '
# ' np(rank,satPercent,seed=justOne)
# '}

uniqueNodePositions <- function(rank,satPercent, seed){
  while (num>1){

  nodePosition <-  np(rank, satPercent,seed)
  listObject <- list(nodePosition,seed)
  names(listObject) <- c("colourNodePosition","seed")
Aidenloe/mazeGen documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:34 p.m.