
#' T == NA -> F Operator
#' @param left Left side of operator
#' @param right right side of operator
#' @description Replicates `==` behavior, but returns F instead of NA when making comparisons
#' of <exists> == NA. NA == NA still returns missing when comparing equal length
#' vectors.
#' Left and Right sides must be same length, or one of them length 1.
#' Equal length vectors will return vector of point-wise comparisons between the two
#' If left or right is length 1, it compares it to the entire other vector, returning
#' a vector of logicals comparing to each place.
#' @return vector of logicals
#' @examples
#' colors = c("red","blue")
#' Col_Samp1 = sample(c(colors,NA), size = 10, replace = T, prob = c(.5,.2,.3))
#' Col_Samp2 = sample(c(colors,NA), size = 10, replace = T, prob = c(.5,.2,.3))
#' View(t(rbind(Col_Samp1,Col_Samp2,
#'        Col_Samp1  ==  Col_Samp2,
#'        Col_Samp1 %==% Col_Samp2)))
#' View(t(rbind(Col_Samp1,Col_Samp2,
#'        'red'  ==  Col_Samp1,
#'        'red' %==% Col_Samp1)))
#' T  ==  NA
#' T %==% NA
#' NA  ==  NA
#' NA %==% NA

`%==%` = function(left,right){

  if(xor(length(left) == 1,length(right) == 1)){
    inputs = list(left,right)
    lengths = unlist(lapply(inputs,length))

    lil = inputs[[which(lengths == 1)]]
    right = inputs[[which(lengths != 1)]]

    left = rep(lil, times = length(right))
  results = logical(length(left))
  for(i in 1:length(left)){
    if(is.na(left[i]) & is.na(right[i])) {
      results[i] = NA
      results[i] = left[i] == right[i]
      if(is.na(right[i])) {
        results[i] = F
      if(is.na(left[i] )) {
        results[i] = F
Ajfrick/AVRCHelp documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:34 a.m.