
Defines functions splitDensity

Documented in splitDensity

#' splitDensity
#' @description Density plots of the split value for each variable.
#' @param trees A list of trees created using the trees function.
#' @param data Data frame containing variables from the model.
#' @param bandWidth Bandwidth used for density calculation. If not provided, is estimated from the data.
#' @param panelScale If TRUE, the default, relative scaling is calculated separately for each panel.
#'  If FALSE, relative scaling is calculated globally.
#'  @param scaleFactor A scaling factor to scale the height of the ridgelines relative to the spacing between them.
#'   A value of 1 indicates that the maximum point of any ridgeline touches the baseline right above,
#'   assuming even spacing between baselines.
#' @param display Choose how to display the plot. Either histogram, facet wrap, ridges
#' or display both the split value and density of the predictor by using dataSplit.
#' @param scaleFactor A numerical value to scale the plot.
#' @return A faceted group of density plots
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' if(requireNamespace("dbarts", quietly = TRUE)){
#'  # Load the dbarts package to access the bart function
#'  library(dbarts)
#'  # Get Data
#'  df <- na.omit(airquality)
#'  # Create Simple dbarts Model For Regression:
#'  set.seed(1701)
#'  dbartModel <- bart(df[2:6], df[, 1], ntree = 5, keeptrees = TRUE, nskip = 10, ndpost = 10)
#'  # Tree Data
#'  trees_data <- extractTreeData(model = dbartModel, data = df)
#'  splitDensity(trees = trees_data, data = df, display = 'ridge')
#' }
#' @export

splitDensity <- function(trees,
                         bandWidth = NULL,
                         panelScale = NULL,
                         scaleFactor = NULL,
                         display = "histogram") {

  if (!(display %in% c("histogram", "ridge", "density", 'dataSplit'))) {
    stop("display must be \"histogram\", \"ridge\", \"density\", or \"dataSplit\"")

  # get just the variable and split value
  tt <- trees$structure %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(var, splitValue) %>%

  # create plotting order to match order of data
  nam <- trees$varName
  tt$var <- factor(tt$var, levels = nam)

  varNames <- unique(tt$var)

  # create plot

  if (display == "density") {
    dPlot <- tt %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = splitValue)) +
      geom_density(aes(colour = var, fill = var)) +
      facet_wrap(~var) +
      theme_bw() +
      ylab("Density") +
      xlab("Split value") +
      theme(legend.position = "none")
  } else if (display == "ridge") {
    dPlot <- tt %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = splitValue, y = var, fill = stat(x))) +
      ggridges::geom_density_ridges(aes(fill = var, alpha = 0.1)) +
      ylab("Variable") +
      xlab("Split value") +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(legend.position = "none")
  } else if(display == "histogram") {
    dPlot <- tt %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = splitValue)) +
      geom_histogram(aes(colour = var, fill = var), bins = 30) +
      facet_wrap(~var) +
      theme_bw() +
      ylab("Density") +
      xlab("Split value") +
      theme(legend.position = "none")
  }else if(display == 'dataSplit'){
    if (!requireNamespace("ggridges", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"ggridges\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)

    dataIdx <- which((names(data) %in% varNames))
    dat <- data[, dataIdx]

    meltDat <- utils::stack(dat)
    colnames(meltDat) <- c('value', 'variable')
    names(tt) <- c('variable', 'value')

    dataList <- list(meltDat, tt)
    names(dataList)  <- c('data', 'split_value')
    #dfList <- plyr::ldply(dataList)

    dfList <- rbind(dataList$data, dataList$split_value)
    dfList$.id <- c(rep('data', length(dataList$data$value)),
                    rep('split  \nvalue', length(dataList$split_value$value)))

    dfList <- dfList |> select(.id, value, variable)

      bandWidth = 0.2
      bandWidth = bandWidth

      scaleFactor = 0.5
      scaleFactor = scaleFactor

    dPlot <- dfList %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = value, y = .id, fill = stat(x))) +
      ggridges::geom_density_ridges(bandwidth = bandWidth,
                                    scale = scaleFactor,
                                    aes(fill = .id,
                                        alpha = 0.1),
                                    panel_scaling = panelScale) +
      ylab("") +
      xlab("Value") +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(legend.position = "none")

AlanInglis/BartVis documentation built on July 27, 2024, 12:02 a.m.