Man pages for AmyOlex/RNASeqBits
Short Scripts to Support RNA-Seq Data Analysis in R

analyze.contrastTakes in a dds DESeq2 object and extracts results for a...
calc.percentSpeciesExpressionCalculates the percent of gene expression for each listed...
calc.tpmCalculates the TPM values for RNA-seq data.
center.paletteCalculates a color palette where zero values are centered at... a data frame of factors into a list of numerical...
deep.heatmapCreates an annotated heatmap from DeepTools multiBamSummary...
filter.removeZeroSumRowsRemoves all rows of a matrix or dataframe where the row sum...
load.subreadFormatImports raw read counts from SudRead's featureCounts()...
AmyOlex/RNASeqBits documentation built on Jan. 26, 2024, 7:08 a.m.