af.lda: Function af.lda

af.ldaR Documentation

Function af.lda


Applies topicmodels::LDA to a character vector containing documents.


af.lda(data = c("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p", "a b c Hello World"),
  k = 2:10, alpha = NULL, delta = NULL, method = "Gibbs",
  seed1 = 0, control = list(nstart = 1, seed = NULL, alpha = NULL,
  delta = NULL, best = T, burnin = 4000, iter = 1000, thin = 500),
  dtm = NULL, stopwords = NULL, attrData = F, plot.kLDA = T,
  trace = T, lowercase = T)



Character vector containing data.


Number of topics. If length(k)>1, kLDA will be applied to suggest an optimal number of topics.

AndreasFischer1985/quantqual documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:55 p.m.