af.stm: Function af.stm

af.stmR Documentation

Function af.stm


Applies stm::stm to a character vector containing documents.


af.stm(data = c("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p", "a b c Hello World"),
  k = 2:10, lower.thresh = 0, lowercase = T, removestopwords = F,
  removenumbers = F, removepunctuation = T, stem = F,
  language = "german", wordLengths = c(0, Inf), sparselevel = 1,
  verbose = TRUE, onlycharacter = FALSE, striphtml = F, seed1 = 0,
  attrData = F, plot.kSTM = T, init.type = "LDA", ...)



Character vector containing data.


Number of topics. If length(k)>1, kSTM will be applied to suggest an optimal number of topics.

AndreasFischer1985/quantqual documentation built on June 20, 2022, 4:55 p.m.