siarplotdata: Produces plots of target data and sources

Description Usage Arguments Details Author(s)


Produces colourful scatter plots of siar target data and sources.


siarplotdata(siardata, siarversion = 0, grp=1:siardata$numgroups,panel=NULL,



A list containing some or all of the following parts: targets, sources, corrections, PATH, TITLE, numgroups, numdata, numsources, numiso, SHOULDRUN, GRAPHSONLY, EXIT, and output. For more details of these inputs see the siarmenu function.


The siar version number as a string.


A vector containing the groups of target consumer data to be rendered on the graph. Default value NULL draws all groups. Groups are identified by their own data marker.


A scalar value that determines if the groups of consumer data are to be drawn on the same graph (default=NULL) or on seperate panels within a single figure. Number of rows and columns of panels can be specified by a 2 element vector. Alternatively, giving a single value e.g. panel=1 will cause the program to attempt to fit a "reasonable" number of panels to each row and column.


A two element vector containing the reference to each isotope combination for the x and y axis to be rendered in teh figure. Note, only relevant for datasets contianing >2 isotopes. By default, if there are more than two isotopes, seperate figures will be created for all possible combinations of isotopes.


A scalar determining how the legend is to be created. Default leg=1 prompts the user to locate the legend on each figure. leg = 2, puts the legend in a new figure automatically (useful if you want to omit the legend but still want to retain access to the information). leg = 0 omits the legend entirely.


An option to set the color for source itmes by users themselves. There are 20 different colors set by default as "color.src = NULL". Notes, the length of 'color.src' should be same as the number of "source items"!


Can be called at any time after running siarloaddata or when running siarmenu


Andrew Parnell and Andrew Jackson

AndrewLJackson/siar documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:59 a.m.