
Defines functions sensiAn1

#' superceded sensitivity analysis first attempt - not used in the paper analysis
#' @param nScenarios number of scenarios 
#' @param ... parameter ranges to pass to \code{\link{setInputSensiScenarios}} in form c(min,max)
#' @examples
#' #sensiAn1( P_1=c(0,0.5) )
#' #inputAndResults <- sensiAn1( h.RS1_A0=c(0.1,1))
#' #colnames(inputAndResults)
#' #inputAndResults <- sensiAn1( h.RS1_A0=c(0.1,1), h.RS2_0B=c(0.1,1) )
#' #inputAndResults <- sensiAn1(500, h.RS1_A0=c(0.1,1), h.RS2_0B=c(0.1,1), 
#' #                              s.RR1_A0=c(0.2,1), s.RR2_0B=c(0.2,1))
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
sensiAn1 <- function( nScenarios = 10,
                      ... )

  input <- setInputSensiScenarios( nScenarios = nScenarios, ... )
  #input <- setInputSensiScenarios( nScenarios = nScenarios)  

  #run the model using input which sets num scenarios
  #suppress plotting to speed
  listOut <- runModel2(input, produce.plots = FALSE)
  #plot all scenario results on top of each other
  #extract timetoFifty from listOUt
  #todo replace with my own func
  #note this is currently locus1
  ttf <- timetoFifty(locus=1, max_gen=100, listOut$results, input)
  #paste on to input
  inputAndResults <- rbind(input,ttf)
  #transpose input, add results column extracted from listOut
  inputAndResults <- t(inputAndResults)
  #convert to a dataframe
  inputAndResults <- data.frame(inputAndResults)
  #try a classification tree
  #but may need to simplify outcome to 0/1 ??
  #this from rpart vignette
  #creates a factor for response var to improve labelling
  #outcome <- factor(inputAndResults$Gens.to.0.5, levels = 0:1, labels = c("No", "Prog"))
  #NAs are where 0.5 resistance not reached, convert them to 99 for now
  inputAndResults$Gens.to.0.5[is.na(inputAndResults$Gens.to.0.5)] <- 999
  inputAndResults$res <- cut(inputAndResults$Gens.to.0.5, breaks=c(0,50,9999),labels=c("<=50",">50"))

  #uh-oh2! need to exclude nScenarios from argString if it has been passed
  #using match.call to set the predictors to those passed by the user
  #1 get the arg names (exclude function name at item1)
  argString <- names(match.call())[-1]
  #2 exclude nScenarios if present
  argString <- argString[argString!="nScenarios"]
  #3 collapse="+" adds a + between each arg
  argString <- paste(argString, collapse="+")

  #uh-oh1!! seems that my eval bit adds all the args together before putting them in the model.

  #temporary flag to allow tree to be set on & off
  doTree <- FALSE
  if (doTree)
    #using as.formula like this sorts uh-oh1
    tree <- rpart::rpart(as.formula(paste("res ~",argString)), data = inputAndResults, method = 'class')  
    #2 hardcoded args
    #tree <- rpart(res ~ h.RS1_A0 + h.RS2_0B, data = inputAndResults, method = 'class')
    #4 hardcoded args
    #tree <- rpart(res ~ h.RS1_A0 + h.RS2_0B + s.RR1_A0 + s.RR2_0B, data = inputAndResults, method = 'class')
    #todo look at minsplit more
    #including susanahs code to reduce branches using minsplit
    #tree <- rpart(res ~ h.RS1_A0 + h.RS2_0B + s.RR1_A0 + s.RR2_0B, data = inputAndResults, method = 'class', control=rpart.control(minsplit=50))
    #? do these work within function ?
    plot(tree) #plots tree
    text(tree) #labels tree
    #pruning tree
    #   treePruned <- prune(tree, cp=tree$cptable[which.min(tree$cptable[,"xerror"]),"CP"])
    #   plot(treePruned) #plots tree
    #   text(treePruned) #labels tree    
  #can just separate out the data that is used in the model
  #forCT <- inputAndResults[c('h.RS1_A0','h.RS2_0B','res')]
  #cfit <- rpart(res ~ h.RS1_A0 + h.RS2_0B, data = forCT, method = 'class')

  #may want to return inputAndResults from this func
  #and then return tree or treePruned from another func
  #BUT then also would need to return arglist somehow
AndySouth/resistance documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 3:39 a.m.