
# data-raw/data_download_script.r

# getting data into rnaturalearth for admin NOT for users reproducible workflow
# allowing package data to be updated e.g. when there are updates to Natural
# Earth. just by sourcing this script need also to source the same named script
# in rnaturalearthdata and rnaturalearthhires

# one example file in rnaturalearth
# scale 110 and 50 files in rntauralearthdata
# scale 10 files in rntauralearthhires


countries110 <- ne_download(scale = 110, type = "countries", category = "cultural")

# to allow same operation on all data objects in the package
data_object_names <- data(package = "rnaturalearth")[["results"]][, "Item"]

# saving data files to correct folder in the package relies on working directory
# being set to root of the package BEWARE circular that it uses list of existing
# data in package new data would have to be added outside of this

# to do for all data objects in package
for (i in 1:length(data_object_names)) {
  data_name <- data_object_names[i]
  # eval(parse(text=paste0("save(",data_name,", file='data/",data_name,".rda'")))
  # this sorts compression
  eval(parse(text = paste0("usethis::use_data(", data_name, ", compress='xz', overwrite=TRUE)")))
AndySouth/rnaturalearth documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 9:25 p.m.