
Defines functions rnorta

Documented in rnorta

#' Simulating Random Vectors using the NORTA Method
#' Utility function to simulate random vectors with predefined marginal
#' distributions via the NORTA method.
#' Checks are made to ensure that \code{cor.matrix} is a positive definite
#' correlation matrix. The positive definiteness of \code{cor.matrix} is
#' assessed via eigenvalues.
#' The \eqn{t}-th character string in \code{distr} indicates the quantile
#' function of the \eqn{t}-th marginal distribution. See
#' \code{\link{Distributions}} for the most common distributions. Quantile
#' functions supported by other R packages are allowed provided that these
#' packages have been uploaded first. However, note that no checks are made to
#' ensure that the character strings in \code{distr} correspond to valid names
#' of quantile functions.
#' If \code{qparameters = NULL} then the default parameter values for the
#' quantile functions specified by \code{distr} are used. Otherwise,
#' \code{qparameters} should be provided as a list of \code{ncol(cor.matrix)}
#' lists such that the \eqn{t}-th list contains the desired parameter values of
#' the \eqn{t}-th quantile function.
#' @param R integer indicating the sample size.
#' @param cor.matrix matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the
#' multivariate normal distribution employed in the NORTA method.
#' @param distr character string vector of length \code{ncol(cor.matrix)}
#' naming the quantile functions of the desired marginal distributions.
#' @param qparameters list of \code{ncol(cor.matrix)} lists indicating the
#' parameter values of the quantile functions specified by \code{distr}.
#' @return Returns \code{R} random vectors of size \code{ncol(cor.matrix)} with
#' marginal distributions specified by \code{distr} (and \code{qparameters}).
#' @author Anestis Touloumis
#' @references Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) \emph{Modeling and
#' generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and
#' correlation matrix}. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering
#' and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
#' Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with
#' specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. \emph{IEEE
#' Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics} \bold{5}, 557--561.
#' Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses
#' under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. \emph{The R
#' Journal} \bold{8}, 79--91.
#' @examples
#' ## An example with standard logistic as marginal distribution.
#' set.seed(1)
#' sample_size <- 1000
#' latent_correlation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, rep(0.8, 2)))
#' latent_correlation_matrix
#' common_marginal_distribution <- rep("qlogis", 3)
#' simulated_logistic_responses <- rnorta(R = sample_size,
#'   cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
#'   distr = common_marginal_distribution)
#' ## The following lines exemplify the NORTA method.
#' set.seed(1)
#' simulated_normal_responses <- rsmvnorm(R = sample_size,
#'   cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix)
#' norta_simulated <- qlogis(pnorm(simulated_normal_responses))
#' all(simulated_logistic_responses == norta_simulated)
#' ## Change the marginal distributions to standard normal, standard
#' ## logistic and standard extreme value distribution.
#' set.seed(1)
#' different_marginal_distributions <- c("qnorm", "qlogis", "qgumbel")
#' simulated_logistic_responses <- rnorta(R = sample_size,
#'   cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
#'   distr = different_marginal_distributions)
#' cor(simulated_logistic_responses)
#' colMeans(simulated_logistic_responses)
#' apply(simulated_logistic_responses, 2, sd)
#' ## Same as above but using parameter values other than the default ones.
#' set.seed(1)
#' qpars <- list(c(mean = 1, sd = 9), c(location = 2, scale = 1),
#'   c(loc = 3, scale = 1))
#' simulated_logistic_responses <- rnorta(R = sample_size,
#'   cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
#'   distr = different_marginal_distributions, qparameters = qpars)
#' cor(simulated_logistic_responses)
#' colMeans(simulated_logistic_responses)
#' apply(simulated_logistic_responses, 2, sd)
#' @export
rnorta <- function(R = R, cor.matrix = cor.matrix, distr = distr, # nolint
                   qparameters = NULL) {
  if (all.equal(R, as.integer(R)) != TRUE | R < 1) {
    stop("'R' must be a positive integer")
  quantile_functions <- as.character(distr)
  ans <- rsmvnorm(R = R, cor.matrix = cor.matrix)
  if (length(quantile_functions) != ncol(cor.matrix)) {
      "'distr' must be a ", ncol(cor.matrix),
      "-variate vector of strings naming a valid quantile function"
  if (!is.null(qparameters)) {
    qparameters <- as.list(qparameters)
    if (length(qparameters) != ncol(cor.matrix)) {
        "'qparameters' must be provided as a list of length ",
  ans <- stats::pnorm(ans)
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(cor.matrix))) {
    quantile_function <- get(quantile_functions[i], mode = "function")
    if (!is.function(quantile_function)) {
      stop("Character string ", i, " in `distr' does not correspond
           to a valid function")
    if (!is.null(qparameters)) {
      )] <- qparameters[[i]]
    ans[, i] <- quantile_function(ans[, i])
AnestisTouloumis/SimCorMultRes documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:55 p.m.