magbar = function(position='topright', range=c(0,1), orient='v', log=FALSE, col=hcl.colors(21), scale=c(1/4,1/20),
inset=1/40, labN=5, title.cex=1, title='', titleshift=0, centrealign='rb', clip='', cex=1, ...){
if (length(inset)==1) {
usercoord = par()$usr
xlogcheck = FALSE
ylogcheck = FALSE
if (par()$xlog) {
par(xlog = FALSE)
par(usr = c(log10(par()$usr[1:2]), par()$usr[3:4]))
xlogcheck = TRUE
if (par()$ylog) {
par(ylog = FALSE)
par(usr = c(par()$usr[1:2], log10(par()$usr[3:4])))
ylogcheck = TRUE
xlo = usercoord[1]
xhi = usercoord[2]
ylo = usercoord[3]
yhi = usercoord[4]
xdiff = xhi - xlo
ydiff = yhi - ylo
if (orient == 'h') {
xl = xlo + xdiff / 2 - xdiff * scale[1] / 2
yb = ylo + ydiff / 2 - ydiff * scale[2] / 2
xr = xlo + xdiff / 2 + xdiff * scale[1] / 2
yt = ylo + ydiff / 2 + ydiff * scale[2] / 2
align = centrealign
if (length(grep('bottom', position)) > 0) {
align = 'lt'
yb = ylo + ydiff * inset[1]
yt = ylo + ydiff * inset[1] + ydiff * scale[2]
if (length(grep('top', position)) > 0) {
align = 'rb'
yb = yhi - ydiff * inset[1] - ydiff * scale[2]
yt = yhi - ydiff * inset[1]
if (length(grep('left', position)) > 0) {
xl = xlo + xdiff * inset[2]
xr = xlo + xdiff * inset[2] + xdiff * scale[1]
if (length(grep('right', position)) > 0) {
xl = xhi - xdiff * inset[2] - xdiff * scale[1]
xr = xhi - xdiff * inset[2]
if (orient == 'v') {
xl = xlo + xdiff / 2 - xdiff * scale[2] / 2
yb = ylo + ydiff / 2 - ydiff * scale[1] / 2
xr = xlo + xdiff / 2 + xdiff * scale[2] / 2
yt = ylo + ydiff / 2 + ydiff * scale[1] / 2
align = centrealign
if (length(grep('bottom', position)) > 0) {
yb = ylo + ydiff * inset[1]
yt = ylo + ydiff * inset[1] + ydiff * scale[1]
if (length(grep('top', position)) > 0) {
yb = yhi - ydiff * inset[1] - ydiff * scale[1]
yt = yhi - ydiff * inset[1]
if (length(grep('left', position)) > 0) {
align = 'rb'
xl = xlo + xdiff * inset[2]
xr = xlo + xdiff * inset[2] + xdiff * scale[2]
if (length(grep('right', position)) > 0) {
align = 'lt'
xl = xhi - xdiff * inset[2] - xdiff * scale[2]
xr = xhi - xdiff * inset[2]
rangetemp = range
legend = maglab(rangetemp, labN, log = log, trim = F, ...)
if (log) {
rangetemp = log10(range)
legend$labat = log10(legend$labat)
roughNscale = (max(legend$labat) - min(legend$labat)) / (rangetemp[2] - rangetemp[1])
if (clip == 'bg') {
clip = 'NA'
colremap = magmap(
data = seq(
length = length(col) * roughNscale
locut = rangetemp[1],
hicut = rangetemp[2],
type = 'num',
range = c(1, length(col)),
clip = clip
col = col[round(colremap, digits = 0)]
if (orient == 'v') {
legend = legend$exp,
rect.col = col,
cex = cex,
align = align,
gradient = 'y'
if (orient == 'h') {
legend = legend$exp,
rect.col = col,
cex = cex,
align = align,
gradient = 'x'
if (orient == 'v' &
align == 'lt') {
xl - (1 + titleshift) * xdiff / 20,
(yt + yb) / 2,
labels = title,
adj = c(0.5, 0.5),
srt = 90,
cex = title.cex
if (orient == 'v' &
align == 'rb') {
xr + (1 + titleshift) * xdiff / 20,
(yt + yb) / 2,
labels = title,
adj = c(0.5, 0.5),
srt = -90,
cex = title.cex
if (orient == 'h' &
align == 'lt') {
text((xl + xr) / 2,
yt + (1 + titleshift) * ydiff / 20,
labels = title,
adj = c(0.5, 0.5),
srt = 0,
cex = title.cex
if (orient == 'h' &
align == 'rb') {
text((xl + xr) / 2,
yb - (1 + titleshift) * ydiff / 20,
labels = title,
adj = c(0.5, 0.5),
srt = 0,
cex = title.cex
par(xlog = xlogcheck)
par(ylog = ylogcheck)
par(usr = usercoord)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.