
Defines functions knn

Documented in knn

#' K Nearest Neighbors
#' Adapted K nearest neighbors based on \code{RcppHNSW}
#' @param query A \code{data.table} containing the set of query points where each row represent a point and each column a given coordinate.
#' @param ref A \code{numeric} containing the set of reference points where each row represent a point and each column a given coordinate.
#' @param k An \code{integer} describing the number of nearest neighbors to search for.
#' @param distance Type of distance to calculate. \code{"euclidean"} as default. Look \code{hnsw_knn} for more options.
#' @param same Logic. If \code{TRUE}, it delete neighbors with distance of 0, useful when the k search is based on the same query.
#' @param threads An \code{integer} specifying the number of threads to use for parallel processing. Experiment to see what works best for your data on your hardware.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, log messages to the console.
#' @param progress If TRUE, log a progress bar when \code{verbose = TRUE}. Tracking progress could cause a small overhead.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{hnsw_build} and \code{hnsw_search}.
#' @return A \code{data.table} with three columns describing the indices of the query, ref, and k neighbors and the distances.
#' @author J. Antonio Guzmán Q.
#' @details
#' This function is based on hnswlib C++ library (Malkov & Yashunin 2016) and
#' its bindings for R (RcppHNSW; Melville 2020) for a fast estimation of neighbors
#' points. It is adapted to simplify the workflow within rTLS.
#' If you use this function, please consider cite the C++ library and
#' \code{RcppHNSW} package.
#' @references
#' Malkov, Y. A., & Yashunin, D. A. (2016). Efficient and robust approximate nearest neighbor search using Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.09320.
#' @importFrom RcppHNSW hnsw_build
#' @importFrom RcppHNSW hnsw_search
#' @seealso \code{\link{radius_search}}
#' @examples
#' #Point cloud
#' data("pc_tree")
#' #knn search using k = 3
#' knn(pc_tree, pc_tree, k = 3, same = TRUE)
#' @export
knn <- function(query, ref, k, distance = "euclidean", same = FALSE, threads = 1L, verbose = FALSE, progress = FALSE, ...) {

  #Initial arguments
  if(progress == TRUE) {
    bar <- "bar"
  } else if(progress == FALSE) {
    bar <- NULL

  if(same == TRUE) {
    k_final = k+1
  } else if(same == FALSE) {
    k_final = k

  #Modifications and estimation using RcppHNSW
  dist <- match.arg(distance, c("l2", "euclidean", "cosine", "ip"))

  neig <- hnsw_build(X = as.matrix(ref),
                     distance = dist,
                     progress = bar,
                     n_threads = threads,
                     verbose = verbose,

  results <- hnsw_search(X = as.matrix(query),
                         ann = neig,
                         k = k_final,
                         progress = bar,
                         n_threads = threads,
                         verbose = verbose,

  index <- cbind(query = 1:nrow(query),
  colnames(index) <- c("query", as.character(c(1:k_final)))
  index_melt <- melt(index,
                     id.vars = c("query"),
                     variable.name = "k_index",
                     value.name = "ref")
  dist <- cbind(query = 1:nrow(query),
  colnames(dist) <- c("query", as.character(c(1:k_final)))
  dist_melt <- melt(dist,
                    id.vars = c("query"),
                    variable.name = "k_index",
                    value.name = "distance")

  #Merge index and distance
  results <- merge(index_melt, dist_melt, by = c("query", "k_index"))
  results <- results[, c(1,3,2,4)]
  results$k_index <- as.numeric(as.character(results$k_index))

  if(same == TRUE) {
    results$k_index <- results$k_index - 1
    results <- subset(results, k_index != 0)


Antguz/rTLS documentation built on Dec. 14, 2021, 9:49 a.m.