
Defines functions KL_net KL_ss process_ss net_ss

Documented in KL_net KL_ss net_ss process_ss

#' Generates list of degree sequences and summary statistics for a mechanistic model
#' @rdname KL_net
#' @param theta_m numeric mechanistic model parameters
#' @param replicates numeric number of replicates
#' @param sorted logical whether to consider the sorted or unsorted degree sequence as the integral statistic
#' @param mech_net function the mechanistic network simulator
#' @param lstat function computes the likelihood statistic
#' @param lapply_opt boolean internal
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' library(StartNetwork)
#' n = 15
#' replicates = 400
#' mech_net_triangles <- purrr::partial(mech_net_triangles_n, n = !!n)
#' lstat = function(x){length(igraph::triangles(x))/3}
#' x = net_ss(
#'  theta_m = 0.3,
#'  replicates = 50,
#'  mech_net = mech_net_triangles,
#'  lstat = lstat
#' )
#' y = process_ss(x, 0.5, mirror = TRUE)
#' reprocess_ss(y, 0.6)
#' @export
net_ss <- function(theta_m, replicates = 1000, sorted = TRUE, mech_net, lstat, lapply_opt = TRUE, ergm = FALSE){

  stopifnot(replicates %% 1 == 0)
  stopifnot(replicates > 0)

      dstat <- function(x){sort.int(as.numeric(igraph::degree(x)))}
    } else {
      dstat <- function(x){as.numeric(igraph::degree(x))}
  } else {
      dstat <- function(x){sort.int(as.numeric(igraph::degree(ergm_to_igraph(x))))}
    } else {
      dstat <- function(x){as.numeric(igraph::degree(ergm_to_igraph(x)))}

  stat_func <- purrr::partial(stat_constructor, dstat = !!dstat, lstat = !!lstat)

  mech_stat <- purrr::compose(stat_func, mech_net)

    g <- lapply(rep(theta_m, replicates), mech_stat)
  } else if(!lapply_opt){
    g <- mech_net(theta_m, nsim = replicates) %>% purrr::map(mech_stat)

  attr(g, "sorted") <- sorted


#' @rdname KL_net
#' @param g output of `net_ss`
#' @param theta_s statistical parameter
#' @param mirror Boolean. whether base measure should be mirrored
#' @param type String: either "Liebenau" or "Bianconi"
#' @export
process_ss <- function(g, theta_s, mirror, type = "Bianconi", entropy_ss = FALSE, degree_triangle = FALSE){
  sorted = attr(g, "sorted")

  ds <- lapply(g, function(x){x$degree})

  lik_sum_stats <- aapply(g, function(x){x$stat}) %>% rowMeans()

  stopifnot(length(lik_sum_stats) == length(theta_s))
  logh <- rowMeans(aapply(ds, number_of_graphs_dd, sorted = sorted, mirror = mirror, type = type))

    triangle_dist <- mapply(triangle_dist_degseq, ds, aapply(g, function(x){x$stat}))
    logT <- mean(log(triangle_dist + 1e-8))
    logh <- logh + logT

    ds <- mapply(function(x, y){c(x,y)}, x = ds, y = aapply(g, function(x){x$stat}), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  entropy <- entropy_calc(ds, hash = TRUE)

  log_lik <- sum(theta_s * lik_sum_stats)

  output <- c(entropy = entropy, logh = logh, log_lik = log_lik)
  attr(output, "lik_sum_stats") <- lik_sum_stats
  #attr(output, "triangle_dist") <-  triangle_dist


#' @export
#' @rdname KL_net
KL_ss <- function(theta_m, theta_s, mirror = TRUE, type = "Bianconi", entropy_ss = FALSE, degree_triangle = FALSE, ...){
  net_ss(theta_m = theta_m, ...) %>%
    process_ss(theta_s = theta_s, mirror = mirror, type = type, entropy_ss = entropy_ss, degree_triangle = degree_triangle)

#' @export
#' @rdname KL_net
KL_net <- function(theta_m, ...){
  -sum(KL_ss(theta_m = theta_m, ...))
AnthonyEbert/StartNetwork documentation built on April 24, 2020, 3:28 a.m.