
Defines functions findConsensusPeakRegions

Documented in findConsensusPeakRegions

#' @title Extract regions sharing features in more than one experiment
#' @description Find regions sharing the same features for a minimum number of
#' experiments using called peaks of signal enrichment based on
#' pooled, normalized data (mainly coming from narrowPeak files).
#' The peaks and narrow peaks are used to identify
#' the consensus regions. The minimum number of experiments that must
#' have at least on peak in a region so that it is retained as a
#' consensus region is specified by user, as well as the size of
#' mining regions. Only the chromosomes specified by the user are treated.
#' The function can be parallized by specifying a number of threads superior
#' to 1.
#' When the padding is small, the detected regions are smaller than
#' the one that could be obtained by doing an overlap of the narrow
#' regions. Even more, the parameter specifying the minimum number of
#' experiments needed to retain a region add versatility to the
#' function.
#' Beware that the side of the padding can have a large effect on
#' the detected consensus
#' regions. It is recommanded to test more than one size and to do
#' some manual validation of the resulting consensus regions before
#' selecting the final padding size.
#' @param narrowPeaks a \code{GRanges} containing
#' called peak regions of signal enrichment based on pooled, normalized data
#' for all analyzed experiments. All \code{GRanges} entries must
#' have a metadata field called "name" which identifies the region to
#' the called peak. All \code{GRanges} entries must also
#' have a row name which identifies the experiment of origin. Each
#' \code{peaks} entry must have an associated \code{narrowPeaks} entry.
#' A \code{GRanges} entry is associated to a \code{narrowPeaks} entry by
#' having a identical metadata "name" field and a identical row name.
#' @param peaks a \code{GRanges} containing called peaks of signal
#' enrichment based on pooled, normalized data
#' for all analyzed experiments. All \code{GRanges} entries must
#' have a metadata field called "name" which identifies the called
#' peak. All \code{GRanges} entries must
#' have a row name which identifies the experiment of origin. Each
#' \code{peaks} entry must have an associated \code{narrowPeaks} entry. A
#' \code{GRanges} entry is associated to a \code{narrowPeaks} entry by having
#' a identical metadata "name" field and a identical row name.
#' @param chrInfo a \code{Seqinfo} containing the name and the length of the
#' chromosomes to analyze. Only the chomosomes contained in this
#' \code{Seqinfo} will be analyzed.
#' @param extendingSize a \code{numeric} value indicating the size of padding
#' on both sides of the position of the peaks median to create the
#' consensus region. The minimum size of the consensus region is
#' equal to twice the value of the \code{extendingSize} parameter.
#' The size of the \code{extendingSize} must be a positive integer.
#' Default = 250.
#' @param expandToFitPeakRegion a \code{logical} indicating if the region size,
#' which is set by the \code{extendingSize} parameter is extended to include
#' the entire narrow peak regions of all peaks included in the unextended
#' consensus region. The narrow peak regions of the peaks added because of the
#' extension are not considered for the extension. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param shrinkToFitPeakRegion a \code{logical} indicating if the region size,
#' which is set by the \code{extendingSize} parameter is shrinked to
#' fit the narrow peak regions of the peaks when all those regions
#' are smaller than the consensus region. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param minNbrExp a positive \code{numeric} or a positive \code{integer}
#' indicating the minimum number of experiments in which at least one peak
#' must be present for a potential consensus region. The numeric must be a
#' positive integer inferior or equal to the number of experiments present
#' in the \code{narrowPeaks} and \code{peaks} parameters. Default = 1.
#' @param nbrThreads a \code{numeric} or a \code{integer} indicating the
#' number of threads to use in parallel. The \code{nbrThreads} must be a
#' positive integer. Default = 1.
#' @return an \code{list} of \code{class} "consensusRanges" containing :
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{call} the matched call.
#' \item \code{consensusRanges} a \code{GRanges} containing the
#' consensus regions.
#' }
#' @author Astrid Deschenes
#' @import BiocGenerics IRanges GenomeInfoDb GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply SnowParam SerialParam
#' multicoreWorkers bpmapply
#' @examples
#' ## Loading datasets
#' data(A549_CTCF_MYN_NarrowPeaks_partial)
#' data(A549_CTCF_MYN_Peaks_partial)
#' data(A549_CTCF_MYJ_NarrowPeaks_partial)
#' data(A549_CTCF_MYJ_Peaks_partial)
#' ## Assigning experiment name "CTCF_MYJ" to first experiment
#' names(A549_CTCF_MYJ_NarrowPeaks_partial) <- rep("CTCF_MYJ",
#'     length(A549_CTCF_MYJ_NarrowPeaks_partial))
#' names(A549_CTCF_MYJ_Peaks_partial) <- rep("CTCF_MYJ",
#'     length(A549_CTCF_MYJ_Peaks_partial))
#' ## Assigning experiment name "CTCF_MYN" to second experiment
#' names(A549_CTCF_MYN_NarrowPeaks_partial) <- rep("CTCF_MYN",
#'     length(A549_CTCF_MYN_NarrowPeaks_partial))
#' names(A549_CTCF_MYN_Peaks_partial) <- rep("CTCF_MYN",
#'     length(A549_CTCF_MYN_Peaks_partial))
#' ## Only choromsome 1 is going to be analysed
#' chrList <- Seqinfo("chr1", 249250621, NA)
#' ## Find consensus regions with both experiments
#' results <- findConsensusPeakRegions(
#'     narrowPeaks = c(A549_CTCF_MYJ_NarrowPeaks_partial,
#'         A549_CTCF_MYN_NarrowPeaks_partial),
#'     peaks = c(A549_CTCF_MYJ_Peaks_partial,
#'         A549_CTCF_MYN_Peaks_partial),
#'     chrInfo = chrList,
#'     extendingSize = 300,
#'     expandToFitPeakRegion = TRUE,
#'     shrinkToFitPeakRegion = FALSE,
#'     minNbrExp = 2,
#'     nbrThreads = 1)
#' ## Print 2 first consensus regions
#' head(results$consensusRanges, 2)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges split
#' @export
findConsensusPeakRegions <- function(narrowPeaks, peaks, chrInfo,
                                extendingSize = 250,
                                expandToFitPeakRegion = FALSE,
                                shrinkToFitPeakRegion = FALSE,
                                minNbrExp = 1L,
                                nbrThreads = 1L) {
    # Get call information
    cl <- match.call()

    # Parameters validation
    findConsensusPeakRegionsValidation(narrowPeaks, peaks, chrInfo,
            extendingSize, expandToFitPeakRegion, shrinkToFitPeakRegion,
            minNbrExp, nbrThreads)

    # Change minNbrExp to integer
    minNbrExp = as.integer(minNbrExp)

    # Select the type of object used for parallel processing
    nbrThreads <- as.integer(nbrThreads)
    if (nbrThreads == 1 || multicoreWorkers() == 1) {
        coreParam <- SerialParam()
    } else {
        coreParam <- SnowParam(workers = nbrThreads)

    # Detect if narrowPeaks are needed or not
    areNarrowPeaksUsed <- expandToFitPeakRegion | shrinkToFitPeakRegion

    # Preparing peak data
    peaksSplit <- split(peaks, seqnames(peaks))

    selectedPeaksSplit <- peaksSplit[names(peaksSplit) %in%

    # Preparing narrow peaks data
    if (areNarrowPeaksUsed) {
        narrowPeaksSplit <- split(narrowPeaks, seqnames(narrowPeaks))

        selectedNarrowPeaksSplit <- narrowPeaksSplit[names(narrowPeaksSplit)
                                                    %in% seqnames(chrInfo)]
    } else {
        selectedNarrowPeaksSplit <- selectedPeaksSplit

    # Running each chromosome on a separate thread
    results <- bpmapply(findConsensusPeakRegionsForOneChrom,
                        chrName = names(selectedPeaksSplit),
                        allPeaks = selectedPeaksSplit,
                        allNarrowPeaks = selectedNarrowPeaksSplit,
                        MoreArgs = c(extendingSize = extendingSize,
                        expandToFitPeakRegion = expandToFitPeakRegion,
                        shrinkToFitPeakRegion = shrinkToFitPeakRegion,
                        minNbrExp = minNbrExp, chrList = chrInfo),
                        BPPARAM = coreParam)

    # Creating result list
    z <- list(call = cl,
                consensusRanges = unlist(GRangesList((results)),
                recursive = TRUE,
                use.names = FALSE))


ArnaudDroitLab/consensusSeekeR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 6:45 p.m.